Older - Wiser & Stoned Enough To Try Hydro - Look What Happened!

Thanks KCMP :) It's been a bit of a battle, but they're getting closer...... lots more pistols today. Fighting for room.
A couple shots of some flowers and a couple of a strange leaf curl that showed up today.


Hope I can figure out the curl. It's just one girl and only a couple dozen leafs. Haven't had any heat issues. I don't know.......
Hey buddy looking great. What is your rh? Another question for you how close are you running your platinums to the canopy? The top of one of my girls in veg is starting to get yellow on the new growth. It happens to be my tallest one in there but everything else is looking great. They all get the same nutes so I don't think it's calmag issue. Just curious if my light is to close to that one. Thx buddy have yourself a great evening.
Hey there, Sub. RO runs about 30% - 55%. Lights are about a foot over. Yea, I doubt the light is an issue. Only one girl is bitching and truthfully, it's not too bad. I just don't need it getting worse. Thanks for checking in. ;)
Your rh is ok there was a lot of moisture on a few of those leaves that's why I was asking. I'm gonna do a transplant tonight after thinking about it they might be getting root bound. I can get pretty big plants in small containers with coco but I might be pushing to far this time. I'm sure if the platinums are helping my top growth then root development will increase to.
Well I did a little reading and desided to go ahead and use Bud Candy. The bottle I have didn't go into any details about what's in it, but the Web site gave me the rest. Thanks Buddro. I went with 1 ml per ltr instead of two. I will sit back and see what happens.

Have a great day everyone!

I don't even want to calculate how much I've spent between Amazon, eBay and Home Depot in the last month. The goal was to keep it under $600, but I'm pretty sure I passed that a few weeks ago.

Good luck brother, enjoying the show.
Thanks Rush! Hahaha I had a little winfall today. A couple hours ago I sold some trees off my property and got a nice fat check. Before my next grow, I'll have what it takes to do this right!! Automation is coming my way for sure!!!! Half my problems are things I know how to avoid but can't afford. I'm about to end that.
Glad you stopped by, free popcorn in the lobby next to the wine bar. make yourself at home. I'll pass the bowl over.....
:) :) :) Andy.
:yummy::hippy::bongrip:I hope so, Dusty. Mom and I have had a few bad years in a row and I realllllly could use some good luck and good bud! I'm not going to preach here. It's not my place, but I will tell you one thing. Don't drink. It almost literally sucked the life out of me (did my bff) and ruined my business. It will happen when you're not looking. So growing this pot to me is much more to me than just a buzz. The mental and physical aspects to this are therapeutic in its self. Someone made a comment early on this journal, I think it was, that if it was too much trouble to wash out my rez, maybe I should just quit. Well, with gout, some days you're lucky if you can crawl to the bathroom. Let alone climb the stairs many times to wash it out. Since starting this project, I'm able to go up and down the stairs with no problem and I've made it back to work. I'm telling you, this whole thing has helped me tremendously.

Okay, babbling again.
Went to the Garden shop today for window shopping. I'm not a fortune teller, but I see Blue Lab equipment in my future! Lol
Thanks for chiming in Dusty :)
I think you've done an awesome job so far with growing & making the smart switch from alcohol (poison) to herb. I drank heavily for quite a few yrs there myself (I had quit weed, for that time...) A young friend re-introduced me to pot (((my old & dear friend from age 13))) & I'm an alcohol-free happy stoner & you are cool, so friend me (I'm new...) -thane
Thanks Moonjet6 :) Nice to have you on board! Till you walk that mile, you just can't fully understand. I think you got "it". lol Glad to hear you're doing well with it. Myself, I'm not sure where I'd be without the weed release. Sobriety sucks! lol Well not really, but you know....
Andy my man good for you raise your head proud. I watched a close family member go thru alcoholism. Really was a different person till they got help and quit drinking. I think over a year now and still goes to a meeting every Saturday morning. You have to really commit and you should be proud of yourself. I never did like the taste of most alcohol so It was never my thing. If I go to a friends for a party or something they know I will have bud. Likewise the other way around if I'm having a gathering they know they better BYOB cause unless the last b stands for bud I don't have it. I agree whole heartily that it's therapeutic I tell that to my wife all the time. I can have a headache or other pain and go spend some time with my plants and I'll forget all about it. Anyway have a great night Andy. Best wishes to your mom and plants aswell.
Thanks Sub. Your words mean more that you will know. Really.
I have been to shitloads of AA meetings and all of them court-mandated due to dui's (3) but never cared for them. I'm a quiet Atheist and don't care for the 'cum-ba-ya stuff. I do this all on my own while everyone else in my life goes merrily drinking along. Including mom, witch is okay. I dodn't share your feelings about the taste, though, I loved a good mixed drink. to the tune of 1 ltr or more a day 24/7/365. (Captain Morgan Baby!!!)
I did try one drink a while back, a Frangelica on the rocks. I love that hazelnut liquor. Half hour later my body said 'no Efin way!' and I puked it up. lol. My body said that's enough. I've lost a lot of close friends to that stuff. I tried and tried to help my buddy. Got him admitted twice even while I myself was reaching the end. 54 is too fucking young.
Okay, gotta get out of this funk. Thanks bro
Take care, Andy.:bong::thanks:

Oh, and it was a year last Sunday for me :) I like your BYOB idea! lol, I'll have to start telling people that.
Hello???? Is this the Ann Landers help line????
With all my rambling on aimlessly, did I mention the mites are back? Little bastards!!! Sprayed them down so it should be okay. I caught them just as they appeared. Sigh.......

Ph 5.7
TDS 664 ppm
Added about 4-5 gallons of raw water
Broke a branch while spraying. Had to be the nicest looking flower on the Master Kush. Grrr. Taped ( I KNOW! ) it back up and it should be okay considering what i see you cowboys doing to your poor little plants!
That's a wrap. :popcorn::popcorn::popcorn::popcorn::popcorn::rofl:
If it wasn't a big branch and it wasn't completely broken off, you can use a drinking straw as a cast, Mickey D's has fatter straws if it was a slightly bigger branch.

Just cut straw down the middle and cut to length if needed, slip the straw over branch and adjust, lightly tape around top and bottom of straw leaving break area open for air and to knuckle up, remove when healed (2 weeks or so).
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