Pterostychus: The Never Ending Story, Now Jack Herer

The info about your success from DP is certainly welcome to hear. I had an auto correct issue with the original question about DutchPro's. What I was asking was if you bought through the, and if you were happy with their products. You answer'd so all's great. Thanks
Your going to love the AutoDaiquiriLime. She grows like a weed and responds really well to LST
damn right i will enjoy them in due time hehe no but serious now I picked them because they specialize in autos but unfortunately they are not listed as a sponsor so ... i cant really say much but i friggin luv em ... but after i get a need for novelties again i will definately try Fast buds as well ... they also have only autos i think and some nice strains there as well ... and they are listed as a sponsor hihi meh i double checked and they arent anymore
cruella day 74/34

temps are recovering as does humidity ... i do notice though that she isnt drinking a lot barely a liter per day

Other than those lower leaves the plant looks frosty and delicious!

pitty they ain't a sponsor cause now i am constricted in what i post .
There are no restrictions on what you post about non-sponsor seedbanks. You can talk all you want about them and the lines they carry. Only restriction is on linking to non-sponsor seed sellers. That's the no-no.

I recently got that clarification from Teddy.
I have to admit to a strong desire to smoke those albino buds! That is the most interesting thing I've ever seen on here. That and Shed's Mob Boss Bug Cafe where failed hits on reefer plants get ordered. Go strong to the end Pt!
And I'm voting for it. Remind me. It won't be electioneering as I publicly stated I would before hand and I am admittedly not the guy on here with the best memory. Hmmm. What were we talking about?
Excellent! I’m glad for two reasons. One, it really is a lovely color. Much more unusual than your run of the mill, frosty White Widow, or Rhino, or whatever. It’s a true expression of unique genetics and environment.
And two, I don’t have to get a new phone.
Excellent! I’m glad for two reasons. One, it really is a lovely color. Much more unusual than your run of the mill, frosty White Widow, or Rhino, or whatever. It’s a true expression of unique genetics and environment.
And two, I don’t have to get a new phone.
Hahaha! There's a bright yellow side to everything right? I wouldn't want to these days either. You guys are typing at probably the last guy on earth who STILL doesn't have a cell phone. Life is still SOOOO good!
They used to. I threw my last cell phone out after it ruined an already rough night of fishing in 2005. It rand one too many times that night and I could hear it all the way down stream. Now I watch phone zombies and know I am immune. Anyways, since you're not dropping pics tonight, and you also mentioned dense nugs, why don't you guys meet me over at grow1 in about a half hour. We'll continue the conversation there...
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