My First Grow Ever! I'm Excited!

Someone correct me if I'm wrong please........
There are a lot of different ways to flush a plant just depends on the medium you are using. There are products out there called Clearex and Floraflush to name just a few made for flushing plants. It also depends on the nutes your're using. Technoflora whom I'm using suggests I use two of their products for 3 days to flush with and then flush with water for 4 days.
When I make the switch to BPN nutes I will be using floraflush to flush my plants.
When to actually decide when to start the flush is up for a lot of debate.
I would go here Flushing: A Tutorial by Papa Green and read up my friend!

And WHEN I would go here. What are Trichomes? Trichome 101

Hope this helps you decide!
Right now I'm having a hard time noticing whether the buds are still growing or not... I'm still having a horrible time getting pictures taken so I can't compare like that, and my naked eye doesnt seem to be doing me any justice either. Could I be doing something wrong that would make the plant stunt four weeks into flowering? The leaves all seem very healthy as far as I can tell, I don't see any signs of heat stress or nutrient burn... The ppm of the water is around 1200, ph fluctuates withen normal perameters, and roots also seem healthy. Any ideas?
The medium I am using is hydroton Alaskan, and it is important to remember I am growing an autoflower so the advice I am looking for is a little more specific than anything I could find in that tutorial from papagreen... I'm trying to purchase a microscope, but am doing so on a limited budget.
The medium I am using is hydroton Alaskan, and it is important to remember I am growing an autoflower so the advice I am looking for is a little more specific than anything I could find in that tutorial from papagreen... I'm trying to purchase a microscope, but am doing so on a limited budget.

how many weeks is it in?
whats the total time frame for it?
my 60 day wonder started flowering about the 6th node but i think it depends on what autoflowering strain your using
you will also know when its starts or wants to flower cause itll start stretching out
how many weeks is it in?
whats the total time frame for it?
my 60 day wonder started flowering about the 6th node but i think it depends on what autoflowering strain your using
you will also know when its starts or wants to flower cause itll start stretching out

? I'm not trying to figure out when it is going to flower.... That happened a long time ago. I'm about 52 days in from seed. The seed bank I bought them from said they would finish in 70 to 80 days but I think that since I am growing with hydro it may finish a little sooner than they predicted, but that's just a theory at this point... So I guess I am in week 4 or 5 of flowering and week 7 or 8 altogether.
? I'm not trying to figure out when it is going to flower.... That happened a long time ago. I'm about 52 days in from seed. The seed bank I bought them from said they would finish in 70 to 80 days but I think that since I am growing with hydro it may finish a little sooner than they predicted, but that's just a theory at this point... So I guess I am in week 4 or 5 of flowering and week 7 or 8 altogether.

the 60 day wonder according to the site says 60 days from seed but it still can go up to 70 days
and i didnt really keep good track of the time but if im not mistaken i did wait over 60 days
i think lol
hydro doesnt necessarily mean itll finish sooner................
Yeah, it's hard to keep track of every little detail even when you have a journal. I have so much going on sometimes I lose track of time and days will go by before I get a chance to give the girls my full attention and then sometimes that time will get cut short! I can't wait til we get our new place so I can get everything set up the way i like it and will be able to leave it that way for a longer period of time. The way I have it setup right now is rather cramped and it shouldn't be cause I have dedicated a whole bedroom to it. It was put together bit by bit over an extended period of time, so it has been adjusted a lot and many of the devices have become tangled and covered, making it hard to figure out what cord belongs to what and where they all go while being hard to get to as well. Had to set everything up in a temporary manner given the fact that we were renting and had only planned on completing one harvest there. This time I want to make the setup more effecient and sturdy. I have a much better idea of how everything runs, the direction things should face, how much room things need to operate. So once I figure out where it will be located it should be easier for me to picture and hopefully I wont need to constantly make adjustments to the tent and equipment. Would even like to set it up so I can make additions to all of it simply by making room for things when I set it up initially instead of doing it as I go. I am moving to a location much closer to the hydro store I use from time to time, therefore much closer to a large city but still somewhat rural. Would like to find a place out in the country, but those are hard to find around here.
Okay guys, got a really important question for everyone! I am approaching the end of flowering and am attempting to determine whether I should start flushing now or wait a little longer but I don't have any sort of microscope to accurately look at the triches and see whether they are cloudy, amber, or clear. I have a cheap walmart special magnifying glass that I don't think I could even fry an ant with, but it seems relatively useless. I have read a couple places that determining when to flush your plants can be determined by watching for the white pistols to start turning brownish red, or that you can wait for the leaves to start yellowing due to a lack of chloraphyl. Does anyone know if these theories are correct? I am waiting on a 10x magnified lens that my girlfriend grabbed yesterday when she got into town, but she won't be coming back home for two more days and I'm afraid I might lose my window of optimum potency if I wait til then to figure it out... What should I do???? Do hardware stores carry any decently magnified lens'? I might go check pawn shops to see if they have an extra jewelers magnifying glass to part with.
yea the jewelers mag might work. if you dont have anything to use wait till the pistils are about 50-80 %
red/orange before you chop, so i would say flush at about 50-60% then by the time you chop hairs should be about 75-80%
this would be a best guess estimate if you cant go by the trichomes
hope that helps
yea the jewelers mag might work. if you dont have anything to use wait till the pistils are about 50-80 %
red/orange before you chop, so i would say flush at about 50-60% then by the time you chop hairs should be about 75-80%
this would be a best guess estimate if you cant go by the trichomes
hope that helps

That's exactly the type of advice I was looking for Cronic! Thanks brotha. I know that is sound advice coming from you cause you have steered me straight so far. I even used you tape method with the main stem on the largest plant I have and it got the job done.

How much do you know about super-cropping? I'm not even sure if I am using the term in the correct context, but i believe it has something to do with a series of stress related methods that when applied to the plant at the correct time can supposedly greatly increase your yield potential as well as potency... I probably butchered that term so please nobody quote me on that, but that is the impression I got from it.

Besides the potency and yield potential, the other reason this term interests me is because I have not only run into the idea more than once or twice online, i was also once told about a few of these methods by an old hippy friend of mine who used to grow the legendary strains such as Panama Red, and Acapulco Gold in a small town called Happy Camp up in the Emerald Triangle during the late 60's and throughout most of the 70's as well. One of the most amazing men I have ever met, he has lived the majority of his life without the use of his legs and travels almost everywhere with a modified light weight tripod bicycle that he can pedal with his arms/upper body. I miss him greatly and hope to see him again some day.

He spoke more than once of a large jar full of rare seeds he had saved from his days back in Happy Camp, and before I moved he had promised me some of these seeds, but when I left, I did so too suddenly and I fear may have lost all contact with my old friend and many others... One of his favorite strains to fantasize about is one known as Lambs Bread. He and our other friend who was also an older gentleman who had seen this strain before would both sit and boast about it for hours. He also favored the Panama Red I mentioned earlier, and the Acapulco Gold. Must have been fun back in the 60's!
That's exactly the type of advice I was looking for Cronic! Thanks brotha. I know that is sound advice coming from you cause you have steered me straight so far. I even used you tape method with the main stem on the largest plant I have and it got the job done.

How much do you know about super-cropping? I'm not even sure if I am using the term in the correct context, but i believe it has something to do with a series of stress related methods that when applied to the plant at the correct time can supposedly greatly increase your yield potential as well as potency... I probably butchered that term so please nobody quote me on that, but that is the impression I got from it.

Besides the potency and yield potential, the other reason this term interests me is because I have not only run into the idea more than once or twice online, i was also once told about a few of these methods by an old hippy friend of mine who used to grow the legendary strains such as Panama Red, and Acapulco Gold in a small town called Happy Camp up in the Emerald Triangle during the late 60's and throughout most of the 70's as well. One of the most amazing men I have ever met, he has lived the majority of his life without the use of his legs and travels almost everywhere with a modified light weight tripod bicycle that he can pedal with his arms/upper body. I miss him greatly and hope to see him again some day.

He spoke more than once of a large jar full of rare seeds he had saved from his days back in Happy Camp, and before I moved he had promised me some of these seeds, but when I left, I did so too suddenly and I fear may have lost all contact with my old friend and many others... One of his favorite strains to fantasize about is one known as Lambs Bread. He and our other friend who was also an older gentleman who had seen this strain before would both sit and boast about it for hours. He also favored the Panama Red I mentioned earlier, and the Acapulco Gold. Must have been fun back in the 60's!

as far as supper cropping goes, i havent tried that method so i wouldnt be the best person to ask about that
i have done some reading on it but i havent tried it.
heres a link to a tutorial on this site
Supercropping - a tutorial
Yeah, think it is a little more common to use some of those techniques on outdoor plants too. Although bending is a pretty common indoor technique.

On a separate note, I can't believe how much water the larger two plants have been going through. One is probably close to a gallon a day right now. Guess that means it is still growin strong! Everyday that goes by it becomes harder to just sit back n watch these babies grow. One of the plants looks so good right now, if I didn't know better I would have thought it was finished a week ago. lol Hopefully my patience will pay off.
I have decided to gradually cut back on the nutes I am feeding to the one that is closest to harvest/ furthest along. Cut em in half last night. I think I will use this approach for the first 5 days or so, then I plan on feeding her only ph balanced water for a few days followed by either 24 or 48 hrs of dark time. I will then trim the excess foliage from the plant while it is still standing. I read that it is much easier to do this before cutting the plant down. I then plan on having a 40x magnifier of some sort so I can select which buds I deem are ready to be cut n dried.
I'm in my last week too. I was thinking of giving it some dark time as well and after reading your going to try it I think I will too !!! Already have a few leaves turning yellow :)

Thats great Alaskan, glad to hear you like the idea enough to try it yourself. I have read numerous accounts of others that do it, and it seems like it would be pretty harmless to the plant at that point even if it doesn't work like it is suppose to, so I figured I would give it a shot. What is your flushing method?
Help!!! not sure how this all works.?. But have a few ??? I have an 12' by 8' by 8' room two sets of 4' shop light with 4 bulbs in each with 60 watts a bulb. For my small veg and seeding. 3 500 watt Cfls and 12 100 watt Cfls for late veg and flowering my plants are bout 4 foot tall some 3 footers I keep my lights 2 to 3 inches away with air moving around them. Two small blower fans on the top of the room for intake and a small fan ( not pc fan)
At the other end about 8 inches from the floor, Three other fans moving air in the room.!. This is my first indoor grow and could really use some input. Please!!!! O and my room is in a metal barn. Should I still worry bout IR's nothing is coming from or to the outside its all sealed in the barn??? Like I said not sure how this works and need help!!
Sure hope the landlord never let's himself in? Scares me...

Ive rented my 3 bed room house for 9 years the land lord has got no clue what i do if he comes to my house he walks thru says fine see you later haha ,,the thing is to pay rent on time every time he loves me gives him nothing to get annoyed about so he just stays away its a very old house to so thats a good thing he could not give 2 friggs about it cause its so old :thumb:

I used to use hydro but i got sick of it to much attention needed to many things can go wrong so i went back to soil so frigging easy i will never grow hydro again ,soil rainwater nuts ,,,no ph testers no this none that simple as simple can be and they grow like magic plants. :goodluck:
How did this grow turn out?

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I am moving this to abandoned journals until we get updates.:Namaste:

Thanks and hope all is well in your world!

Love and respect from all of us here at 420 Magazine!
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