Newbie First Grow - Outdoors - Bag Seeds

Sorry it's been awhile Lilred. My mom past and had another grand mal seizure. I see all is going well. I just hope any advice I gave to you helped and am looking for the time when u can help me.

I am sorry to hear about your mother :hug:
Is cannabis oil helping you at all with epilepsy?
You know SweetSue? She has it all
My score from yesterday . I took a sample so I could 1. Look at it and 2. So I can smoke it.

Since was there I took samples from the bag seeds too.


I need to get some D batteries or a new bulb....not sure but will start with batteries

So much to many journals to follow
I am going to add this to my journal here incase people did not see my post in FAQ.

I am exploring the idea of growing two autos over the winter. I am going to put a shelf in the bathroom in the adult cave and just do to plants in 5 gallon homemade fabric pots....
The thought was was suggested I get a Mars 400 ..cost about 60.00. I have not looked at our sponsors yet but that is who I would buy from if I decided to this.

My question was what is the actual cost in electronic to run this.
It worked out like this
180w = .18 k/h
I pay .0977 k/h
So about .35 per day and under 11.00 every 30 days.

So the seed will cost me around 20.00 with shipping and money conversion. I have one more candy kush.

Both plants go 3 months..
Total investment is about 130.00....nutes and dirt added.

For that cost on the street I can get almost 1/2 oz of top shelf street MJ.

For this to pay off I have to at least get 1/2 oz total

Is this possible?

My plants are gorilla seeds stress killer auto and the candy kush I am growing now.

Are there other seeds that u would suggest to help me get what I am looking for.

So much to many journals to follow
You should most certainly be able to get that off of 2 girls... I have pulled as much as a qp off an auto before (an auto Pineapple Express) but minimally you should pull at least a oz off each girl... I haven't grown anything I didn't get at least 1/2 zip off of and that was a total messed up girl... Nothing about her was right but she pulled right at a half oz... You should be able to pull that off with no problem....:goodjob:....:circle-of-love:
I am trying my hand at curing too...guess a test run before my girls go to jars.
I let the sample dry til the stem felt almost ready to snap. Then I put it in a jar this morning and put in my closet next to my seed germinating bowl and told my son to burp it two hrs later.
Is this correct?

So much to many journals to follow
You have to really disregard the cost of the light too...that can be used for future grows...maybe include it on a depreciation scale like property or real estate. That said, I pulled a 1/2 oz from my first auto NL...crammed in a pot with a White Widow/Big Bud, I severed its tap root during transplant, burned it, drowned it, starved it, and ultimately just chopped it early because it was in my way....I dont see how you could NOT at the very least score a zip per plant. And its fun too :)

You have to really disregard the cost of the light too...that can be used for future grows...maybe include it on a depreciation scale like property or real estate. That said, I pulled a 1/2 oz from my first auto NL...crammed in a pot with a White Widow/Big Bud, I severed its tap root during transplant, burned it, drowned it, starved it, and ultimately just chopped it early because it was in my way....I dont see how you could NOT at the very least score a zip per plant. And its fun too :)

I have pretty much ignored the details of all inside grows.....just looking at pictures....nutes and problem solving for grows....but the min someone starts talking about lights and such I start skimming the post for words that matter to me.

Now that I am thinking about this.....usually that means I will do it....I find myself reading thru it all trying to wrap my brain around it.

Will it matter that I am not using a tent....just the bathroom.

So much to many journals to follow
I am trying my hand at curing too...guess a test run before my girls go to jars.
I let the sample dry til the stem felt almost ready to snap. Then I put it in a jar this morning and put in my closet next to my seed germinating bowl and told my son to burp it two hrs later.
Is this correct?

So much to many journals to follow
We like to hang our plants until the stems snap, then we jar them. If you jar it when it's green, you have a decent risk of bud rot. I know people do the burp methid, it's just not how we do it.
Will it matter that I am not using a tent....just the bathroom.

If you were growing photos, then light leaks would be an issue...with autos its not really a concern. They will flower regardless. Plant them in their final pot after germination, and watch the show. Im sure you will find ample help here if you run into any problems. Same rules apply to inside as for critters and fuzz. Its just easier to control your environment inside.

I leave my harvest on drying racks for 72 hours then jar it up... I open the jars twice a day for about 30 minutes for a week then burp it twice a day for a week... I use Brovedo humidity packages to keep the correct rh and it works great for me... I have never had a crop mold but admittedly I'm a bit ocd so I don't mind having to mess with them....:circle-of-love:
I leave my harvest on drying racks for 72 hours then jar it up... I open the jars twice a day for about 30 minutes for a week then burp it twice a day for a week... I use Brovedo humidity packages to keep the correct rh and it works great for me... I have never had a crop mold but admittedly I'm a bit ocd so I don't mind having to mess with them....:circle-of-love:
I might have to get some packs....working 12 hr shifts leaves little room for's like after 12...with another 12 coming all u have time to do is sleep

So much to many journals to follow
But having the extra day off is kinda cool but I'm old and broken and couldn't do 10 hours a week much less a day...:blushsmile: I used to be able to gaff a pole with the best of them but couldn't get up there now with a cherry picker...:biglaugh::biglaugh:
You really should try the humidity packs... I have stash over a year old that is perfect and seems to just get better with age...:straightface: Who knew... I got them off Cramazon but sometimes their own site is cheaper... Depending on if they are having a sale... Hope you have a blessed and green day....:circle-of-love:
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