New - Mainlining/Manifolding Newbie - Advice?


Yeah, I have this system set pretty darn good. Thank you so much for your help... it is making a difference with my grow. I'm counting a ton of bud sites. I'm talking a ton! Giggling but it's making me a bit nervous. My last grow was pretty stinky and that was maybe a quarter of bud sites. Same seed source so I imagine this may be similar only much more pungent.
Oh, and the concern with hot spots- idk what I was thinking. I have the monitor in perfect position so my numbers are dead on and stable.

Thanks again.

Sent from mikeytv

No worries dude, I'm glad I can be of some help. To be honest, this thread has got a lot of views and not many people have chimned in :p.

I think your harvest this time is going to be the equivalent to your first and 2nd crop plus some. Your plants are looking delicious. :)
No worries dude, I'm glad I can be of some help. To be honest, this thread has got a lot of views and not many people have chimned in :p.

I think your harvest this time is going to be the equivalent to your first and 2nd crop plus some. Your plants are looking delicious. :)

Assuming things continue to go as well and my days away don't cause any issues upon return, I have been feeling about this grow. Not sure about harvest but if bud sites are any indication, feeling optimistic.

Sent from mikeytv
Question about lighting. Been having a constant issue with growth in back of space growing at a faster rate than the front. I try to place light centered so all gets light but it's always the back. Now assuming light is same over such a small space, then would it be reasonable to assume it may be the Mylar film? It's an inside wall(door on opposite side. Most growth is against that wall plus adjoining corner. Not crazy but enough of a difference that I want to get a handle on before it becomes more of a challenge. Plants stretch for light so would it be reasonable to assume the Mylar is somehow providing less light so the plants stretch more or are they getting more light and are just growing more because they have better light?

Also, did have to adjust my lights again. Had some minor leaf burn on 2 leaves. I caught it early enough yesterday to keep it from getting worse and hoping today will be better tuned in.

Sent from mikeytv
Question about lighting. Been having a constant issue with growth in back of space growing at a faster rate than the front. I try to place light centered so all gets light but it's always the back. Now assuming light is same over such a small space, then would it be reasonable to assume it may be the Mylar film? It's an inside wall(door on opposite side. Most growth is against that wall plus adjoining corner. Not crazy but enough of a difference that I want to get a handle on before it becomes more of a challenge. Plants stretch for light so would it be reasonable to assume the Mylar is somehow providing less light so the plants stretch more or are they getting more light and are just growing more because they have better light?

Also, did have to adjust my lights again. Had some minor leaf burn on 2 leaves. I caught it early enough yesterday to keep it from getting worse and hoping today will be better tuned in.

Sent from mikeytv

Mylar has a 98% reflectivity, I'm going to say that because your light is close, when the light hits the mylar it's getting reflected at a 98% efficency. I would say the back growth is getting less light than where the middle of the plant is, but because its still getting a lot of light, it wants to become the apex.
Mylar has a 98% reflectivity, I'm going to say that because your light is close, when the light hits the mylar it's getting reflected at a 98% efficency. I would say the back growth is getting less light than where the middle of the plant is, but because its still getting a lot of light, it wants to become the apex.

Confused- so with light close and Mylar it's getting more light and that's why it's growing so quick compared to rest of area. So not stretching just more robust. Yes?
So if I added Mylar to the other side, it would grow as well as the fuller side?

Sent from mikeytv
Confused- so with light close and Mylar it's getting more light and that's why it's growing so quick compared to rest of area. So not stretching just more robust. Yes?
So if I added Mylar to the other side, it would grow as well as the fuller side?

Sent from mikeytv

That back section that's near the wall but in the middle, it's getting tons of light because of your reflectors light edge is right above it, also when the light is hitting the mylar, its allowing the plant another shot at absorbing photons. So, yes it's robust, and it might be getting more umoles (lumen) in that one corner. If you take the mylar away, it would most likely stop or slow down.

I recommend mylar everywhere. :)
So you think it's just more robust branches due to the added light benefit and not stretching to seek more light?

Sent from mikeytv

None of your area should have such a lack of light that there is going to be a stretch for the light. Your plant will continue to grow but it's not going to get any long spindly branches because Im going to say, everywhere in your tent has complete light saturation. :)
Thank you. Thank you! Girls are doing very well.

Update- added Mylar to the other side (front side) so it will or should start to even out. Thanks again.
Plan on feeding today then again right before I leave out of town. I will over water before I leave. I'm a little concerned about my lights. I have control of on and off from outside the home-from my mobile phone- as well as timers for my 12/12 but I can turn off if heat becomes an issue. Also can remotely view temps/humidity and lux so if an apparent issue I can address via on off for lights. Each controller separately too in case of issue on one side.
My question- assuming a full week away- closer to 5 days but how high should I keep lights to prevent burning from growing too much while I'm not there to raise lights as needed. I'm would like to keep about 8 inches from canopy for when I return. That will ensure no issues with heat burn.


Sent from mikeytv
If anyone is interested in manifolding I'm growing with that technique. I got links in my signature. Cheers!
Thank you. Thank you! Girls are doing very well.

Update- added Mylar to the other side (front side) so it will or should start to even out. Thanks again.
Plan on feeding today then again right before I leave out of town. I will over water before I leave. I'm a little concerned about my lights. I have control of on and off from outside the home-from my mobile phone- as well as timers for my 12/12 but I can turn off if heat becomes an issue. Also can remotely view temps/humidity and lux so if an apparent issue I can address via on off for lights. Each controller separately too in case of issue on one side.
My question- assuming a full week away- closer to 5 days but how high should I keep lights to prevent burning from growing too much while I'm not there to raise lights as needed. I'm would like to keep about 8 inches from canopy for when I return. That will ensure no issues with heat burn.


Sent from mikeytv

Assume your tops will grow roughly 1/2 inch per day, so when you leave make sure your lights are 3 inches extra away, maybe plus an inch for good measure.
DO NOT overwater before you leave, even though it's near impossible, don't water both days or all 3 days before you leave. Water today with nutrients like you normally do, then on the day your leaving or the day before, water as normal. The plants in the flowering stage doesnt mind if the medium goes thru a dry cycle. (For flowering, it's encouraged every so often to help stress the plant to produce more oils etc to keep from drying out.
If you're gone for closer to 7 days, add 2 inches more to the height of the light, if it's 5, just treat as normal with assuming 1/2 in growth a day.
What controllers do you use to automate your stuff?

Thanks for the info. Was planning on adding a little extra water like I have done in the past. I did give nutes and water today- 2 gallons total and still thirsty. I will likely just do another 2 gallons or 3 and they will be good I the morning I leave. And will adjust light accordingly.
As for monitoring and automation- smart plugs and monitor. I also use video just to keep an eye on things.
The plugs can be timed and on/off. With the monitor you can also control plugs based on light, humidity, temp and all that. I also have a fan that is set to go on at certain temps along with my always on fans.
It's cheap and effective.

Sent from mikeytv
Thanks for the info. Was planning on adding a little extra water like I have done in the past. I did give nutes and water today- 2 gallons total and still thirsty. I will likely just do another 2 gallons or 3 and they will be good I the morning I leave. And will adjust light accordingly.
As for monitoring and automation- smart plugs and monitor. I also use video just to keep an eye on things.
The plugs can be timed and on/off. With the monitor you can also control plugs based on light, humidity, temp and all that. I also have a fan that is set to go on at certain temps along with my always on fans.
It's cheap and effective.

Sent from mikeytv

Thats pretty cool. :)
Hey All,

Take a look.

Notice the burnt leaves.... ok I just wanted to make sure it's light burn and not nutrient. I'm assuming it's light as I first noticed after I dropped my lights to 6 inches. I moved up but have been playing with them trying to balance light and temps. Please open pic and expand a couple areas to look closer at leaves. The ones that seem lower than others were pushed down my me- trying to keep them a little further way from light, so all discolored/ burnt leaves were at canopy.

What else- these are little monsters! I'm just amazed by how many branches and how thick and sturdy most are. Still green and hydrated but these off shoots of off shoots are often getting bigger than my main trunks of my first grow. And second grow for that matter. These girls are monsters! To me anyway.

What else else-- so I did take some cuttings from these about a week into flower. All seem to be growing well for clones- old leaves dying- new leaves coming already. Only about a week to notice the growth. Very cool, only one problem! I took a cutting from every plant and put all in same water while prepping clones and then put in solo cups. Only thing is not all the plants had shown sex yet so I am certain I have at least one male in the mix if not possibly more. Not a big deal as I only want one or two for my needs but still sucks cause i will have to keep an eye for balls growing out. Lesson learned kids- right down what you are doing and label things.

Let me know about my burnt leaves! Thanks!

Sent from mikeytv

Technically possible but highly unlikely. I feed at the soil surface. May hit some branches and maybe a few very low leaves but nothing up top. Now I do spray ph water after I feed. Only after and I do it mainly at the trunk now but used to do at the canopy when I fed from canopy because of risk of nute burn. Now I do it for same reason but only under canopy not above. It's really just to dilute or rinse off any nutes that may have hit on surface.

Wondering something else- if I raise my lights an additional few inches to compensate for my absence, would that cause stretching at that point and if so, does that increase expected growth per day or was earlier post about 3 extra inches take into account the possible stretching from moving lights further away?

Sent from mikeytv
Btw, been wondering what I'm really created here? I mean it's part manifold, part scrog but wondering if there is a name for this Frankenstein grow?
I will say, between a manifold and scrog, one plant could easily take up the same space my soil and my dwc take up. Just would take more time in veg... crazy!

Sent from mikeytv
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