New City Grower 3.0 - Sponsored by Twilight Group Co. - Featuring the Spider9 COB LED

Re: New City Grower 3.0 - Sponsored by Twilight Group Co. - Featuring the Spider9 COB

8 feet?
Re: New City Grower 3.0 - Sponsored by Twilight Group Co. - Featuring the Spider9 COB

We had only 8 inches of snow. Sorry if I confused anyone but the good news is I got a text today. Tomorrow is optional. That's a no brainer, 2 days off in a row for 8" of snow & today was a paid day off! I'll just use a sick day tomorrow.
I :love: you Mayor de Blasio

Re: New City Grower 3.0 - Sponsored by Twilight Group Co. - Featuring the Spider9 COB

Oh good...:yahoo: You can run down here and help 7Dust tomorrow since you won't be busy... :blushsmile: Just kidding of course but he is coming after his class in the morning to get it all done for me... You just got to love a Garden supply getting Dude that not only delivers my soil or whatever but he comes and puts my stuff together too... Some days your the bug and some days your the windshield.... today I am certainly the windshield...:yahoo:.....:circle-of-love:
Re: New City Grower 3.0 - Sponsored by Twilight Group Co. - Featuring the Spider9 COB

Jan 25, 2015​

SPIDER GIRL I AND II were both feed yesterday:

7ml of Cal/Mag applied to 1gal of tap that was then adjusted to 6.5 PH level.

I upped their dosage by 2ml.

(Unknown Strain) Day 91 / Day 47 under 12/12

Starting to see a few cloudy trichs but the majority are still clear. Also one of her seed pods has started to open.

SPIDER GIRL II (Royal Medic Clone) Day 82 / Day 34 under 12/12

Looks as if the rest of the leafs that suffered from the Iron lockout are dying off and still nothing but healthy new growth.

CRITICAL SENSI STAR (feminized) Day 75 / Day 20 under 12/12

She hasn't been drinking. After being feed 5 days ago the pot was still heavy which is the longest I've seen in these 2lt Soda Pop Pots. For those who don't know already we top-feed and then let the plants bottom-feed off of the run-off because we can only put so much water in these small pots. It averages out to about a qt. per feeding.

With this in mind I cleaned out hers and every other drain dish in the tent. The only thing I can think of is the beginning of a lockout as a result of the different nutes she's been feed drying up in the drain dish, then getting her next feed with the correct dosage of nutes. The run-off then becomes a more concentrated dose after liquifying the dry nutes in the dish.

Notice the droop.


If anyone has a different diagnosis feel free to reply.

This looks like the 2L Hempy pots from 12Twelve! Awesome.
Re: New City Grower 3.0 - Sponsored by Twilight Group Co. - Featuring the Spider9 COB

What's 12Twelve Jandre?
Re: New City Grower 3.0 - Sponsored by Twilight Group Co. - Featuring the Spider9 COB

errm stop kidding Brotha :rofl:

but just in case you aren't 12 on 12 off my Brotha
Re: New City Grower 3.0 - Sponsored by Twilight Group Co. - Featuring the Spider9 COB


This looks like the 2L Hempy pots from 12Twelve! Awesome.

errm stop kidding Brotha :rofl:

but just in case you aren't 12 on 12 off my Brotha

Now I'm really confused. The plant IS under 12/12 but...
Re: New City Grower 3.0 - Sponsored by Twilight Group Co. - Featuring the Spider9 COB

Hmm, good point on the run-off concentrating. I'll keep that in mind when feeding mine, perhaps a dash of water in the res to dilute may help. Any chance it has something to do with either the purple stems/ the necrotic leaves down the bottom?

Awesomely strong plant though dude, those stems, in a 2L!? :thumb:

Re: New City Grower 3.0 - Sponsored by Twilight Group Co. - Featuring the Spider9 COB

Jan 28, 2015​

CRITICAL SENSI STAR (feminized) Day 78 / Day 23 under 12/12

Well Jesstar, it looks as though we were spot on with the drainage dish build-up being the culprit of her appetite loss. After cleaning it out and giving her a flush feed yesterday she's drinking again. As of now she's only suffered a few minor leaf dis-colorations from the ordeal.


(Unknown Strain) Day 94 / Day 50 under 12/12

She's getting close at about 50/50 clear/cloudy with a few amber trichs.


SPIDER GIRL II (Royal Medic Clone) Day 85 / Day 37 under 12/12

She's coming along nicely with sticky buds and tight bud spacing. I'm attempting to fill them out by back bud building the tops and all the flowers inside the colas.




On this lower bud site I marked the spot with a tie wire for future reference so we can watch the progress of back bud building. The bud to the right was snipped while the one to the left wasn't.

Re: New City Grower 3.0 - Sponsored by Twilight Group Co. - Featuring the Spider9 COB

I see you have the same issue with purple stems that I have had from my first grow .. any idea as to what is causing it ? Is this low temperatures (since some strains colour purple of you expose them to cold in the end) ?

Lovely plants, and cant wait for the results of backbuilding! Thanks for sharing!
Re: New City Grower 3.0 - Sponsored by Twilight Group Co. - Featuring the Spider9 COB

I would say so about the purp stems Planet j. The tent stays pretty steady at 82F during lights on but goes into the low 60's during lights out.
Thanxx CareStaker.
Re: New City Grower 3.0 - Sponsored by Twilight Group Co. - Featuring the Spider9 COB

@Twelve12 was a breeder we had on here, that first introduced me to the Gas Lantern Routine, and the Diminishing Light Schedule for growing.

He used 2 liter Hempy pots:

and a bonsai technique so he could breed many plants in a very small place.

He was a really good friend of mine before he went "On Vacation".
Re: New City Grower 3.0 - Sponsored by Twilight Group Co. - Featuring the Spider9 COB

Oh, ok. The three plants featured in this thread are in regular 2lt Soda Pop Pots Jandre but in my other thread, New City Grower 3.5 I have 2 of those going along with a host of other things. They were introduced to us as SIPs by Sweetsue.

Re: New City Grower 3.0 - Sponsored by Twilight Group Co. - Featuring the Spider9 COB

Thanxx Fifi; I didn't know that could cause purpling. I do use 5ml which is 1 teaspoon of Cal/Mag.
Re: New City Grower 3.0 - Sponsored by Twilight Group Co. - Featuring the Spider9 COB

I always knew them as 2 liter hempies
Happy Weednsday BAR :thumb:
Re: New City Grower 3.0 - Sponsored by Twilight Group Co. - Featuring the Spider9 COB

If you are growing under LEDs the purple stems may be due to a deficiency in Cal/Mag... When grown under LED lights you need to supplement cal/mag at 1 tsp per gallon of pH'd water......:circle-of-love:

I've heard that often, but I think some strains just have purple stems, petioles in particular more often.
I use ~1 tsp/g of CaMg and I still get purple stems, but not all my strains.

In the old days, we all 'learned' that the purple was an Mg deficiency specifically, so we would add epsom salt to raise Mg. I could never get rid of the purple entirely. In hindsight, it could have been a Ca deficiency, but I've learned to appreciate the pretty purple stems instead of worrying about them. :blalol: :Namaste:

I always knew them as 2 liter hempies
Happy Weednsday BAR :thumb:

likewise :thumb:
Re: New City Grower 3.0 - Sponsored by Twilight Group Co. - Featuring the Spider9 COB

Happy Daze Reg......i have noticed that the stems i have LSTd will turn purple on the side facing the light......not just LSTd ones but they seem to stick out more.....this is on several girls of mine.......somebody on here said that it had to do with the fact Bobrown was growing under hps but had a marsll 900 turned on its side giving side lighting and his stems on that side turned purple but he didnt have a defficiency either that i remember.....anyhow......i believe the leds cause some purpling as to how they do on mine.....literally the part of the stem facing away from light is green:)lol
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