Squiggle Is Testing The Sylstar GL4000a: Multi Strain Grow, In A Brand New Set Up!


Seedlings Day 5
Day 10 from soaking seeds

: Sylstar GL-4000a
Medium: Store bought compost.
Final pot size and type: to be confirmed
Grow space: 1metre X 1metre X 2metre
Strains: 1xSour diesel. 1xStar dawg. 1xBlueberry OG. All photoperiod and 1x White widow Auto
Nutrients: liquid organic feed (if needed)
Water: Mineral, pH'd to 6.5
Temperature: 21
RH: 54

Howdy do guys.

I'm as sick as eunuch in the playboy mansion.
Came in from work to find they had stretched a million inches.. (slight exaggeration)
They had out grown their dicks and we're all floppy. I panicked and stuck the pot extensions on that I had already premade.. I back filled them and thought "this is a total bodge job and I have totally fecked up, but I might get away with it" @Grand Daddy Black , you were right. The leggy ladies are a problem..

The light was set at 24 inches pumping out 4500 lux at their leaves; but it must not have been enough..
anyways. I thought " I might get away with it, but up potting will be a pain, but let's carry on and not give up"
Then this happened.

I knocked the feckers over. I must apologise for the bad language, I never swear, but I'm Well and truly piddled off because of my incompetence..
Anyway, the star dawg snapped it's stem and that got binned, the blue berry has a head injury and the others are in disbelief.. or shock.. it's one of the two..
So, if these make it, I will show my backside in McDonald's window..
I've ordered new seeds, as I might just start again.
This is in no way any fault of the light @Sylstar and it is totally down to me being a complete arse wipe...

I will let you all know if I abandon this attempt and I will let you all know when or if I start again.. No!!! when I start again; I'm not being beat by one feck up!!
.. I might just stick these abused plants outside and see if they grow in the UK sun.. it's better than chucking them in the bin..
The white widow was happy as well

Well guys.. all sympathy is welcome. But, I have learned from this experience. I know what's what with the light now and it's settings. So, if I do this again, I am a proper Muppet..
Thanks for laughing looking..

Catch you all soon.

A miserable Squiggle:(

Seedlings Day 5
Day 10 from soaking seeds

: Sylstar GL-4000a
Medium: Store bought compost.
Final pot size and type: to be confirmed
Grow space: 1metre X 1metre X 2metre
Strains: 1xSour diesel. 1xStar dawg. 1xBlueberry OG. All photoperiod and 1x White widow Auto
Nutrients: liquid organic feed (if needed)
Water: Mineral, pH'd to 6.5
Temperature: 21
RH: 54

Howdy do guys.

I'm as sick as eunuch in the playboy mansion.
Came in from work to find they had stretched a million inches.. (slight exaggeration)
They had out grown their dicks and we're all floppy. I panicked and stuck the pot extensions on that I had already premade.. I back filled them and thought "this is a total bodge job and I have totally fecked up, but I might get away with it" @Grand Daddy Black , you were right. The leggy ladies are a problem..

The light was set at 24 inches pumping out 4500 lux at their leaves; but it must not have been enough..
anyways. I thought " I might get away with it, but up potting will be a pain, but let's carry on and not give up"
Then this happened.

I knocked the feckers over. I must apologise for the bad language, I never swear, but I'm Well and truly piddled off because of my incompetence..
Anyway, the star dawg snapped it's stem and that got binned, the blue berry has a head injury and the others are in disbelief.. or shock.. it's one of the two..
So, if these make it, I will show my backside in McDonald's window..
I've ordered new seeds as I might just start again.
This is in no way any fault of the light and it is totally down to me being a complete arse wipe...

I will let you all know if I abandon this attempt and I will let you all know when or if I start again.. no!, when I start again; I'm not being beat by one feck up!!
.. I might just stick these abused plants outside and see if they grow in the UK sun.. it's better than chucking them in the bin..
The white widow was happy as well

Well guys.. all sympathy is welcome. But, I have learned from this experience. I know what's what with the light now and it's settings. So, if I do this again, I am a proper Muppet..
Thanks for laughing looking..

Catch you all soon.

A miserable squiggle
Aww f**k man..SORRY:(
Mine have all turned out ok so far:(
I had a Dark Devil that was as big as that girl and she worked out ok for me…
This was she..

Sorry for the pic, can I remove it if you want me to? Just thought you may of seen all was not lost with the leggy one. The bottle is 1.5 ltr.
Gotta say , I feel like a p**ck soz.
Don't apologize mate.. keep the photo up. It's quite inspiring.. beautiful colours:thumb:
This has never happened to me before. Not even with my veggy plants. I've grown alsorts in the greenhouse and under led and they've never went like this. I was frightened of the light.. but it's a pussy cat Really
The white widow and the sour D still look ok. The blue berry has buried its head in the soil.
So that's fooked.. thanks for the sympathy mate.. I need it :laugh:
Evening squiggle.
The other three look well alright, a little leggy but you can see the stems are starting to thicken up. The leaves are starting to grow as well. I don't think you were that far of the right lux level and maybe what you thought was stretch this time was actually growth .

Yeah RIP star dawg,that's gutting. But you've still got 3 viable plants there buddy. So brush yourself down, go have a look in the mirror and give that handsome guy a pep talk.
We'll sort this mate,in another week they'll look like normal plants.
My mirror must be broken, as every time I look in it , that handsome blokes not there :laugh:
They had started to flop over mate. They couldn't hold their own weight.
The pot extensions have supported them but it's going to be a pain later and with watering. I can water down the side of the extension, so it might just work.. the blue berry has give up!
Thanks for the support mate,I was gutted at first. I will run the remaining two and see what happens..
Thanks again. Your words mean alot
It takes a while to dial in a new tent and equipment squiggle, you've pretty much done that. Now you know what your light can do when it's dialled down, no need to be worried about frying them now.

That blue berry looked alright in the last photo, even with a head of soil it was trying to stand up.

The other 2 might be a pain to water but you'll be up potting them in a quick while. Just let them settle down under the light and get over the shock mate.
I've propped the BB up so she's looking at the light again.
Your right though. It's all new and I have limited experience, so it was inevitable I Ballsed up!! :laugh: Time will tell. I will just leave them alone and let nature take over..
I will keep yous updated. I might have to show my arse in McDonald's window if they do survive:laugh:
How's things at your end? Oops. Evening to you too mate
Cool! So she's had enough... Can't wait for the taste and smell report, oh and photos.
How long has she been growing now! My memory is terrible
The amnesia is 11 weeks old to the day tomorrow, I'll do a little update of her and the Orange sherbet in the morning, pop by when you've finished work and have a nose.
Laters squiggle, no more throwing the plants about. Ok.
I don't know, you get used to having a bell end in your mouth and sucking on it. Is the first go that's a bit strange but after that, it feels natural:laugh:

Oh and thanks on the congrats.. but I've totally messed up. I will explain later
This is all getting way messed up :lot-o-toke: Your having a convo about sucking a Bell end with Spitz! Just waiting for swallow to swoop in & it'll be a hat trick!!!
Evening squiggle.
The other three look well alright, a little leggy but you can see the stems are starting to thicken up. The leaves are starting to grow as well. I don't think you were that far of the right lux level and maybe what you thought was stretch this time was actually growth .

Yeah RIP star dawg,that's gutting. But you've still got 3 viable plants there buddy. So brush yourself down, go have a look in the mirror and give that handsome guy a pep talk.
We'll sort this mate,in another week they'll look like normal plants.
@Squiggle, ah F**kin no way dude! Gutted for ya brother :straightface: But yh, just like Lister said, other 3 look ok. Are you against pricking ( non pun intended ) them out & planting them deeper.
I've had to do that twice with mine due to stretch, I've just turned the light up now to 50% & hope for the best ( I really should include that in my journal shouldn't I).
But seriously, bit of a bummer yes but these little beauties are resilient, hardy lil fookers. Re pot 'em a bit deeper & see what happens...

Hope it works out matey :thumb:
@Squiggle, ah F**kin no way dude! Gutted for ya brother :straightface: But yh, just like Lister said, other 3 look ok. Are you against pricking ( non pun intended ) them out & planting them deeper.
I've had to do that twice with mine due to stretch, I've just turned the light up now to 50% & hope for the best ( I really should include that in my journal shouldn't I).
But seriously, bit of a bummer yes but these little beauties are resilient, hardy lil fookers. Re pot 'em a bit deeper & see what happens...

Hope it works out matey :thumb:
I might plant them deeper this week, just stick them in their final pots.

Yeah, include every detail you can in your journal mate. It's not only a reminder for you, but it is helpful to other members that read it..
Hopefully they are as resilient as you say, they've took a battering today..
Thanks for the concern mate. Appreciated
Glad to have you back..
It's amazing how much the plant we love has medicinal effects across the board.. it's an amazing plant..
Ooooh!! Engines! What you working on??
Thanks mate!! I know right? I am so thankful I live in somewhere where governments understand the benefits of legalization, if only they would relax the cultivation part I bit more everything would be perfect :hug:

The engine I have been playing around with trying to get going again is for a Yamaha YZ250F dirk bike, but it's causing me alot of problems so I'm throwing in the towel until I have more time this weekend maybe.

Anyway, I can't wait to see some pics of the little ladies mate! Cheers
Thanks mate!! I know right? I am so thankful I live in somewhere where governments understand the benefits of legalization, if only they would relax the cultivation part I bit more everything would be perfect :hug:
No problem.. I know exactly what you mean. The UK are in the same position. Thanks for popping in
Seedlings Day 6
Day 11 from soaking seeds

: Sylstar GL-4000a
Medium: Store bought compost.
Final pot size and type: to be confirmed
Grow space: 1metre X 1metre X 2metre
Strains: 1xSour diesel. 1xStar dawg. 1xBlueberry OG. All photoperiod and 1x White widow Auto
Nutrients: liquid organic feed (if needed)
Water: Mineral, pH'd to 6.5
Temperature: 22
RH: 55

Howdy do folks. Hope you are all as well as can be.
Just a quick pictures update.

The 3 that are remaining are loving life . The blue berry has got over her
head injury and she is sitting upright and the other two are soaking up the rays.
Here's some photos

Blue berry (bad photo, as the cat farted and I was giggling like a child)

Sour diesel

White widow

They are all looking happy enough..

Oh !! New toy came. It's only on hire, but I've wanted one to play with, just to see what this light is doing at different dimmer settings. I will be mucking about with that at the weekend

And as always; I thank you all for popping in. I will see you all in your side.



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