Need assistance please

Hello all so I have a Lemon Tree X Dosido photo period female 111 days old roughly 40 days into flower and she's showing yellowing but it's not all over and the other leaves look otherwise healthy minus my nute pushing tip burn....but even that's mild. :hmmmm:

Grow stuffs:
*2x4x5 tent.
*A 95w "sun" led and a 90w blurple led.
*Feeding a topdressing of @GeoFlora Nutrients bloom measured to 1/3 cup due to recommended dosing chart provided for pot size every 12-14 days.
*Watering every 2-3 days using the lift method along with waiting for a droop.
*No pest or mold that I can see....I've been looking at leaves and soil.
*Temperature is between 24-30c/ 75-86f everday, with no wild that in lock.
*Humidity has been between 20-50%...I am aware that it is low but I have grown in this condition for quite some time without any problems.
*No other micro/macro nutrients have been added at all.
*Both lights are at full strength and on a 12/12 schedule.

Idk if I'm missing anything important.....but I need some guidance on how to fix it or if I just let it coast out?

*NOTE*other than the ridiculous yellow she's looking great and swelling nice.






I'm starting to think the girls might be hungry for more than the recommended dose.... This has happened with this grow and last, that from middle to end of flowering the yellowing progression takes off.
Hi HappyHazmat
The buds look decent - I add a pk boost around now plus kelp tea just to keep it going for a bit longer
Something like big bud? And pk is phosphorus and potassium? Sorry I'm trying to squeeze my noggin to retain info.

And is kelp tea premade or bought ?
Hello all so I have a Lemon Tree X Dosido photo period female 111 days old roughly 40 days into flower and she's showing yellowing but it's not all over and the other leaves look otherwise healthy minus my nute pushing tip burn....but even that's mild. :hmmmm:

Grow stuffs:
*2x4x5 tent.
*A 95w "sun" led and a 90w blurple led.
*Feeding a topdressing of @GeoFlora Nutrients bloom measured to 1/3 cup due to recommended dosing chart provided for pot size every 12-14 days.
*Watering every 2-3 days using the lift method along with waiting for a droop.
*No pest or mold that I can see....I've been looking at leaves and soil.
*Temperature is between 24-30c/ 75-86f everday, with no wild that in lock.
*Humidity has been between 20-50%...I am aware that it is low but I have grown in this condition for quite some time without any problems.
*No other micro/macro nutrients have been added at all.
*Both lights are at full strength and on a 12/12 schedule.

Idk if I'm missing anything important.....but I need some guidance on how to fix it or if I just let it coast out?

*NOTE*other than the ridiculous yellow she's looking great and swelling nice.
Hi HH,
Good job on your grow in GeoFlora! First, let's look closer at the big clue that you have written off as something else. Take a good close look at your leaf tips that you have assumed are burns. See how it is not just a triangle on the tip of the leaf, but that there is an elongated portion of the ends of the leaves that are going brown? This is not a tip burn, this is the classic indication of a potassium deficiency.

Then note the leaves that are being affected, typically in the middle lower part of the inner canopy in the lower half of the plant. The problem displaying in the lower half of the plant informs me that this is a mobile nutrient deficiency. The placement, and the dramatic sucking out of those leaves tells me that this is intentional... the plant is choosing which leaves to take in these very early stages of a deficiency.

We have noticed that Geoflora does a great job, until it doesn't. A very hungry plant can use up the 2 week allotment of nutes before the end of the two weeks. I have seen growers feed a couple of days early because of this, and that seemed to solve the problem for them. GeoFlora has also added an advanced feeding section to their online feeding chart, and they recommend supplementing the Geoflora with Terpinator (extra potassium) all through the grow and a product called Massive later in bloom for everything else. If you are going to insist on growing massive and extra hungry plants, you are going to have to supplement the GeoFlora. Since all I grow is massive plants, I have been giving Terpinator during veg and a 0-27-27 supplement in bloom.
Something like big bud? And pk is phosphorus and potassium? Sorry I'm trying to squeeze my noggin to retain info.

And is kelp tea premade or bought ?
Yes, phosphorus and potassium, then I switch to carbs for ripening
The off the shelf kelp tea is veg ferts 5-3-8, so by putting the two together I end up with about 5-16-22
Contains a fair bit of Sulfur too
Hi HH,
Good job on your grow in GeoFlora! First, let's look closer at the big clue that you have written off as something else. Take a good close look at your leaf tips that you have assumed are burns. See how it is not just a triangle on the tip of the leaf, but that there is an elongated portion of the ends of the leaves that are going brown? This is not a tip burn, this is the classic indication of a potassium deficiency.

Then note the leaves that are being affected, typically in the middle lower part of the inner canopy in the lower half of the plant. The problem displaying in the lower half of the plant informs me that this is a mobile nutrient deficiency. The placement, and the dramatic sucking out of those leaves tells me that this is intentional... the plant is choosing which leaves to take in these very early stages of a deficiency.

We have noticed that Geoflora does a great job, until it doesn't. A very hungry plant can use up the 2 week allotment of nutes before the end of the two weeks. I have seen growers feed a couple of days early because of this, and that seemed to solve the problem for them. GeoFlora has also added an advanced feeding section to their online feeding chart, and they recommend supplementing the Geoflora with Terpinator (extra potassium) all through the grow and a product called Massive later in bloom for everything else. If you are going to insist on growing massive and extra hungry plants, you are going to have to supplement the GeoFlora. Since all I grow is massive plants, I have been giving Terpinator during veg and a 0-27-27 supplement in bloom.
Thank you for taking the time to check things out and give input on issue/s to help me fix them.

That's a great observation on the overall leafs look....I totally didn't see that at all....and this is exactly why I asked.....even googled it a few times before making the help post...and got no where. But now that I've gone in a looked her over again you seem to be right in point * photo below of "elongated portion", one fell off trying to get a photo*

So to "solve" or better amend the problem I should get a pk booster and start this asap? And what would you recommend for the booster?
Also Is there anything else that you would recommend? I dont often ask for advice as I find it fun to research myself.....but I'm all ears currently.




So to "solve" or better amend the problem I should get a pk booster and start this asap? And what would you recommend for the booster?
Also Is there anything else that you would recommend? I dont often ask for advice as I find it fun to research myself.....but I'm all ears currently.
Its not going to fix itself. Either feed early or get the booster. There really isn't anything else I would add. I have not needed calmag since I started with GF and the stalks seem to be strong enough without additional silica. Everything else seems to be in there.

I am personally relying on 2 boosters, and one of them only because I have gallons of it around here that needs to be used. That is Terpinator, 7 gallons of the good stuff has been accumulated after winning several contests. The other product that I am using instead of the very expensive Massive that GeoFlora is recommending, is Green Leaf Nursery's Sweet Candy, which includes vitamins, aminos and other stuff along with a very healthy dose of P and K. 0-27-27 SC is very inexpensive because it comes in powder form and a bag of it will last for a long long time applying at a rate of 1gm/gallon.
You're running out of nitrogen...that small pot used it up, then the top dress of 3.5.5 wasn't enough
At this point of the grow, Nitrogen is not the macro nutrient that is being used up, it is potassium. Substitute that in and the rest of what you said is correct, the amount applied in the topdressing is running out.
At this point of the grow, Nitrogen is not the macro nutrient that is being used up, it is potassium. Substitute that in and the rest of what you said is correct, the amount applied in the topdressing is running out.
The chlorophyll molecule consists of a central magnesium atom surrounded by a nitrogen-containing structure called a porphyrin ring; attached to the ring is a long carbon–hydrogen side chain, known as a phytol chain.
there is no potassium in the leaf to the level you are discussing
The chlorophyll molecule consists of a central magnesium atom surrounded by a nitrogen-containing structure called a porphyrin ring; attached to the ring is a long carbon–hydrogen side chain, known as a phytol chain.
there is no potassium in the leaf to the level you are discussing
what in the world does this have to do with anything? We know that the needs for P and K are increased at this point in the grow. For you to claim that no K is stored in the leaf somehow because of your description of a chlorophyll molecule, well that makes no sense. We know that K is stored in the leaf tips through decades of experience with this plant, and I know from my own limited experience that adding K when I see this fixes this problem and usually greens the leaves that are not totally gone, back up. I also know without a doubt that when I see the plant cannibalize the leaf tips in this manner, that it is a potassium problem, not a nitrogen problem. The way the leaves are being totally sucked dry and dramatically turning yellow as often happens early on with an N deficiency can be confusing, and I understand why you think it is N causing this problem, but when looked at with the knowledge of how the 3 mobile nutrients move around in the plant as well as how the plant chooses to self prune when it needs to, convinces me that this is K, not N.
Unless you're in coco and feeding daily then odds are because of small pots its difficult to get the nutrients needed.
From the look id say a potassium deficiency.

Also 180w is a bit shy especially when you have buds at very different height levels.
I run 650w in a 2x5.

I am at 69 days from seed, 20ish days of that in flower but in much larger pots and triple+ the Watts.
On your next grow id suggest larger fabric pots a good Clackamas Coots soil and at least double the watts.
And try to level out your canopy a bit more.

Unless you're in coco and feeding daily then odds are because of small pots its difficult to get the nutrients needed.
From the look id say a potassium deficiency.

Also 180w is a bit shy especially when you have buds at very different height levels.
I run 650w in a 2x5.

I am at 69 days from seed, 20ish days of that in flower but in much larger pots and triple+ the Watts.
On your next grow id suggest larger fabric pots a good Clackamas Coots soil and at least double the watts.
And try to level out your canopy a bit more.

I see what your saying and trust me if I had the funds and space to get the bigger and better I would... Just not feasible at this moment.

So I work with what I have and needed help addressing what I have going on :)

Nice plants btw.

Edit: the small pot was not supposed to be it's final home. I had three total that were supposed to go outside...1 died in tent....1 died three weeks after being outside....and this one I kinda just let it do it's thing because it "was" growing good. *Normally Im in 3 gallon* so this is a learning experience.....and still not a terrible experience. 😁
Just an FYI I did not have to buy this.... I have been rehabilitating plants at work and this is in my stock of things plant related.

Working on a budget for next two going out and spending $30+ on a supplement is not an option
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