Please Help Me Help My Daughter - Autos In Coco - LED

Good deal!
Are you still going to do 3 individual lights. Consisting of 3 panels each.
I am doing 4 lights of 3 panels each.
Each individual light will be run in series off a main line.
This way I will add an on/off switch to each individual light.
Splitting the series up. Will insure that not all lights will be lost. In case of a break in power flow.
Good deal!
Are you still going to do 3 individual lights. Consisting of 3 panels each.
I am doing 4 lights of 3 panels each.
Each individual light will be run in series off a main line.
This way I will add an on/off switch to each individual light.
Splitting the series up. Will insure that not all lights will be lost. In case of a break in power flow.
I'm going all 9 lights one string in a 3x3 configuration in 1 side of my tent. So it will be covering a 4x4 area
That's funny, it's a DC
'Bout all that will happen if you cross wires.
It just won't work! Untill you get it right.
Just remember... Chinese color code to U.S. Can't go Wrong!
Got 2 Drok multimeters ordered and also a Magic Budder machine. Got the panels mounted to my frame but had to leave early to get my oil changed so didn't get them wired up yet.
Think I'm going with individual light hangers on every corner that way I can angle the light if I have different canopies heights.
One day when I can afford it I'll buy it I've heard great things even locally .
So wife and I went out for dinner last night and got home late and trashed so nothing got done on the basement. Hopefully tomorrow. Got a head the size of Ohio this morning. Ouch
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