My First Grow

I wonder how this girl will taste without any flushing

Also, in regards to the bugs. I've had an intake filter since day 1 and avoided bugs during my first grow; none so far in grow 2 in a house with 2 pets. All incoming air is filtered unless I have the tent open to water them, etc. The downside is having a second carbon filter and fan running 24/7.

I also make sure my hands are washed prior to going in and that I'm not wearing clothes that were worn while outside tending to the garden or lawn. Some food for thought. Stellar first grow man. Cheers!
:thedoubletake: Oh no!! Are most of the plant affected by the bugs?

That’s just terrible!

Do you have a plan of action for those bugs? I’m unsure on what could actually be done while they’re in flower. Maybe someone else will chime in. I can suggest, but who’s to say it’s the right thing to suggest.

I’m going to offer my suggestion with heat. Using the hand method. Put your hand below the light palm down at canopy height. Move your hand up and down, if you feel discomfort from the light then your plants are uncomfortable. Hope it helps!
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