NDW's New and Improved Hydro Grow

Hey sorry didn't get back to you earlier. The blanket is just a fire resistant moving blanket from a u-haul truck. An actual fireblanket would be cool but in order to make it effective for resisting and fire caused by a short in your light or whatever, you would have to completely incase your grow room. Mine is just there because where the tarp meets at the front of my flowering chamber there is a gap so the blanket keeps it dark in there while still allowing some air to get in.
Ok quick update. Was gone for a few days and everybody is still looking great.

No sign of sex on the 2 in flowering. The veg plants exploded and my fem is looking tastier by the day. Sorry to be brief but kind of rushing around this morning and wanted to get an update posted.




Looking really good man, I'm deffinately going to make a hydro setup like yours when I go hydro, the results you are getting are just too good not to. Plus its economically friendly.
Yeah it is definitely economically friendly. The other thing I love is that I can go away for a couple weeks if I want and they'll be just fine. No worrying about them drying out and with the flouros I don't have to worry too much about the plants getting burned. The plants were touching the plants a little bit when I got home but the damage was minimal and could have been easily avoided if I had had a chance to move the lights before I left.

By the way I went and took another look at those plants in flowering, once the lights came on all the way, and the one towards the back in the pic above has what looks like female preflowers, so I should know by the end of the day I'm hoping. The one towards the front has little nodes starting to pop out that look like they might be female preflowers but could just be a new leaf set. Either way I should know in the next couple days.
Looks great .I'm doing the closet thing in soil .Small closet.Your lights look like my set up .I can't afford MH orHPS at this point .Ihave 2 150 watt and 1 135 watt floros .Do you think this is sufficient for a 2x5 space I have about 5ft of hight.Any info would be gret ,It is a soil grow.Also I read that bottled carbonated water helps in the flowering process.To small a space for a co2 setup.Also I read that your favorite smoke is trainwreck.IS it seed friendly or clone only and how do i go about aquiring this strain ? Sorry for all the questions ,but if I don't ask I won't learn
Good questions Tim, I'll do my best to answer them.

ChefTim420 said:
I have 2 150 watt and 1 135 watt floros .Do you think this is sufficient for a 2x5 space I have about 5ft of hight.

As long as you only have a couple plants and you keep your plants small that should be ok, but just barely. I would get one more, preferably one with a red cast to the light, those are usually indicated by the package calling them warm rather than the cool which is a blue cast better for vegging. If possibly I would suggest getting ahold of a small hps. You can get them fairly cheap off ebay.

ChefTim420 said:
Also I read that bottled carbonated water helps in the flowering process.

That's true. Durring the veg stage and the early stages of flowering it is benificial to your plants if you mist them with carbonated water. The extra carbon dioxide aids your plants growth. Using it once buds have begun forming can lead to mold so stop once you have your first clusters of female flowers.

ChefTim420 said:
Also I read that your favorite smoke is trainwreck. Is it seed friendly or clone only and how do i go about aquiring this strain ?

While Trainwreck was my favorite strain for a while it has lost the top possition since moving to NorCal. I go up to Mendocino County a couple times a month now to visit with grower friends and their growers friends and so on and some of the stuff that I have had up there has blown Trainwreck the fuck out of the water. It's still a great strain and is a mostly clone strain. I haven't been able to find too many places that sell straight TW seeds, most are cross strains.

Top strains for me right now are:

The Goo
Jack Herer
The Purp
stix said:
FEMALES! THEY GOTTA BE FEMALES! You've had enough sausage to last a lifetime :grinjoint: GL bro. Let us know as soon as you find out.

LOL thanks bro I definitely have a pretty good feeling about this grow. And you can bet I'll be on here letting you guys know 3 seconds after I find out. lol
Thanks NDW for the info.I have seen some of the strains you listed in HT mag.What would be a good reliable source since i'm in the states.Also would 48 inch plant bulbs work along with what I have.Funds are limited and i don't believe in credit cards.I have never searced ebay for that reason.Can i still puchase witout a card.I sent you a message concrning posting pics.Hope you don't mind.
Yeah you could use the tubes(not the plant ones just the blue cast or orange cast depending on veg or flower) in addition to what you have, but you would need more of them because they are not as powerful or efficient as the coiled floros.

As to the ebay question you can use your checking account through paypal, instead of an actual credit card. Just go to ebay and click on the paypal link to set up an account and they'll explain it all.

And lastly a seed source. I've never ordered seeds before so I'm not the right person to give you advice on that one. I've always grown from bag seed or gift seeds from grower friends. There are plenty of others that I'm sure will answer that one for you. Or you could do a search for past discussions about seed recommendations and purchases.

Ok the veg plants are out of control and one of the plants in flower is definitely female!! :cheesygrinsmiley: :cheesygrinsmiley:

I'm going to have to migrate a couple more of these REAL soon.


This is the one I saw pistils on today. Sorry but you can't see them in the pic cause this plant is very dense.


It's the one towards the back.


And of course here is my other female teaming with trichs.


And here is a shot I played with of me with a leaf from one of my veg plants.


Awsome man, Lookin really good. I like the last shot, giving a reference to how big your leaves are with your head in the background and all. I'm sure it will all be great bud.
brett2themax said:
Awsome man, Lookin really good. I like the last shot, giving a reference to how big your leaves are with your head in the background and all. I'm sure it will all be great bud.

what if his head is really really small? :grinjoint:

Good job with the female so far bro... Lookin better everyday!
NICE PLANTS! Wish mine looked like that! I need to start a Hydro grow dammit! >:D
ive done this b4 but with a smaller light(when veging so i only burnt leaves) but now ive done it again with a little bit bigger one. i let the top get too close to the light and i think that the top bud has died or something what do you think?

was probly like 4 inches or so from the light changed colors, looks dif. from the buds under neath it.
Thanks all I'm pretty excited that this grow is going in the right direction.

lol stix actually I have a sasquatch head. I'm 6'7" so I have a big head.

Eldamari what kind of light do you have? If you have floros 4" is fine. If you have a MH or HPS then 4" is way too close.
Well I Am Not Totally Sure I Know That It Puts Out Alot Of Heat Its Called An Agrosun And Its One Hundred And Fifty Watts. I Got It Offline And It Was In The Flourecent Section But Im Pretty Sure It Toastified The Bud. Its All Dried Up. I Feel Alot O Heat Around The 4 Inch Mark.
Well if you can feel the heat then that is definitely enough to toast your bud. Should be fine though, it will heal and keep growing.
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