Radogast's Non-420 Garden Creation Thread

That's a wonderful thing. The connection you and your family made to this plot of land and it's other earthlings was such a delight to be a part of. My daughter and I were laughing just yesterday about the ravens and I believe it was the tax man? Hahaha! A tale for the ages. Lol!

I look forward to sharing in your new adventure. It pleases me to have this aloe plant growing and have a small piece of you here. It's starting to take off now.

I was just appreciating the lingering scent of a joint, thinking of you, as a matter of fact, because I know you'd understand what I mean. There's something comforting about smoking a joint. I don't do it often, JayBliz inspired this one over at the smokeathon. Makes the place smell like home. :battingeyelashes: It was interesting to think of you and walk right into you. That just happened with Sara. If it happens with anyone else I'm gonna freak out. :laughtwo:

Serendipity is a sign that the universe is creating a connection. My experience, as written about the Princes of Serendip, is that a gift or a teaching is about to manifest.
Wicker Fire

We picked up this wicker chair along the road. My wife went out to spray paint it but sat in it and decided it was just to dry to be able to save. Nicely made, there were o metal supports and possibly no nail or pins. A well made wicker chair that was dry enough to make a wicked cool fire.



Cool. :high-five: I love a good fire. :battingeyelashes: :love: Nice pictures of this one Rad.
I missed your post about poor Bella and Donna

RIP sweeties.

How is the move going Radogast? Miss you. :)

Since Saturday, we are living in a house full of boxes and half-completed renovations. T
he list of things to do would be overwhelming if I planned more than 24 hours at a time.

Today's jobs:

Employment (8 hours)

Located 2 boxes of my clothes

Located 10 other priority boxes (kitchen and clothes)

Hardware store during lunch - 1/2" to 3/4" plumbing adapter, 1/4" tap for icemaker water line, drain cap, 3 prong dryer plug

Thunderstorm coming - unpack canes and umbrellas, remove small laundry load from the backyard drying rack, clear space in garage to park a car away from potential hailstorm, put heavy rocks on things that might blow away.

Power failure after work - plumbing doesn't need electricity, install icemaker line to refrigerator, drain cap supply line to downstairs 1/2 bathroom, install new "rain" shower head and hand held sprayer for old fashiened claw foot tub.

Replace 4 prong clothes dryer cord with 3 prong clothes dryer cord. No vent, cut cardboard and run exhaust out the window.

Start installing knobs and handles on kitchen cabinets - discover all the bolts are too short - hardware store is closed / no power

Power restored - icemaker not working (lines not flushing), lower refrigerator/freezer temp settings, dryer plug has no power.

Moved boxes to basement and empty boxes to garage - 3 people can squeeze into the dining room among the boxes now.

Commiserate with two different local friends who suffered major tree damage in the storm.

Tomorrow's jobs include:

Employment (work 8 hours)

Call plumber to install a gas line to stove - maybe venting for microwave and dryer. (I lost my big ladder in the move.)

More boxes.

Hardware store - need kitchen cabinet handle bolts, and toilet paper.

Troubleshoot dryer plug/wiring.

Mop exposed parts of hardwood floors (very grimy)

Come up with a better plan to mount microwave than the half-installed, non-functional plan of previous rehabber - may involve building a box among kitchen cabinets.

Look at dishwasher under the counter and see what it will take to install dishwasher and a garbage disposal.

Shop for Reverse Osmosis unit for drinking water and gardening water.

Sit on the porch near dusk

Unpack and set up worm trays

Today was less work than yesterday. The moving days were brutal.

Found the toaster:) Butler's pantry that I cleaned and shelf papered yesterday is now full! Still looking for the coffeee pot.

Quick photos of the front porch


Awesome looking home. Hopefully it will have all the nature that you're used to. It's amazing what some land will do for you. I went from 1/4 acre to almost 7.5 and the feeling is wonderful. That do list just keeps getting longer and longer though.

Sent from this funny device I carry around and still call a phone even though I hardly ever make calls with it.
Yesterday's challenge : How to hang a small electric chandelier from a gas pipe.


Gas pipe does not fit compression fittings or lamp fittings..so i mixed and matched :)

Water pipe Tee on gas pipe until unmatched threads wouldn't tighten any more.
Sprinkler adapter reduced to threaded rod


The Tee allows the electrical wires to escape from the pipeworks


A small chandelier to complement the woodwork :)

Wow!!! What fabulous woodworking!!! You got a diamond this time out. I see why she made her mind up coming through the door. :battingeyelashes: :love:

Well done buckaroo! :high-five:
Beautiful woodwork! Nice job of improvising on the light.

Wow!!! What fabulous woodworking!!! You got a diamond this time out. I see why she made her mind up coming through the door. :battingeyelashes: :love:

Well done buckaroo! :high-five:

It is nice woodwork :)

2 hours before sundown, we get a flotilla of rainbows sparkling in the hallway.

This weekend, I took a break from working inside the house and did a little yard work.

I went to the back of the city lot yard and chased off a cicada and removed two ants nests from the pile of arbor parts.


After reassembling the arbors, I arranged them as doorways to the 4 directions. With a few sacred items and actions, it looks like a mini stonehenge :)


Yes, that is the edge of an umbrella style clothes dryer in the left. I still haven't run 220 wiring for the 2nd floor electric dryer.)

I trimmed a tree out front, weed whacked the front and back lawns (plants actually GROW here), hung 3 bird houses, consolidated designs for the front porch trellises, put up 3 shepherd's hooks with associated bird feeders and wind chimes, unburied overgrown sidewalks, planted a few railroad spikes (the first financer of this house rose in the ranks from working in the yards to vice president of the railroad), sprinkled a perimeter of freshly gruond cascarilla, and made a place in the corner for the Garden Fairy (in the ONLY non-lawn section of the yards.)


I started some cuttings of catmint, mojito mint, and Lemon Balm in the clone bucket.

I am watching a volunteer tomato plant (waist high) near the back porch and what I believe is a tomatillo growing out of a driveway crack.

I fed the worms.

Gardening has officially begun :)
old fashiened claw foot tub

Damn you!!! I can't even fit one in my bathroom. I'd have to remove a closet... and I totally would if one fell into my world.

I see you're tossing down the jackleg gauntlet with the gas/chandelier combo. I'll have to come up with something super creative to beat that. You're sure that gas line is anchored well?

Beautiful new digs... both inside and out!
Damn you!!! I can't even fit one in my bathroom. I'd have to remove a closet... and I totally would if one fell into my world.

I see you're tossing down the jackleg gauntlet with the gas/chandelier combo. I'll have to come up with something super creative to beat that. You're sure that gas line is anchored well?

I took a piece of wire and shoved it up the gas pipe about 2 feet without hitting an obstruction, so I grabbed the pipe and tried to shake it and it wouldn't budge. The little chandelier on their is under 10 lbs, so we are good :) If the ceiling falls, I can do a normal install. :rofl:

Beautiful new digs... both inside and out!

Beautiful, dirty, and neglected inside and out, BUT good solid wood, brick and stone. No infestation damage. :)

Yesterday, I was frustrated about going here and there around the house, basement, and garage for house tools and supplies.
I decided to set up a few racks in the basement.
I decided to sweep the floor where I was setting up the racks.
I decided to clean out the ash dump for the fireplace before blocking it with a rack.


35 gallons of ash later, the racks aren't up, the floor isn't swept, and the tools and supplies are still scattered.


I wonder how many decades it has been since someone used the fireplace.

Is there a gardening use for fireplace ash? It is mostly gray and fluffy, not much char, a little brick dust mixed in.
I decided to set up a few racks in the basement.
I decided to sweep the floor where I was setting up the racks.
I decided to clean out the ash dump for the fireplace before blocking it with a rack.
35 gallons of ash later, the racks aren't up, the floor isn't swept, and the tools and supplies are still scattered.

Yea... you could wash, rinse, and repeat that scenario forever and a day. Why must it always be this way?
As one who buys and repairs homes, this can really be evil. One minor thing can be the doorway to Hell.
Is there a gardening use for fireplace ash? It is mostly gray and fluffy, not much char, a little brick dust mixed in.

Great source of potassium and trace elements. I use it in the compost and on the vegetable plots. It has a liming effect - so good for acid soils, but keep away from azaleas.

Yea... you could wash, rinse, and repeat that scenario forever and a day. Why must it always be this way?
As one who buys and repairs homes, this can really be evil. One minor thing can be the doorway to Hell.

yep ... :)

The son wants to buy a new gaming computer and move his desk (6x2' granite top.) but the power cords weren't long enough so he bought a surge suppressor and a 2-prong to 3-prong converter. I pointed out that the surge suppressor wants a functioning ground. I checked behind the plates and we have 2-wires with cloth or thread insulation and no ground. Sorry buddy, this means romex style wires from the basement to the second floor, above the laundry room and removing old wiring and rewiring both the sconce lights and ensuring there is at least 3 walls with ample outlets. It's going to take at least 8 holes in your ceilings and walls to install your surge suppressor. - Did you want a ceiing fan with that?

Great source of potassium and trace elements. I use it in the compost and on the vegetable plots. It has a liming effect - so good for acid soils, but keep away from azaleas.


Without an actual soil analysis, what is a reasonable rate? One pint per square yard surface or 4 cubic feet dug in?

It has been about 6 weeks since I took a string trimmer to the yard, treating almost everything as if it were grass.

There was a volunteer plant about 8" inches high under the kitchen window that looked like a tomato plant. It grew nicely.



There was a plant in a pavement crack outside the garage. It looked to be in the Tomatillo family, so I let it grow.


Nice little "Chinese Lantern" shaped fruit wraps.


3 of the lanterns have yellowed and fallen. By their size I think I have ground cherries.


I started some cat mint and mojito mint cuttings. I also started Lemon Balm but it has not shown roots.

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