Queen's Royal Green Garden

Not much to report, just checking in to say that the girls in the tent all their budsites were yellow...I gave some nutes along with some bloom booster.. I am hoping that will help..The lost coast og still hasn't come up, I guess that one bit the dust too...*sighs* I did have to pull one of the plants out of the tent because it had balls!!!! One male out of all them still isn't bad odds..The girls in the closet are doing good, fed them when I fed the ones in the tent...That's about it...

As for the other issue, well I finally did get a hold of my worker...Basically she's saying that she has to contact the financial worker and she would give my landlord a call, I guess to let him know that they plan on paying those back checks...I am waiting on her to call back but the work day is just about over so I prolly won't even get a call back...Got through to the lawyers office after countless attempts to be told that someone will call me about my case, no call back from them either...I even tried to call the damn place myself but got frustrated because I couldn't hear the damn automated thing to pick a freaking option!!!! It really sucks when I don't have a tty device, can't afford one and no one returns emails...I am beyond frustrated!!!!
well your girls still have a roof over their heads so thats a plus:cheer:
and you are here so thats a bigger plus your Majesty (gracefully aging of course)
and even if they wont listen to you WE will if that makes you feel any better:):circle-of-love:
well your girls still have a roof over their heads so thats a plus:cheer:
and you are here so thats a bigger plus your Majesty (gracefully aging of course)
and even if they wont listen to you WE will if that makes you feel any better:):circle-of-love:

Thanks Fishy, Cause I will need to continue to bend yours and everyone else who reads this ears..lol...Let's begin with the plants...After doing some more looking, I noticed 2 of the girls in the closet had started shooting pistils, i moved them to the tent and placed the ones who haven't been doing anything in the closet with the others. With things being on my mind as of late, a few of the plants started wilting from me forgetting to water them. But they have bounced back. I guarantee when I post pics, you will see the difference from the last time I posted. So if all goes well, I think I should have a nice little yield from the fcj and the 4 bag seed. OMG, the fcj has turned into such a bush, I can't even tie her down anymore so I just let her do her thing. The only thing is that my timer is acting funky again and has changed the light cycle on its own, I swear..It was set to come on at 6:30pm til 6am, now it comes on at 1 and goes off at 1am...I am like wtf? I really hate this analog timer.....

As for the housing issue, well besides myself, I got 3 other people to start blowing up her phone, reached her today and was able to get translated what was going on..Because when I got in contact with her by phone, I couldn't hear her. It seems Jewish people which my landlord is, has some holiday going on so they have been out of the office for the past 2 days. The office has been closed so she is waiting for them to fax her some paperwork she needs...As for the recoupment she is telling me to ignore that and pay my portion but my thing is if I ignore that, it will keep me behind in rent, so I don't get why she is telling me to ignore it. Would you believe I have still not been able to contact this damn lawyer...When we reached the receptionist, she just kept saying that she had passed the info to the lawyer...Well ok so why haven't I been called the hell back? For this city to be such a hot spot and tourist attraction, they are like cave men when it comes to being professional, they have no professional courtesy at all...No sensitivity toward people with disabilities at all. I am almost regretting moving here but I hate my hometown more...
cant wait to see the girls your majesty!(gracefully aging of course)
I hear you about the timer. I need to get a better one myself:) as long as they aren't too far in flower, drying out may be a plus. get them roots growing looking for water.
folks will tell you anything so you leave them alone so I'm glad you got some back up with your rent problem. its fucked up how callas some folks are when its not their home to worry about. but with the help from the others they should get it fixed I HOPE:circle-of-love:
cant wait to see the girls your majesty!(gracefully aging of course)
I hear you about the timer. I need to get a better one myself:) as long as they aren't too far in flower, drying out may be a plus. get them roots growing looking for water.folks will tell you anything so you leave them alone so I'm glad you got some back up with your rent problem. its fucked up how callas some folks are when its not their home to worry about. but with the help from the others they should get it fixed I HOPE:circle-of-love:

No, they have only been in flower since mother's day. I don't really feel like I have back up, just some friends who are trying to help. The issue is not resolved yet but me getting on my worker's ass to do her damn job. Most people in my position would go down there and show their ass. But I am not trying to get put out the building or taken to jail. I do advocate for myself the best way I can. I am just pissed because these people have been bullshitting me about these back rent checks since October of last year. My new worker put in a request back in February but it amazes me that she didn't follow up on it. Idk, these people just seem like a bunch of slackers who just show up for work to get a pay check.

Love ya too, OMM...I am off a little later to go see my specialist, I had some bloodwork done a few weeks ago so I have to see what is going on with that. Then next week, I have to see my primary doctor for blood she took. I apologize for not keeping up with everyone's journals but I am sure you understand why. Until I get this stuff resolved, I prolly won't be on here or as much or if I am just lurking...
Do what you gotta do QTL. We'll still be here :circle-of-love:

Remember to keep your priorities in order:
1. Yourself
2. Your plants
3. 420 mag :winkyface:

I hope everything gets resolved soon. It must be terribly stressful not knowing if you're gonna have a place to live next month. :Namaste:
Do what you gotta do QTL. We'll still be here :circle-of-love:

Remember to keep your priorities in order:
1. Yourself
2. Your plants
3. 420 mag :winkyface:

I hope everything gets resolved soon. It must be terribly stressful not knowing if you're gonna have a place to live next month. :Namaste:

Thanks Hiker, that is usually how it goes anyway!!! The Goddess has heard my prayers, let me tell you I rarely pray but I had to this time..I finally got in contact with my worker, she got a hold of the landlord, got the paperwork faxed to her and pretty much got the issue resolved with the landlord. I don't know what she said but they're no longer taking me to court!!!! I also called the management office to make sure the issue was resolved and they said it was!!!! And the recoupment is now over, it ended sometime this week she said!!! As you can imagine a huge load is off my shoulders!!! Cause Queen don't play that eviction shit!!! So now I can put my focus back where it belongs which is on me and my girls!!!

Speaking of the girls, they're doing great, rolling with the 12/12 that my timer seems to have chosen for me...lol..But I did spot another male. Yeah he's a goner!!! Balls were just forming so I don't think he knocked up any of my ladies. The fcj is just amazing, you got to see her. I think she will give me a pretty good yield by herself from the looks of it. The bag seeds will too. I gave them water and bloom booster about 45 minutes ago. Now maybe just maybe I can get this closet together a little better but we shall see how my funds look.

So I want to thank you guys for your support and prayers, I am sure at least Fishy, OMM, McLoadie,Hiker and a few others were praying to whatever deity your worship. Just letting you know I love you guys and it's appreciated!!! I promise to post pics later tonight.
Glad to hear everything worked out for you, being told your evicted is a lot of stress to deal with. And yeah about 1 in 15 county workers seem to actually give 2 shits about the people they help, glad im not the only one notice.
Glad to hear everything worked out for you, being told your evicted is a lot of stress to deal with. And yeah about 1 in 15 county workers seem to actually give 2 shits about the people they help, glad im not the only one notice.

They must get paid well to sit there and do nothing...*sighs*..Or they probably expect most to just sit back and get evicted...Maybe now she will realize who she is dealing with...Not that it will matter cause all they're good for is passing the buck and I don't mean money.
I hate the system, if they owe you it takes forever but if you owe them there
on you like stink on shit. Im glad they finaly fixed your rent deal.

That's what I always says too....

As promised pics of the flowering girls....
hey baby you sure do got some sweet lookin nugs! wished I could touch them:)
Well I found 2 more males...I haven't killed them yet but I do have them seperated from my girls....Out of 12, 2 died, and 4 were males..Now I am left with 5 females...4 in the tent flowering and 2 in the closet vegging...
well you got something growin on!
A fine smoke to you my dear lady:)
Hey Queen,

Good day to you. Those 12 plants you speak of.....were they bag seed or purchased seeds?....I haven't followed your entire journal, sorry.
I have exciting news....a little background infor first.

My three grows are from the same two bag seeds that luckily were both females and I have taken cuttings from them before harvest. But my exciting news is that I found a small plant growing in an outdoor potted plant, probably thrown in there by my son or one of his friends, and I potted it and currently sexing it. Woo hoo, I may have a new strain to try out growing, if its female!! I was getting bored with the same ol strain I have been growing.

I enjoy reading your journal. Thanks for keeping it going.
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