

420 Member
What's up family I'm new to the game far as hands on but my book knowledge and smoking expertise has me ready to test out myself so I've purchased a 2×4 gorilla tent ,hlg 260w rspec ,carbonfilter, fan, and I just started with some bag seeds I'm in wk 3 oh before I forget ff soil and ph perfect technology nutrients I know dont chop my head off ima most likely changes nutes next run but so its goin good I gave nutrients first time weds take a look and give any tips please I'm open to any advice good or bad I got tough skin I just wanna be successful@!! Lls oh the 1st four pics are before I gave nutes earlier this week and the last 2 pics I just took like less than 5 mins ago


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Welcome to :420: @Brooklynbreed80
if you dnt mind i'll follow allong here to learn more and stay ahead of my grow. :hookah:
I'm sure some of the knowladgeble members here will soon help you out.
nice looking plants tho!
Welcome @Brooklynbreed80, you’ll find this place is a plethora of useful info. Plants are looking good. Do you know what strain it is? Quite bushy! I’m guessing Indica dominant? I’ll follow along and help where I can. Haven’t used FF but I haven’t heard anything bad with it. Also started using the AN pH perfect for this grow. Prior to this I used GH, wanted to try something different. They do have a bit of a yellow look, could be just the pictures but I’d recommend grabbing so Cal/Mag supplement if you haven’t already. Anyways I’m blabbing.
Welcome @Brooklynbreed80, you’ll find this place is a plethora of useful info. Plants are looking good. Do you know what strain it is? Quite bushy! I’m guessing Indica dominant? I’ll follow along and help where I can. Haven’t used FF but I haven’t heard anything bad with it. Also started using the AN pH perfect for this grow. Prior to this I used GH, wanted to try something different. They do have a bit of a yellow look, could be just the pictures but I’d recommend grabbing so Cal/Mag supplement if you haven’t already. Anyways I’m blabbing.
Hey what's up and so far I'm not sure I smoke alot I just held on to some seeds I was lucky to find in some good batches I had I was saying samething about bushes but read it's to early to start plucking on my baby I did attempt a topping tho and far as cal mag ima attach a pic but I think it's my lighting in the tent is it to early to use cal/mag I'm in mid week 3?


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could you upload a picture under a less intensive light?
i'd like to see how they actully look under daylight. also, how are you feeding that sensi Cal-Max to the plant?
is it to early to use cal/mag I'm in mid week 3?

Personally I water with R.O. water, and since I’m growing under LED’s I use CaliMagic in every feed. Since the start of week 2. As far desolation goes. That’s up to you, personally I’d wait, but if you wanted to I’d suggest only a couple at a time and giving time to recover. Those fan leafs are your solar panel and nutrient storage. People have different opinions on that one though.
could you upload a picture under a less intensive light?
i'd like to see how they actully look under daylight. also, how are you feeding that sensi Cal-Max to the plant?
Hey are these better pics I took her out the tent for the pics and I haven't used the cal mag yet I have it tho I only did a 1ml mix of the bottles you see to the gallon


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Hey are these better pics I took her out the tent for the pics and I haven't used the cal mag yet I have it tho I only did a 1ml mix of the bottles you see to the gallon
What are the water premeters that you are feeding to the plant. PPM
I've had a member telling me my plants were to dark green and yours are the same if not darker.
Stick around there are knowledgeable members here that can help.
What are the water premeters that you are feeding to the plant. PPM
I've had a member telling me my plants were to dark green and yours are the same if not darker.
Stick around there are knowledgeable members here that can help.
Tbh I haven't measured anything I'm using bottled water and just watered with nutes 1st time weds
15” is quite close for veg. I’d raise it a little to try and induce a little more stretch. Currently I have mine at 26” from canopy. I don’t measure ppm either. IMO that’s more of a hydroponic thing. I did for a while then stopped. Plant looks healthy though and that’s what matters. I do pH my water to 6.3 on every feeding though. Do you have a meter? Some people say it’s not necessary as the soil will adjust it for you, but me personally that’s just part of my feeding procedure. FF does have nutrients already in the soil for so long, so I’d watch the plant see how it reacts to the nutrients you’ve added. 1ml per gallon isn’t much though so it’s a good starting point.
What's up guys so I'm going into week 4 of veg I did some cleaning up and starting adding nutes got a couple pics I took of her please any feedback is welcomed I hope I didnt do too much...


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What's up guys so I'm going into week 4 of veg I did some cleaning up and starting adding nutes got a couple pics I took of her please any feedback is welcomed I hope I didnt do too much...
They look healthy!!
Welcome to the forum @Brooklynbreed80 :passitleft:

What's up family I'm new to the game far as hands on but my book knowledge and smoking expertise has me ready to test out myself so I've purchased a 2×4 gorilla tent ,hlg 260w rspec ,carbonfilter, fan, and I just started with some bag seeds I'm in wk 3 oh before I forget ff soil and ph perfect technology nutrients I know dont chop my head off ima most likely changes nutes next run but so its goin good I gave nutrients first time weds take a look and give any tips please I'm open to any advice good or bad I got tough skin I just wanna be successful@!! Lls oh the 1st four pics are before I gave nutes earlier this week and the last 2 pics I just took like less than 5 mins ago
And don't worry about someone giving you flak about how or what you do :high-five: the only thing "we" can do as a community, is help you find your own path, and help figure out what works for you :meditate:
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