Peyton & Pals Perpetual Playground

I'm packing it for you Peyton I'll toss some kief on top quick for ya get you a good hit :tokin::tokin:, His pistils are browning a little early aren't they ? I've never grew outside so I don't know for sure but mine don't really brown until close to being done ??? More of a question for myself than anything.
You got a space set up for it yet? If get a hygrometer in there and check temp and humidity so you know if you need to keep leaves on or off humidity is gonna be high, possibly causing mold. A good fan to move air, but not blowing on buds themselves. No light, cause light degrades thc. This harvest I plan to try out bud washing with one of my plants.
I'm packing it for you Peyton I'll toss some kief on top quick for ya get you a good hit :tokin::tokin:, His pistils are browning a little early aren't they ? I've never grew outside so I don't know for sure but mine don't really brown until close to being done ??? More of a question for myself than anything.

Sweet, I love some toppers on a bowl! Some of my pistils turned brown early, but it was because I was touching them with my bare hands. Only happened to the ones I man-handled too much. Someone in another thread was saying they change color early if they get pollinated, but I don't think that's the case with his, especially if it's all alone. Unless it hermi'd on him? I usually don't worry too much about the pistils, just the trichs. How far along is she? About 5 weeks or so?
Kola according to my strain info it's suppose to do that, but he'll I don't know first time. Live and learn. I would love your input on it though. Says flower time 8 to 10 weeks I'm almost 5 weeks in. I check her daily of course no nuts or sign of hermie. As far as being pollinated, only if some else in the neighbor hood got a male somewhere. Got one in the jungle She just starting to flower As light times get closer to 12-12 here. The one in flower I made a flower box for her. Its got vent holes for the night time hours. Also a little battery operated fan inside and some damp rid to keep humidity and moisture down.
Seems about right for the time. My HGK Flux is about 3 weeks into flower and don't look anywhere near that. Just make sure and get a jewelers loupe or scope so you can watch trichomes. I just went back and realized there's two different plants. Should get a real nice yield growing outdoors. Don't see any signs of problems on them
Thanks Kola. I'm just interested in the quality for my oil.


Jim my vast didn't look the same either one literally looked like a cabbage the fan leaves were huge compared to the other one I thought I had been robbed for a while it didn't look like a normal fan leave but both smoke pretty much the same at the end. So don't get worried if you get a little later in veg and you have one that has huge fan leaves it's gonna be ok :):)
Spent all afternoon and I finally got my fan and carbon filter in. The temps should be better now. Sorry I missed so much. I'm using computer for speed...
Will check the girls in a little while. Need to water them. I'll use the nutes it's only 300 ppm when I checked. My water is 61 ppm. I think they'll do the nutes alright. Back later with a photo.

Spent all afternoon and I finally got my fan and carbon filter in. The temps should be better now. Sorry I missed so much. I'm using computer for speed...
Will check the girls in a little while. Need to water them. I'll use the nutes it's only 300 ppm when I checked. My water is 61 ppm. I think they'll do the nutes alright. Back later with a photo.


Considering how fast they grow and go through life, they should be able to handle it.
Sorry Peyton just seen your question. Yep got a space in the garage. Also got a nice fan to circulate the air, and there will be no light in the place I got setup.

It's cool. Sometimes it's quiet in here, most of the time conversations move fast through here. I would monitor your conditions in there so the pros can give you advice specific to your space. They'll want to know what the temp and humidity will be so that adjustments can be made. Might have to keep leaves on if too dry, or ac if it's too humid or something like that. You can also dry buds in the freezer. Stumped made a tutorial on that. Did half my sour sky that way. Takes a little longer but smoked a lot smoother, and the smell really popped.
Garage can get pretty humid at times, but by time I harvest temps will drop, and the fan should really help. Overall she looks ok to you. I like the fast conversation. I could talk all day about plants. Being new to it all. I found a new hobbies love growing.
As far as I see they look spot on for their age. Everyone always thinks their plants look smaller than the ones online. It's just your eyes messing with you. I thought my SS was small, others said it looked huge. And they seem to grow slower when you stare at them all day lol. I know mine do. Pretty soon yours will start packing on weight
Thanks Payton. Your right they look small to me. Guess I'm just anxious to see the buds really developed. Well I wish I got to stare at them all day. Gotta go to work you know so I always check when I get home. First thing I do. One more thing is it normal for them to drink a gal and half every other day when in flower.
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