My First Grow Ever! I'm Excited!

Wow, it's been like a ghost town in here the last couple days! Everyone lose interest? I know it doesn't really get that interesting for a lot of people unless there is some sort of issue/drama or it's harvest time, but damn... lol

Not like I don't still have plenty of questions.
from what i read u can veg flower a plant under mh
but i dont know if its true for the oposite
i mean im sure you can but
the light spectrums are different
i dont know or think there is any blue in the hps
from what i read u can veg flower a plant under mh
but i dont know if its true for the oposite
i mean im sure you can but
the light spectrums are different
i dont know or think there is any blue in the hps

There is blue it's just not as prominent as the red in HPS, have a few friends that use HPS the whole way through n don't have any problems, and seem to have very respectable yields. There is a chart on the back or side of most HPS grow light boxes that show the different spectrums and their intensity in that particular bulb.

Their appear to be more and more roots coming out from the bottom of the medium holder and reaching the water as well! There are so many pistols popping out I can no longer seem to keep track of them all... I'm trying to stay on top of the water temperature issue but it is getting harder and harder each day. I really need to get a A/C unit in the room soon now that there are roots in the water. I don't like the roots being down in the water if I can't keep it cooll enough. I need to buy more thermometers as well so I have one for each res since they are all separate...
I am getting more excited every day now. The AP#1 plant is growing at a tremendous rate and some of the roots look so thick they appear to be too large to completely fit through the holes at the bottom of the bucket, but that just means the roots that don't fit will have to find a different hole to go down. I am a little affraid that if the roots keep coming at this rate I may have to poke even more holes in the bottom of each meadium holder, and I already poked quite a few extra before I began using them. Guess this is a good problem to have if there is such a thing!

The three I germinated about a week ago are coming along nicely as well. They have all sprouted and I am determined to keep a close eye on them so they don't get stressed so severely it stunts their growth like the last time.

Last time it literally happened over night! I think my gf may have peeked on them before we went to bed and tried to water them because when I woke up the next morning the rapid rooters were completely water logged and most if not all of my seedlings that had just germinated were no longer supporting themselves and had incredibly weak spots on each stem... Needless to say I was very unhappy, and although I had suspected fowl play, I had no proof and decided to hold my tongue instead of starting a fight I probably wouldn't win.

I will be posting a few pics later on this evening!
Hello first-tymer I'm glad everything is going well! I know as a grower that we get super busy with our plants for a few days and then we get a couple days of not much to do. Maybe that's why your journal slows down sometimes. I don't think that asking your lady about watering the plants is starting an argument. I would explain to her that marijuana is sensitive to being watered and it has to be done at a certain time when the soil is just right..........then I would say you can look at the plants but don't do anything to them unless I give you a specific job! anyway I'll stop by later.....:smokin:......
Hello first-tymer I'm glad everything is going well! I know as a grower that we get super busy with our plants for a few days and then we get a couple days of not much to do. Maybe that's why your journal slows down sometimes. I don't think that asking your lady about watering the plants is starting an argument. I would explain to her that marijuana is sensitive to being watered and it has to be done at a certain time when the soil is just right..........then I would say you can look at the plants but don't do anything to them unless I give you a specific job! anyway I'll stop by later.....:smokin:......

Thats very true, seems I have more n more to do everyday! Hopefully once I have one or two harvests under my belt I will have a my routine down and have my system a little more automized. But because this is my first grow and I have different plants at different stages of growth due to stress, technique, nutrients, etc, and I am trying to figure out what works best for me in my setup. It is a little more difficult but will give me a better idea of what I want to do and how I want to proceed in the future...

You wouldn't think it would start and arguement, but these are stressful times for both of us... She is trying to finish her LPN while I am giving this my best shot, and neither one of us is having an incredible amount of sucess at this point. Neither of us is failing tremendously either but we have both been working very hard lately and have little to show for it yet. I know that's how it works and I came into this expecting it, but I'm not sure she was quite ready for it.

In less than two months she will be done with school here and I will have one harvest under my belt, but our lease isn't up until November and she is already trying to get out of our lease so she can move back closer to home and her 6 yr old son. She is worried about having the grow around her son, which I completely understand, and am equally concerned about. This leaves us with some important decisions to make, and given how busy we have been, seemingly little time to figure it all out... I keep trying to reasure her that everything will be easier to manage in a month or two and that we just need to focus on what we are doing now and stop speculating about the future, but it only seems to sink in briefly and then it's back to the way it was... lol oh well!

Plants are looking good! When I woke up this morning the leaves were all fanned out and looking very healthy! I transplanted the last of the four original survivers last night before I went to bed and it also looked very healthy this morning. I don't expect anything big from three of the four plants, but the first one I transplanted is becoming much larger than the others and given the size of the pistols and growth on the nodes, I am expecting her to grow up n do big things. I am going to give her a water change this evening and when I do I intend on switching her to the transition stage between veg and flower suggested for the nutrients I am using. She will only be in this stage for one week and will then go to the suggested flowering ratio. I plan on slowly increasing the amount of nutrients this plant is being fed until about the last week before harvest when I intend on completely flushing the plant.

As of this evening I believe it will have been exactly 4 weeks since I began germination of this first batch of seeds.... This being said, one important thing i have come to learn thus far is that purchasing autoflowering seeds is not necessarily going to put out results all that much sooner than regular feminized indoor seeds... Sure it may provide a slighly shorter veg cycle, but given the fact that you can veg most indoor strains in about a months time or more depending on personal preference and priority, autoflowering strains will only shorten this by a few days to a week and will as the name implies automatically do so. This prevents the grower from having much control over the length of the veg cycle if he or she thinks prolonging it may be beneficial.

From what I have been led to believe, the flowering cycle of an autoflower isn't all that much shorter than that of a normal strain either. The difference here is only a few days to a week as well.

This being said, if your intension is to begin growing from a seed and you are attempting to finish asap, the autoflowering strains will typically only save you a few days when all is said and done, and give the grower little to no control over the length of veg/ size of plant. Autoflowering strains typically yield much less than normal strains although there are a few exceptions and provide the indoor grower with flexiblity involving light cycle provided and introduction of new plants to the room at any time as long as there is space.

Outdoor growers who already have very little control over the light cycle can be expected to benefit more in some ways. Although they don't yield nearly as well as most outdoor strains, autoflowering strains can provide growers with up to one or two more harvests each year. If you are limited by time or space outdoors auto's can be a very good solution.

All in all, don't believe the hype surrounding most autoflowering strains. They may be beneficial to some, but consider your priorities before purchasing to ensure it fits your particular needs first. Buyer beware...
Having a few issues now... The one I am most concerned with at the moment involves my first plant and of course also the largest... It is growing quickly and appears to be in the first stages of flowering according to a friend of mine.
The problem lies in the stem, it seems flimsy and sort of week in certain areas and I can't tell if it is having a harde time holding up the weight of all the extra foliage or if it is a deeper issue that I need to address immediately? It seems to want to fold over at the top and it isn't because it is running out of room cause it is still two feet from the light... The leaves all seem healthy and are fanned out nicely though. I will post pictures in a second.
Having a few issues now... The one I am most concerned with at the moment involves my first plant and of course also the largest... It is growing quickly and appears to be in the first stages of flowering according to a friend of mine.
The problem lies in the stem, it seems flimsy and sort of week in certain areas and I can't tell if it is having a harde time holding up the weight of all the extra foliage or if it is a deeper issue that I need to address immediately? It seems to want to fold over at the top and it isn't because it is running out of room cause it is still two feet from the light... The leaves all seem healthy and are fanned out nicely though. I will post pictures in a second.

I use small diameter bamboo poles in mine that need it. Using twine I tie the stems to the bamboo pole
I use any stick or pole I can get my hands on, like a window blind rod works great! I then use plastic twist ties creating loops around branches so not to restrict them in any way. One near center works if installed early on before the root ball thickens. I picked up a spool of green twist tie in the garden center, reusable as well. Do not use metal items if you can at all avoid it. Some can poison your plants.
Okay well I believe I fixed my stem problem for the time being, went aheaad and taped it like cronichemphog did but I cut mine back off yesterday and it seemed to have healed itself in about 5 days... I am still fighting an ever constant battle against my old foe root rot, he hasn't raised his ugly head in quite sometime now, but I suspect if I don't stay on top of him it'll be a reacurring issue. Might buy some sort of anti root rot product as soon as I can afford to go n get one 4 hrs away. Damn I hate that f'n drive... Have switched things up a bit so that all of my water changes fall on thursday night now instead of periodically throughout the week so it will be easier to remember and all at once. All of the plants are looking more happy every day now, two have begun to flower and the other two don't seem too far behind as far as I can tell. I have been working pretty hard with my friend to try n get his outdoor grow up n running. I've been babysitting his plants for about 3 weeks if not more now and they all seem to be doing relatively well in their little solo cup homes, one has been transplanted into a slightly larger plastic pot and another into a much larger clay pot. We also have about half a dozen seedlings I have been raising as well. All in all it doesn't look like we will have to be relying on anyone else to find us with quality bud for awhile in the very near future if all goes as planned. Pictures are currently at a standstill unfortunitly I haven't remembered to do it when I turn the lights off or right before I turn them on, either that or my gf isn't around so I can't use her phone... Just too many things working against me there!
Okay well I believe I fixed my stem problem for the time being, went aheaad and taped it like cronichemphog did but I cut mine back off yesterday and it seemed to have healed itself in about 5 days... I am still fighting an ever constant battle against my old foe root rot, he hasn't raised his ugly head in quite sometime now, but I suspect if I don't stay on top of him it'll be a reacurring issue. Might buy some sort of anti root rot product as soon as I can afford to go n get one 4 hrs away. Damn I hate that f'n drive... Have switched things up a bit so that all of my water changes fall on thursday night now instead of periodically throughout the week so it will be easier to remember and all at once. All of the plants are looking more happy every day now, two have begun to flower and the other two don't seem too far behind as far as I can tell. I have been working pretty hard with my friend to try n get his outdoor grow up n running. I've been babysitting his plants for about 3 weeks if not more now and they all seem to be doing relatively well in their little solo cup homes, one has been transplanted into a slightly larger plastic pot and another into a much larger clay pot. We also have about half a dozen seedlings I have been raising as well. All in all it doesn't look like we will have to be relying on anyone else to find us with quality bud for awhile in the very near future if all goes as planned. Pictures are currently at a standstill unfortunitly I haven't remembered to do it when I turn the lights off or right before I turn them on, either that or my gf isn't around so I can't use her phone... Just too many things working against me there!

have you tried the Heisenberg Tea look into that for your root issues it may help
Where the hell you been dude? Have missed having you around..........COMEBACK MAN !!

Sorry guys, been pretty busy around here lately! Plants seem to be coming along very nicely as far as I can tell, I lost one plant, but it was the weakest of the four and apears after I disected it to have twisted just below the surface of the medium in just such a way that it seems to me to have sort of suffocated itself right where the stem met the rapid rooter. Thats all I could figure out atleast. Was disappointed at first but have gotten over it now. If I did the math right I believe the plants are all right at the end of week 7 from seed and I think I may need to flush one of them very soon followed shortly by the largest of the remaining three and then atleast a week or two later approx and it will be time to flush the late bloomer. The company I purchased the seeds from state this strain should be ready for harvest in about 70-80 days and I'm around 50, so the numbers suggest I should wait atleast another week. They are at the end of their third week of flowering. I've been told hydroponics can shorten the length of grow cycles but I'm not positive if that is in fact factual or not, or if it would apply to an autoflower such as mine if it were infact true. Part of me wants to believe they are closer to being ready for harvest than predicted because I want to try it so bad, but another part of me is hoping they are right on track so that they have even more time to grow and I can get a better yield. How does everyone determine when it is time to flush their plants and what process do you all suggest? I've read about people using molasses, and other additives during the final flush, but does anyone know if that sort of thing is necessary? Or can I just stick to only flushing with distilled water? Also how long does everyone flush for typically? I've been told around 5-7 days and that I just need to watch closely for the trichomes to begin turning an amber color? Does that sound correct?
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