Organic Bud Porn N.W.Green Style

Great read.. and even better view :)

Now I see you have 2k of light I don't feel as bad that my buds are tiny by comparison.

Have to resist the urge to go bigger... for now at least.

Question for ya - do you always flush your plants at the end? I know some say there's no need with organic, or if you don't smoke the leaf. Don't want too be coughing up a lung after all this effort.
I Flush EVERY plant, even the person i look up to as a grower says that you dont have to flush organics but i dont agree with that i have first hand noticed that my nutes have taste, even with being organic. BUT some plants dont need nearly as much. Casey is one of those it processes nutes REALLY fast, and will turn yellow practically over night.

and dont get down on yourself i use BIG pots too
Walk in closet / getn new house / to get outa closet!
not that i always use them but i have 20gallon pots laying around here :D

and congrats deerhunter nice to hear your coming out of the closet :D
Received my card //// im so happy!!! Been waitn 2 and half months for it send it!
Congrats again man i know a person going through that same Bullshit its taking them forever too.
Fuk/ 3 months it to send me ! Least i got it!!!!! Been using my paperwork! Thanks for being cool ,dude !
Need sumthn to keep spider mites out ! Got alot of buds in 12-12 room!inspectd all / it was only on w.w 1 cola////
Harvested it today, got it outa there!
Whatever you do the fight those little bitches just make sure you dont spray with your lights on you will burn your plants, also you can make your own sprays using Sage, Thyme, Rosemary, oregano, and other herbs, just boil them on your stove till the oils come out, Strain the liquid really well so you dont clog your spray bottle and go after them.

Also REALLY try NOT to spray your buds you dont wanna cause Bud rot, or leave flavor on your meds :D

Hope this helps my friend
Ive often times wondered about that MV, i never have my glass in my hoods and it trips me out when drops get too close...

For good reason i see...
there is a pest strip // its calld hot shot/ odorless/ kills all knats, mites everything guys, home depot//// 10.00. killed all MY MITES ONE DAY , CAN HANG FOR MONTHS TO !!! WONT HURT NOTHING JUST HANG IT !!// CLEAN ,ODORLESS PENETRATING VAPOR// NAME;HOT SHOT;NO PEST STRIP2////WORKED AWSOME!!!!!;)
They tried / fukers, i got it under control // one of my friend they took whole crop and cocooned them! He had to throw 16 plants away! Not me// i will die killing tose ugly fuks!!!!!
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