Osmocote Plus Plant Food: Discuss Its Use With Cannabis Here!

Trees for sure! I just hope my harvest doesn't suffer too much because I let them get so big. I know the lower branches aren't going to be getting much light.

:thanks: BlueDog! Yup, they're in soil. They started in a 50/50 mix of FFOF and Light Warrior with some worm castings and OC+ mixed in. When they went into the 3.4 gallon Air Pots they are in now, I added Azomite and some compost into the mix.

I'm running a 1000 watt HPS in a Magnum XXXL hood, and a Lumatek dimmable digital ballast running on the "Super Lumens" setting.

Thanks Doc! I know I've got a lot to learn, but I feel like I've got the best teachers one could have, here on this site.:thanks:

My plan is to put the money I'm saving on nutes into a climate controller, air conditioning and a co2 generator for my new grow room.:)

Sounds great Doc! A climate controlled curing room would be great... I don't think I know of anyone who has a setup like that. I hope you'll be able to show us the new rooms when it all comes together!!!

Hell ya, doc, that would be sooo cool if we could get a look at the construction of it! Over the next couple of years I am going to start redoing my son's room since he just finished his sophmore year at the airforce academy and is gone every summer, I think my wife is finally going to give in to my wishes and let me move my closet to his room! now that they are gathering sigs to get on the ballot in 2012, I need to start "stocking up" and this is the perfect time to get everything well, perfect!
Hi Doc and everyone! I'm running into a problem. I'm into my 6th week of flowering ChemDawg4 (a 10 week strain). I noticed spotting a few days ago. I went to the Hydro shop and they were out of cal/mag so I couldn't get my hands on any until this afternoon. I should have listened to Doc and had it on hand.

The first pic is to give you an idea of the conditions in the tent. 600w+ of T5 lights. Straight perlite in hempy totes with OC+. I've kept temps below 80 most of the time. There were a couple hot days when it reached 85 at it's peak. Last week I fell asleep with the tent zipped up and the exhaust fan off and when I got up in the morning it was up to 95 degrees, but lights had only been on for an hour. It had to take some time to build up that hot so couldn't have been more than 40ish minutes at that scorching heat.

So....on to the pics. I haven't done anything yet, but I now have a bottle of Botanicare Cal/Mag. Is it called for or is something else wrong?



Hi Doc and everyone! I'm running into a problem. I'm into my 6th week of flowering ChemDawg4 (a 10 week strain). I noticed spotting a few days ago. I went to the Hydro shop and they were out of cal/mag so I couldn't get my hands on any until this afternoon. I should have listened to Doc and had it on hand.

The first pic is to give you an idea of the conditions in the tent. 600w+ of T5 lights. Straight perlite in hempy totes with OC+. I've kept temps below 80 most of the time. There were a couple hot days when it reached 85 at it's peak. Last week I fell asleep with the tent zipped up and the exhaust fan off and when I got up in the morning it was up to 95 degrees, but lights had only been on for an hour. It had to take some time to build up that hot so couldn't have been more than 40ish minutes at that scorching heat.

So....on to the pics. I haven't done anything yet, but I now have a bottle of Botanicare Cal/Mag. Is it called for or is something else wrong?




Nice looking grow! What kind of water are you using?

The Calmag should do the trick...looks like a nice harvest coming your way... :Rasta:
Thanks for the reply, Doc. I've been diluting tap water with RO to get around 50ppm TA. I read somewhere though that city water's calcium 'particles' (don't know what they're called) are bigger than what you get in actual cal/mag nutes and can easily get stuck in the lower part of the stem.

So, even though the water you're feeding her has calcium, it isn't making it's way to the plant itself.

To further complicate things (and I'm just repeating what I read, no expert here lol) when you add cal/mag supplements, they can get blocked by the bigger calcium 'particles' already present and not make it to the plant either. That doesn't make sense to my simple mind. If they are blocking they are blocking and nothing could get through which obviously doesn't happen.

I'm wondering now if straight RO is the better choice when combined with commercial cal/mag.

Oh well, enough acting like I know what I'm talking about. :tokin:

I'll add the cal/mag tomorrow afternoon and see what happens.

Thanks again.
Epsom salt would add the magnesium without adding more calcium. If you're not using RO water, you might try that.
docbud, I am looking at an advertisement for Osmocote Planting soil. Has the 6 month stuff in it, 2.99 per cu.ft. Looks good, does it sound like a good deal? I need to get some new soil, don't want to have ffof shipped in and don't want to drive the 150 miles to the hydro store.
docbud, I am looking at an advertisement for Osmocote Planting soil. Has the 6 month stuff in it, 2.99 per cu.ft. Looks good, does it sound like a good deal? I need to get some new soil, don't want to have ffof shipped in and don't want to drive the 150 miles to the hydro store.

My initial, knee jerk reaction would be to pass on the soil, because Osmocote is now owned by Scott's, which also owns Miracle Grow and this soil is most likely something just like Miracle Grow soil with OC prill included.

Isn't there a hardware or garden store near you that sells soil? You can get other brands that are pretty good:

EB Stone
Garden Master....these soils will work.
Hey doc is jolly gardner potting soil any good? It's pretty much organic containing cow manure and no added nutes. It does contain sand too and the soil is pretty much loose. I just need a good base soil to ammend with the osmocote+ and also adding dynamic red.

I honestly don't know if it's any good. The important stuff is pH balance, drainage, etc.

I don't have time right now to go into basic soil amendments, but you can grow anything in anything with the right amendments.

Try some of this Jolly Gardener, use some perlite, perhaps 2 tbsp of dolomite, 2 tbsp of gypsum....a pinch of borax (I mean like what you can grip with chopsticks on the borax) and see what happens!

^^in 3 gallons.
Hi all!

This is a great discussion and an important one. I switched to OC+ in the middle of my last grow. The first half of the grow I ran the 3 part GH nutes. The second half of the grow was considerably easier and I was blown away by the end result. Hempy buckets (coco + perlite) with CRF's is a great and simple way to grow.

As is common in coco, I managed the PH to control the release of nutrients, however the ph was a little difficult to dial in. Now that I have read all about total Alkalinity (not to be confused with alkaline ph) I understand why. Thanks to whomever posted the report by Bill Arg; I believe it will be even simpler this grow.

As far as prill technology is concerned, I remember reading some research that claimed the DM prills are more structurally sound in the face of heat and submersion in water. I don't have heat problems anymore (cuz I live on the beach now :surf:) but the prills end up soaking a lot in my hempies. One plant in particular showed signs of nutrient overload. I pulled it out of the pot to find a lot of prills had broken open thereby dumping their load into the pot. If memory serves the DM was originally developed to be used submerged in rice paddies. So I think it should do better in passive hydro than the OC+.

Hey irish, are you still down with the Mykos30? This looks like an excellent addition to my regime as I want to incorporate some organics into the setup.

Great stuff guys, keep it up!
Oh thankz doc and I just found out that this soil has a neutral ph straight out of the bag. And by the way where can i find gypsum and borax?

Home de Pot has gypsum....lifetime supply for about 10 bucks. Gypsum offers calcium and sulfur, as well as helps drainage.

Borax can be found in almost any supermarket or drug store chain:

20 Mule Team Borax. Again, just a little, tiny bit. This puts Boron into the soil, which is critical for bud formation.
Home de Pot has gypsum....lifetime supply for about 10 bucks. Gypsum offers calcium and sulfur, as well as helps drainage.

Borax can be found in almost any supermarket or drug store chain:

20 Mule Team Borax. Again, just a little, tiny bit. This puts Boron into the soil, which is critical for bud formation.

Ha! I think I must live in some sort of dimensional vortex...went to every store I could think of looking for Borax and couldn't find any. Checked all the supermarkets in the area, and the giant mart stores...nada! However, I had not thought of the drug store chains.:thumb:Thanks again Doc, Ill check there!
hey doc, you know where I could find some micro nutes with all the microbes if there is something out there like that? I rather have some I can mix with the soil than in water but if I have to I would get the one you mix with the feed. Please help just need some microbes and I'm set.

Hey bro....

You should do a bit more reading on the topics of micronutes and microbes.

"Micronutrients" refer to the salts of metals like Calcium, magnesium, boron, zinc, molybdenum, iron....etc.

"Mircrobes" refer to the bacteria and fungi that inhabit the soil and form symbiotic relationships with the root hairs of plants.

They are two very different things and I don't know of a product that has both, other than organic fertilizers.

A good source of micronutes is Azomite. There are also many products that can be found in hydro shops, like Earth Juice Microblast.

A good source of microbes can be found in many products that are available in nurseries....compost and worm teas are very beneficial, as well as products like Epsoma Biotone, Tomato Tone, Plant Tone, etc.

Also, if you use an organic soil, there are plenty of microbes in the soil.....just give a bit of molasses every now and then, along with some organic matter and the microherd will be happy and healthy.
Ha! I think I must live in some sort of dimensional vortex...went to every store I could think of looking for Borax and couldn't find any. Checked all the supermarkets in the area, and the giant mart stores...nada! However, I had not thought of the drug store chains.:thumb:Thanks again Doc, Ill check there!

Go to a real hardware store instead of a 'Mart, supermarket, or the like. They'll probably sell 20-Mule Team Borax in the cleaning section and Roach Prufe (boric acid) in the pest section. They'll also have gypsum, bone- and blood-meal, two or three different strengths of phospate, fertilizers of the 5-10-10/10-10-10/12-12-12/etc. variety available by the pound and 50-pound bags, garden and flower seeds and other "cover crop" seeds, various types/diameters/lengths of pipe, fittings for same, plumbing supplies, electrical supplies, pumps, containers, etc. A good one will have knowledge of everything that they sell and while they're not likely to be able to tell you about how something can be specifically useful for cannabis, you can learn a lot of helpful information just the same. Not to mention that the money you spend goes to an owner that lives nearby instead of to a corporation that doesn't care a bit about you or your town except in terms of profit.

BtW, be careful - too much boron in soil can poison it for growing plants.
BtW, be careful - too much boron in soil can poison it for growing plants.

^^^^^ This is very important!

I recommend using a pair of chopsticks, grab some borax with the chop sticks and that's about enough for a 3 gallon pot. You don't need much of this stuff!

If you don't have it, your plants won't flower.....if you have too much, they'll die. Have enough and they'll bloom like never before.

(if you can't use chopsticks just pinch enough borax so that you can fit it all under a fingernail. It's much easier to mix this into large quantities of other ferts, or large quantities of soil.)
Go to a real hardware store instead of a 'Mart, supermarket, or the like. They'll probably sell 20-Mule Team Borax in the cleaning section and Roach Prufe (boric acid) in the pest section. They'll also have gypsum, bone- and blood-meal, two or three different strengths of phospate, fertilizers of the 5-10-10/10-10-10/12-12-12/etc. variety available by the pound and 50-pound bags, garden and flower seeds and other "cover crop" seeds, various types/diameters/lengths of pipe, fittings for same, plumbing supplies, electrical supplies, pumps, containers, etc. A good one will have knowledge of everything that they sell and while they're not likely to be able to tell you about how something can be specifically useful for cannabis, you can learn a lot of helpful information just the same. Not to mention that the money you spend goes to an owner that lives nearby instead of to a corporation that doesn't care a bit about you or your town except in terms of profit.

BtW, be careful - too much boron in soil can poison it for growing plants.

Hey TorturedSoul,

I hope all is well with you!

I totally agree about the giant corporation thing, I try not to shop there unless I have no other choice... Thanks for the warning on the boron, you can trust me when I say I'm NOT one who thinks that if a little is good than a lot must be even better!

BtW, be careful - too much boron in soil can poison it for growing plants.

^^^^^ This is very important!

I recommend using a pair of chopsticks, grab some borax with the chop sticks and that's about enough for a 3 gallon pot. You don't need much of this stuff!

If you don't have it, your plants won't flower.....if you have too much, they'll die. Have enough and they'll bloom like never before.

(if you can't use chopsticks just pinch enough borax so that you can fit it all under a fingernail. It's much easier to mix this into large quantities of other ferts, or large quantities of soil.)

Hi Doc,

I remember your chopstick explanation from one of the threads a while back, and it really stuck with me. What a great way to emphasize how little you are really talking about!:thumb:
Thankz, I know I'm a newb. Thanks for clearing that up for me and thanks for helping me understand plants a lil better. And one more thing where can i find Azomite?

Being a newb is a good thing! You have all kinds of wonderful things to look forward to.

Good job asking questions and wanting to learn before your plants look like they've had roundup sprayed on them.

Azomite can be found online for sure. A local hydro shop near me carries it, and I'm sure some of the sponsors on this site have it as well.

It's pretty good stuff and will definitely help your plants grow better!
So pretty much this should be a good soil mix from my understanding:
per 3 gal

2 parts promix
1 part perlite
2 tbsp osmocote
2 tbsp dynamic red
2 tbsp gypsum
2tbsp dolimite lime
2 tbsp bio-tone
3 tbsp azomite
pinch of boric acid

I know I will have to supplement on down the line but how long would you expect for this to last before I see deficiencies or should I not be so paranoid.

I wouldn't use perlite. Promix drains very well without it....especially with the gypsum.

Other than that, I think you've got a winner. You won't run out of base nutes with this mix and will only need to supplement with something like Snowstorm or Maxicrop......or nothing at all.

RE:Azomite at Costco.....Wow! Yes, that's the stuff. A lifetime supply for pot growing for 20 bucks.....wow!

Buy it!!!

I saw a 50# bag of Azomite for under $20 at COSTCO. Said it was for lawns. Do you know if this is the same stuff?

I think you might have seen Ironite at Costco... It was like $17.99 for a 50 lb. bag.

I haven't been able to find Azomite locally, but you can buy it directly from their website.
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