No Green Thumb: First Grow

I changed pots (scary shit man) and added some better (to me) soil then before. I had come back and ph level was normal but it looks so much better now and im happier with the number im at. I dont think my roots looked good I'm seriously regretting not changing pots and keeping it at veg for another week or two but honestly ill be happy with whatever lol and i will be teying again right away. I am gonna keep reading emilya's stuff on that she is pretty bad ass when it comes to that. I used the root nutes in hopes that i might help strengthen the root system. Next time i do this i plan to use the bio degradable seed starters and then move that to its larger pot. Im not very comfortable touching plants... I mean i love all plants but they usually come home to die very sad and im hoping that i can use this for all my stuff. Ive been trying ( very unsuccessful) to grow an avocado for 8 years.
You will find that growing meds at home will make you a much better gardener by default. As for transplanting there's a really easy way that doesn't disturb the plant (too badly). In fact i have a basil that needs transplanting tonight and will try to video the way i like to do it
Next time i do this i plan to use the bio degradable seed starters

You could do that. Some people figure that anything that is capable of growing up through a crack in a concrete sidewalk if people stop stepping on it for five minutes probably doesn't require a huge amount of coddling.

Ive been trying ( very unsuccessful) to grow an avocado for 8 years.

Never could stand avocados (or guacamole). But I've grown other non-cannabis plants, of course. Try growing an African violet. Or just snip a leaf off of someone else's, along with as much leaf stem as possible, take it home, and chuck it into a glass of water. Stick it on your kitchen windowsill and change the water every few days. While you're at it, dig the bottom chunk of a bunch of celery and the bottom piece of an onion out of your trash can, stick each on a saucer, pour a little water in them, and stick those on the windowsill beside the African violet leaf. In a week or two, when all three turn into plants, it'll be a good confidence-booster. It'll also help you greatly when you get around to taking cuttings of your favorite cannabis plants and, instead of panicking for no reason, or doing 27 different silly things and spending too much money on a piece of fancy equipment, you just set them to work producing roots.

Best thing for a new gardener to remember is that most species of plants have been extant a lot longer than Homo sapiens has - and did just fine all that time, without our... help.

When my brother and I were... too young to mention on this forum, a lot of cannabis came to us with seeds in it. We'd "clean" it on the old double rock album "tray." Then dump the stems/seeds out the bedroom window. And then, Pop would end up mowing the yard, and several young cannabis plants would pass on into the next stage of eternity.

You don't need to make them grow - just let them grow.
As for transplanting there's a really easy way that doesn't disturb the plant (too badly).

Or you could not spend too much time worrying about it, lol. I've never had a huge amount of space devoted to cannabis. Kept "mini-mothers" in everything from 9" cube pots in cabinets to six-ounce Styrofoam cups on top of the bathroom medicine cabinet, illuminated by whatever bulbs were in the fixture directly above (couple 14-watt CFLs, etc.). Now... the latter were mostly for sh!ts and grins to start with, me wondering how long they'd survive being watered occasionally and fed... well, I actually did feed them. A couple times. Anyway, by the time the one-year mark started getting close, I figured I'd see if they'd make it to a year old, and fed them a third time, even watered them once or twice a week instead of when I noticed more than a few dead leaves in the sink. But the former, those were meant to last. So once a year, maybe a couple times per year, I'd haul them out, squeeze the pots every which way until I'd loosened things up, pull them out of their containers, lay them on newspapers... And cut an inch to an inch and a half of soil / root mass off all around the sides and from the bottom. Then, I'd pour some soil/perlite into the containers, stick the plants back in, and pour more soil/perlite around the sides until I had replaced all the soil that I'd just removed. Finally, I'd estimate how much root mass I'd removed, and remove that much greenery from the plants, in order to keep things in balance. No problems. You can keep a plant alive for years this way, without ever having bothered to "up-pot" it.

I don't know what your great-grandmother did with her time, but mine grew food-crops, in order to keep her family fed (and, well, made enough moonshine to supply three counties). If I remember correctly, she only went to school until she was 14. It really isn't rocket science, folks. Or brain surgery, either - that comes after the harvest ;) .

Cannabis... Not exactly the delicate flower that many people seem to think it is. . . .
I got this... Less is more! Well im great at that haha... I wish i knew my grandmas or mom for that matter... I was raised in the desert lol so probably why i dont have much confidence... Luckily a friend gave me the nutes and light so i havent really "purchased" much just the organic coconut soil and this new pot... Now that im looking at it scientifically I'm super intrigued by it. This was an accidental thing so its all up for me lol
Got the tent set up now to just get the light in i still have to get the intake outake stuff but plan to have it stay open to have good air flow. I hope now that in a few more days with better light looking down that i will start to see more...
Day 46
Day 9 of 12:12

My biggest regret for this one is that i was impatient and put it at 12:12 too soon but shes bigger then the other day so maybe it'll just be i flower stage longer. New tent to keep it more confined. I had ordered a tent from China (face palm to forhead) but figured it isnt coming or at least anytime soon so i got this on Amazon...


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Should be fine, remember that during stretch phase of early bloom she could easily double in size.
I think I have that exact same tent for my moms and clones!
If so, it's best to keep them small so they won't grow into the lights.
You can also put up the little velcro curtain, use the small side for veg and the other side for bloom!
Solid pointers thanks! I guess you could say im "training" a few branches... I figure if there is a time to learn ita gonna be with this first time. I have to assume the leave that is getting crispy is due to age? Everything seems good on all other leaves except top new growth seems to be praying while i still have one drooping downward leaf... There is a lot of new growth just today and hope it starts filling out more soon.


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Im hoping... I just need to figure out how to keep it colder in there... I habe an artic chill and a fan.. The artic chill serves as both cool air and purifier but i cant get it under 80 with lights on and stays ab 74 when off... I dont live in super hot place it was 60s yesterday
Do you have anything pulling hot air out of the tent?
Even a $30 duct booster hooked up to a few feet of 4" dryer hose both available at the hardware store is better than nothing!
Once she starts flowering you will need to add a carbon filter to the exhaust system or your entire home will smell like weed...from the outside too!
The good news is it's all little bits you can add here and there as the plant matures.
Excellent Im gonna get ta looking... I just picked up a red 350W LED and hope that the light change will make a dif. I saw led is less heat so im hoping that helps that too
New growth and what im hoping is the first sign its a girl! What do you guys think? Still to soon? I need a better camera to get closer shots


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Do you have anything pulling hot air out of the tent?
Even a $30 duct booster hooked up to a few feet of 4" dryer hose both available at the hardware store is better than nothing!
Once she starts flowering you will need to add a carbon filter to the exhaust system or your entire home will smell like weed...from the outside too!
The good news is it's all little bits you can add here and there as the plant matures.
Yes i have a fan pointing through an out take vent. I do have it in the spare bedroom that has the light blocked off so i leave it open to keep air circulating.
Hi Midwestgrown :)

I absolutely LOVE the name of your thread, and I am wishing you green luck with your grow.

Haha i was literally just going through your journal thinking we would make perfect friends :high-five: I think we are pretty similar with our anxieties
Haha i was literally just going through your journal thinking we would make perfect friends :high-five: I think we are pretty similar with our anxieties
Honestly the ongoing fuck ups I’ve made literally make me cringe.

The place is bursting with clever growers, and there are so many different grow styles. I have learned words I’ve never heard in my life! Scrogging, uppotting, quadlining to name a few. Best part is they are all so eager to see noobs like us succeed. Lolling!

There is another girl in here called Emilya she is like the emerald queen, she has a watering thread that changed the way I water plants.

Good luck! I can’t wait to watch your girls grow :)
Honestly the ongoing fuck ups I’ve made literally make me cringe.

The place is bursting with clever growers, and there are so many different grow styles. I have learned words I’ve never heard in my life! Scrogging, uppotting, quadlining to name a few. Best part is they are all so eager to see noobs like us succeed. Lolling!

There is another girl in here called Emilya she is like the emerald queen, she has a watering thread that changed the way I water plants.

Good luck! I can’t wait to watch your girls grow :)
Yes Emilya is a goddess when it comes to plants. Im hoping after reading e.v.e.r.y.t.h.a.n.g she has written i can get my asiatic lillys to come back to life... Ugh i thought plants we're supposed to relax you... So far its 3am here and im up worrying while they sleep... Its like a newborn not a care in the world...
Ok new light ( i know it seems tiny to me) well i know they say size matters but i never plan on growing more then one plant at a time so i feel like its perfect. Temps have gone down and new growth seems to be popping up everywhere. Its not as full as i wish it could be but i know i can get better at that when i do this again. Im hoping to know the sex soon.... The anticipation is killing me... Side note my lady said we can drive to chicago spend the day and night and i can stop at a dispensary anf maybe get some new seeds for killer strans... Very excited for that


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