Peyton & Pals Perpetual Playground

Update here. The girls have grown some. Fast is growing second set of leaves quicker than Vast. I got the fan and filter in. Temps are in low 80s now. So good to see. Fed them again same feeding schedule.

Here is Fast.

Here is her sister Vast

Here is the fan and filter on a pvc stand.

I got a chance to rework my veg space today. Bucket is still on ground, but more space than last time, so I'll take it. Plus, it gave me a chance to make a small space for clones. Didnt want that space to be wasted, so I found another 2 liter and took a PC clone. It was a good size clone for once, so I'm proud of that. I now have 2 clones, and will take another from HGK clone this week. Exciting times in the Manning household! I went into the flower room and took the lowest growth of each branch of SB. In another day or so, I'll take the next group of growth and so on. Today was a good day.
Invite to watch him grow? I don't get it lol anyone can go look anytime, wtf we need an invite for? Lol sorry I'm just confused.

I'm guessing anyone can come by when they want, I just like the front row seat. I think it was meant to be more of a symbolic gesture than anything.
Damn wildjim, then girls are growing so fast. My bagseed are a week or more older and yours are about the same size already. Fan setup looks good, should help you maintain temps greatly now
No. I threw seeds from brick weed in there along with seeds from bags of dank. They don't look good, but I haven't treated them well either.
It's the primo bud that has names. There's brick weed and then there's holy grail kush, purple haze, Northern lights... Those are considered dank. You're not dumb , it's just one of those newer phrases people use to describe great weed.
It's not dumb, it's ignorance. So you might get some good shit out of that? Kool. I have one seed from some good dank. The last stuff my brother gave me before he died. Photo I think. Wouldn't it be something if one of the bag seeds or a dank were an auto? Boy that would be like a Christmas gift wouldn't it?
Hell yeah it would. Sorry for the delay, got caught up looking at seeds online. Convinced my buddy to get fnv instead of blueberry domina autos. Gonna get his Skywalker and clone the shit out of it! Might see about a cannatonic also. You ever make it out this way I might send you home with a ton of clones. Gonna try to keep the HGK, pc, canna, and Skywalker going for a really long time.
Damn, they don't make it to you? Don't you guys have seed banks up there in Canada? I have a question, I remember going to a site of a company that was in Canada, they sold seeds that were called elephant bud, supposedly produced pounds on one plant, another was a tree that produced 20 pounds a year and never died, just kept producing. Bc seeds or something like that. Never seen a journal, and their seeds were always sold out
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