Are the cannabis compounds we ingest causing us to "feel a certain way" or do they in some complicated way make us more aware of the body status message it's been sending all along?

OK. You got me to take a breath there. Thank you. :laughtwo:

It's getting me high because it's being metabolized at a faster rate? Is that a possibility? That somehow, the longer decarb would..... I can't articulate it. Take a breath......... I need to think about this, or better yet, walk away from it and listen to some music. Let some clarity through.

I can't get it tested. No access here and it's illegal for me to ship it. At this point I get to enjoy the high that's achievable, and if others duplicate my results, we'll know an easy way to extend the cannabis you use for getting high. Many people benefit from euphoria. I may have stumbled on a way to help those people get more bang for their buck.

I feel very blessed to have fallen over this information. I'm a little stunned that no one else has noticed. Surely someone else had this happen? I know BAR duplicated it. It all happened at such a weird time. Why now?

I'm curious HashGirl, what did you decide on? What rejuvinated you and helped you chill after the emotional energy output? I'd have probably started with half an edible treat. The more I use edibles the more I'm convinced it's my most economical use for the best bang.

Are you aware that we discovered you can max out THC with a decarb of 230 degrees F for 110 minutes? It increase the potency way beyond what any of us anticipated. I do this with what I'm going to vape or smoke as well. It makes a tremendous difference. I cut back to a maximum of two tiny hits at a time. That's about half what I was starting with.

Worth giving it some thought. Stretching it out saves a lot of money. :battingeyelashes: :love:

Are these two quotes talking about the same thing?
:rollit:I believe the cannabis does get us communicating with our bodies! More than one way to tune in or tune out! Even if some of the benefit is placebo effect, That is still enhanced by cannabis! Wonder herb that it is! I find resisting to overdose , as I always did in the past, I now need to focus effort on finding the right dose! Less for usually, but not always, maybe. I'm still working this out for me as well! If you can be engaged with people, do good, spread love, and function well, your really living! That's my goal, for as long as I can keep it up!:thumb:
There is something rediculously therapeutic about making capsules, and this always seems to happen after 1 in the morning. :laughtwo:


We had an interesting experience with the daughter. This oil was made with immature leaves from my Carnival, taken at day 113, I believe it was. Yep, day 113, about two weeks into flowering. The oil was made for my walking friend, in hopes that a small shot of THC might be helpful for her daytime experience. Just a little pep.

When she stopped taking any capsules, my daughter decided to add them into her daily protocol. We'd been considering adding a tiny bit of THC to hers as well. There are many health concerns she deals with that would benefit from more THC.

Her experience with the new capsules was positive. As low as the levels were, she could feel the warmth of euphoria, but as warm pleasantness, nothing more.

Then she ran out, and thinking I'd used all the oil we were waiting for me to get the next batch made. That was scheduled for tomorrow. It's been three days without, but we didn't think anything about it. We didn't think she was getting all that much benefit.

Tonight, in the middle of a conversation she had a panic attack hit out of nowhere. I thought she was having a heart attack. I tried to get her to sit right down. Instead she went to sit on the bed. Still thinking we were dealing with a heart attack, and realizing there wasn't going to be much I could do about that, I fell into panic-reduction mode. Very calmly talking her down we worked a white light visualization and focused on slow, deliberate breathing while I pulled as much of the panic out as I could, letting it dissipate. She's trained to let it go.

When I suggested an ambulance she assured me it was a panic attack. I hadn't realized the severity of the blow when it first strikes. Usually she sees it coming and braces. She tells me it always feels like someone is ripping your heart out. Then she confided that the panic had been slowly building since she ran out of the supplemental capsules.

This surprises me, and I'm not certain what to make of it. I'm open to suggestion. I discovered I had a small quantity of the oil and got her capsules for the next week.

That small addition of THC - surely it can't be much with immature leaves? - filled a need we didn't know she had. Might it be time to start slowly increasing THC? The Carnival is major sativa, something Cajun cautioned us about. Does that suggest we should look for an indica?

I was thinking of this more like a vitamin supplement, and it appears her body decided it was serious meds.

Any thoughts?
Are you talking about Crop King's CBD Dutch Treat? Canna is making/made CBD capsules from some. DH has ordered some for me to try, too.

With your anxiety issues alone you might want to look into adding something with a balanced ratio of THC and CBD. It's worth a try Tim. You purchase from Crop King, and they have a new CBD strain that I believe is a balanced ratio.

Oldbear, While I have nothing to substantiate this but my own experience and thoughts, I feel that both ways you suggest are working in concert! The cannabis indeed, makes us feel certain ways and makes us more aware of our bodies status! It probably always tells us how much and when we need a boost in our cannabinoids receptors! We modern people have grown up in a repressive era in societies modern ages, that used prohibitions to control even natural life/living and that has caused us to loose contact with many symbiotic relationships we once had with natures bounty! :rollit: I have enjoyed trying to "remember" these relationships and am still learning (kind of slow ,aren't I?) 46 years using pot off and on, and I am just now working on perfecting my dosage! Anyway, it has more medicinal effects than I use to ever give it credit for! in
Are the cannabis compounds we ingest causing us to "feel a certain way" or do they in some complicated way make us more aware of the body status message it's been sending all along?
There is something rediculously therapeutic about making capsules, and this always seems to happen after 1 in the morning. :laughtwo:


We had an interesting experience with the daughter. This oil was made with immature leaves from my Carnival, taken at day 113, I believe it was. Yep, day 113, about two weeks into flowering. The oil was made for my walking friend, in hopes that a small shot of THC might be helpful for her daytime experience. Just a little pep.

When she stopped taking any capsules, my daughter decided to add them into her daily protocol. We'd been considering adding a tiny bit of THC to hers as well. There are many health concerns she deals with that would benefit from more THC.

Her experience with the new capsules was positive. As low as the levels were, she could feel the warmth of euphoria, but as warm pleasantness, nothing more.

Then she ran out, and thinking I'd used all the oil we were waiting for me to get the next batch made. That was scheduled for tomorrow. It's been three days without, but we didn't think anything about it. We didn't think she was getting all that much benefit.

Tonight, in the middle of a conversation she had a panic attack hit out of nowhere. I thought she was having a heart attack. I tried to get her to sit right down. Instead she went to sit on the bed. Still thinking we were dealing with a heart attack, and realizing there wasn't going to be much I could do about that, I fell into panic-reduction mode. Very calmly talking her down we worked a white light visualization and focused on slow, deliberate breathing while I pulled as much of the panic out as I could, letting it dissipate. She's trained to let it go.

When I suggested an ambulance she assured me it was a panic attack. I hadn't realized the severity of the blow when it first strikes. Usually she sees it coming and braces. She tells me it always feels like someone is ripping your heart out. Then she confided that the panic had been slowly building since she ran out of the supplemental capsules.

This surprises me, and I'm not certain what to make of it. I'm open to suggestion. I discovered I had a small quantity of the oil and got her capsules for the next week.

That small addition of THC - surely it can't be much with immature leaves? - filled a need we didn't know she had. Might it be time to start slowly increasing THC? The Carnival is major sativa, something Cajun cautioned us about. Does that suggest we should look for an indica?

I was thinking of this more like a vitamin supplement, and it appears her body decided it was serious meds.

Any thoughts?

Oh, I'm so sorry for her. They do feel like your heart being ripped out, along with all the other physical symptoms that would come along with that happening.

I read about this earlier today before I could sit down and reply. I was feeling decent all day. We had company, went for a great walk, and I was settling in and enjoying reading a book when it hit me. Hard. So hard that I could do nothing but make a beeline for my Lorazepam or I thought I'd lose it and die. I cut 1/4 of the pill and took it. It helped fully after about 40 minutes.

Usually I can wait quite awhile when they hit - see if I can be soothed out of it, or deal with it. Sometimes days. But this was too hard.

Is there something in the ethers right now?

Your daughter is so extremely lucky to have you there to soothe her, help her and understand her. I'm quite sure it means that she knows she's supported and it eases the symptoms AND the pain in the long run. As usual, my panic attack is met with anger and annoyance, which just makes me feel even worse. If I try to hide it, it's misconstrued as something else, but if I'm honest, I'm treated like I'm doing it just to annoy people for... whatever reason. I don't flaunt it - I usually try to hide it the best I can, or at least minimize my reaction. Regardless, I have to be by myself, because being looked down on when you think you're dying and you just want to sob is not the most fun way to spend an afternoon.

I cleaned for awhile (which is also not the most fun, but it was moving!! :) ) and now I'm going to see if I can exercise.

So, in taking the anti-anxiety medication for the first time in quite awhile, I can feel the similarities to the hemp in the overall heaviness, not-quite-grogginess, and the way my body feels. The differences are that 1) my heart rate went down instead of up and 2) my anxiety did ease. And since I was taking it first and foremost for the anxiety, well, that's kind of an important element!!

I'm sorry again that I haven't personally responded to everyone. It's hard for me to keep up with all the conversations. So thank you again to everyone who has replied to me. And a big hug to anyone else out there dealing with this anxiety. It's such a horrible thing that robs your life of so much. I look forward to the day that it's just a distant memory.

Oh, I'm so sorry for her. They do feel like your heart being ripped out, along with all the other physical symptoms that would come along with that happening.

I read about this earlier today before I could sit down and reply. I was feeling decent all day. We had company, went for a great walk, and I was settling in and enjoying reading a book when it hit me. Hard. So hard that I could do nothing but make a beeline for my Lorazepam or I thought I'd lose it and die. I cut 1/4 of the pill and took it. It helped fully after about 40 minutes.

Usually I can wait quite awhile when they hit - see if I can be soothed out of it, or deal with it. Sometimes days. But this was too hard.

Is there something in the ethers right now?

Your daughter is so extremely lucky to have you there to soothe her, help her and understand her. I'm quite sure it means that she knows she's supported and it eases the symptoms AND the pain in the long run. As usual, my panic attack is met with anger and annoyance, which just makes me feel even worse. If I try to hide it, it's misconstrued as something else, but if I'm honest, I'm treated like I'm doing it just to annoy people for... whatever reason. I don't flaunt it - I usually try to hide it the best I can, or at least minimize my reaction. Regardless, I have to be by myself, because being looked down on when you think you're dying and you just want to sob is not the most fun way to spend an afternoon.

I cleaned for awhile (which is also not the most fun, but it was moving!! :) ) and now I'm going to see if I can exercise.

So, in taking the anti-anxiety medication for the first time in quite awhile, I can feel the similarities to the hemp in the overall heaviness, not-quite-grogginess, and the way my body feels. The differences are that 1) my heart rate went down instead of up and 2) my anxiety did ease. And since I was taking it first and foremost for the anxiety, well, that's kind of an important element!!

I'm sorry again that I haven't personally responded to everyone. It's hard for me to keep up with all the conversations. So thank you again to everyone who has replied to me. And a big hug to anyone else out there dealing with this anxiety. It's such a horrible thing that robs your life of so much. I look forward to the day that it's just a distant memory.
:rollit:I didn't know the name of the stuff off hand, cannabigerol CBG ( I have seen it of course) , but have always felt that the wider exposure to get the most different effects from cannabis was the best approach! I think that oral, inhalation and topical doses of oils, butters, teas, tinctures and vaping or smoking buds gives you the whole benefit of the plant! Also trying different cultivars with a variety of different ratios of active ingredients was important! Just an old hillbilly hippy here but I have known folks who lived to 99 using pot! Tumors that stopped growing or grew so slowly that the person has survived far longer than the doctors suggested they could! I don't think you get every positive benefit from any one dosage or method there of! Some of the terpines and other elements of cannabis probably are more "available" using one method or the other as well.:hmmmm: I think if you want the best out of the plant ,you may want to use all of it! It may take you a while to figure out the dosage thing that works out best for you , but try to include a bit of everything you can in your trials. Hopefully you start trying to do this( dosage thing ) sooner than I!HAHA! For these reasons I smoke /vape a bit at times, use a bit of oil or butter orally and sometimes have a cookie or something. When I have gone totally oral or totally inhalation, I often, didn't get all of the good effects I get when inhaling and ingesting orally, the same days/weeks! I bet that this CBG may be better had in some forms of substance or better by certain delivery methods as well! :blushsmile: Balanced approach, with moderation, listening to your bodies signals, trying to dial in the strains that offer more or less of something you need to pay attention to, but also using various delivery methods customized but as wide ranging as produces the best results for you! Keep and open mind and experiment a bit! Vape a couple of hits from the same grow as your butter is made from that works for you! Or maybe from something else with a different ratio of compounds you may also need! :thedoubletake:Since the government took these herbs away from us , we have lost so much knowledge and the possibility of more than what was ever known, without the science that could of been looking at this openly. We have to be the generations now, that have to relearn how our bodies work with nature and natural elements that we have become estranged from! :peace:QUOTE=SweetSue;3132187]Couldnt walk away without a cursory glance. I found this little thought from Medical Jane:

"Medicinal strains that are also high in cannabigerol (CBG) are likely to have a much more balanced effect. The CBG seems to help your brain find a happy medium between the rest of the cannabinoids, causing a feeling of synergy"

Back to work Susan. Daylight's fading and you have more pictures to take. :laughtwo:

Later guys. :ciao:
I agree Tim. I try for a diversified menu of cannabinoids, using as many different administration methods as possible and trying different strains. Sooner or later I'd hope to get to juicing.

I plan to live into my nineties and live well, using cannabis all the way through.
:high-five:Sara, If you get relief when your busy and active , you could use one of these activities to defuse an anxiety attack. Feel that feeling coming on, get up and go outside and jump over stumps! Sometimes only a five or ten minute walk with my dogs helps me calm down considerably! You may find other activities such as exercising, yoga or maybe spinning tops works for you! :love: Just change your behavior before it alarms you, when you feel it first rising up! Do something that requires or enhances a change of what your thinking. I sometimes(being religious) start with a prayer, then go from there. :peace:Thinking about a pleasant thought, person ,place or pleasing thing! meditating about feeling healthy and relaxed. Or just how much I love my dogs or my 11/2 year old great grandson! Different days, different things may work better or less as the case may be! :slide:Just know you are strong enough inside, to win over this alien emotional thing , it sometimes just takes a while! :peacetwo: If I may , "God never gives us more than we can handle" it just seems that way when we let our fear control us instead of our faith! Religious or not, it is that same way here! Have faith in yourself, You are a good person! Believe that you are capable of living a full life and /or enjoying it fully, even if it be the way of things for you to end tomorrow! Don't dwell on failing tomorrow, but living tomorrow and worry about tomorrow, well tomorrow! If you ever feel like you are really dying or in danger or may hurt yourself get help! Don't try and work through it alone under dire circumstances! Everybody may have a crisis sometimes in their life! We all may have to ask for help sometime in our life! Be humble, be thankful, be kind, spread goodness and take better care of your body, you need it to live! :thumb: Thanks to you for sharing your feelings and struggles with some of them! I wish you could feel the warm hug I am trying to give you now! :love: QUOTE=SaraLinni;3130780]I'm so appreciative that you take the time to think through all of this. It has taken up to now, reading your posts and then actually taking the cannabis to realize that what I feel may not be too different from what you feel, but we experience it sooooooo uniquely.

Yes, I think you're totally right. I HATE that feeling of being out of control. I think having anxiety alone means that I'm out of control of my body's response to life and circumstances, and I feel like I'm just going along for an unpleasant, unholy, terrifying ride most days as it is. All I want to is to calmly be in control of my body for once.

I've said the same thing as your daughter so many times - in relation to alcohol, cannabis, any of it. I WISH, desperately, that i could just sit and enjoy what seems to bring everyone else joy and calm, and which, instead, makes me sick and miserable. I think my partner desperately wishes I could, too. I mean, how exhausting is it to deal with somebody who constantly feels like they're dying from... something? It's not fun. I know that it saps energy from others. And I try hard to hide it when I'm experiencing it, but then people around me just think I'm angry and stand-offish, when really I'm just trying to not melt down in front of them :phew:

One insight I have is that I am happiest and calmest, and most normal, when I'm moving around a lot. Either doing heavy work outside, hiking, or exercising. That is my happy place. My body calms down and resets. I simply don't do it enough, but I have no valid reasons, just excuses. A few weeks ago, I started bringing small weights and kettle bells outside and simply walking around with them, playing, stopping and jumping over branches, stepping on stumps, etc., etc. I'm lucky enough right now to have the property to do that, even if I'm surrounded by gunfire all the time. It helps. It seems like I was meant to live in a world where i had to work physically to get by, but my entire existence is so sedentary. Which makes me fortunate, but I have to figure out how to make that work for me.

I have a lot of sympathy for your daughter. It seems we have struggled similarly, though perhaps she has had more to deal with. She's lucky to have you, that's for sure.[/QUOTE]
:hmmmm:Hmmm! I never thought about juicing cannabis! Wonder what that is like? If you get around to trying that or somebody else in the study hall has, I would like to hear more about that, first hand from the imbibers!:trance:
Sara, Tim said some wise words.. and it is same advice I give you too ( in the joy thread) You need a happy place.

I found my happy place here :hug: It has helped me to lower my depression/ sadness to almost 0%.
Walking, going down to the beach to watch the waves..also soothing.
I made cookies for my husband and make sure he takes them as medication, half in the morning and half in the afternoon.
He is in heaven all day. Which makes me less stress full, and I don't have attacks of pain in my chest/heart.
Challenge accepted!
I'll report my initial research results this weekend.
Lab analysis will have to wait.

Goal: to replicate Sue's results with super decarbing cannabis.

The procedure: Decarb two samples at 245 degrees, one for 30 min and 1 for 90 min. Test equal amounts of each sample using same delivery method. Perform same activities after each sample. Simple as that.

The sample: Phantom Cookies, a sativa dominant hybrid, 22.7 THC, 0.1 CBD, purchased from dispensary.

Previous experience with strain: Vaped 1/3 gram while mowing lawn. Felt slight body buzz, very little head buzz as long as I was active. Slightly energizing but only slightly. Overall not impressed. It was neither an active energetic high nor a relaxing soothing high nor a mind bending high. Just kind of a nothing-in-the-middle-of-the-road-except-dead-armadillos high. I know 1/3 gram isn't much, but it's my standard dose for herb and I've had stronger and more defined highs.

Temp set to 245. My oven tends to run low so I check with infrared thermometer after 15 min. Temp was 235 so I increase setting to 255. Temp at end of 35 min was 250, so average of 240-245. Temp at end of 90 min was 235 again so I gave it extra 10 min. I assume Sue has checked her oven temps, but under carbing the short batch was concern for me on this experiment.

30 min. sample left, 90 min. right. Both extra crispy in spite of well sealed foil pouches. Broke piece off of 30 min bud to match 1/3 gram sized bud in 90 min sample.


The first test: last night, two peanut butter crackers (Ritz) with 30 min sample. Started feeling effects quickly, about 10 min. Slowly increased over next hour. 1st 1/2 hour surfing 420magazine. No impairment reading or typing. Mainly feeling body tingle. Mind clear. 2nd half hour play Mindcraft. Explored new territory, didn't die by falling off ledges or burning in lava like I often do. 3rd half hour playing puzzles on my ipad. Overall not a lot different from my prior vaping experience. High peaked at about 2 hrs.

Second test: tonight, 2 peanut butter crackers (really there were two, I just got hungry before I found my camera.) Ground 90 min sample same as 30 min sample. Started feeling within 10 min. It's been 1 hr now. Still typing. I feel clear headed but things are obviously taking longer. Body buzz is a little stronger. It's also different, more relaxing and uplifting. My head is clear but I'm pausing to muse about things. I'm liking this sample. Should be following same activities, not going to. Watching banner ad below as it scrolls through. Yeah, this batch is stronger too. Not a subtle difference. Starting to get buzzed in head that I didn't get until 2 hrs. last night.

Early conclusion: Longer decarb does make cannabis more potent. I'd say about half again stronger. Also changes high. Can't say exactly how it's different, just that I enjoy it more and not just because it's stronger.

Speculation: Besides increased activation of THC, balance of terpenes and minor cannabinoids changes the effects of THC.

Gotta love the scientific method. hypothesize, test, observe, repeat. Especially the repeat part. :Namaste:
thanks sue researching your stuff helped me piece back together dads canna oil recipe and fill the gaps in my mind , coconut oil slight dash of olive oil and sesame oil and lecithin, i dont have any caps so a dose is a small teaspoon , i made this about 3 hours ago and had 1 teaspoon and wow still going, my arthritic hand isnt pulsating im not anxious im calm warm and thought full , i like
Hey Oldbear.
Our dispensary sells alot of Hail Mary products as well as these patches.
I've only tried them once. I tried the THC Indica patches on my shoulder.
They are fairly cheap and work great for localized pain (joints, swelling, etc) & if ya don't wanna get high.

What are planning on using them for if I may ask?

Good to meet you. It's below zero here so I'll be on more if you want a lil help.
Did I mention it's below zero?

A pleasure to meet you to. My interest in these comes from the notion of a constant feed long duration dose. The list of body parts that don't hurt is short. I understand they have different recipes thc/cbd indica/sativa mixes. I'd love slap one on the back of my neck between the shoulder blades :)
:rollit:I believe the cannabis does get us communicating with our bodies! More than one way to tune in or tune out! Even if some of the benefit is placebo effect, That is still enhanced by cannabis! Wonder herb that it is! I find resisting to overdose , as I always did in the past, I now need to focus effort on finding the right dose! Less for usually, but not always, maybe. I'm still working this out for me as well! If you can be engaged with people, do good, spread love, and function well, your really living! That's my goal, for as long as I can keep it up!:thumb:

Great share. :bravo:
:cco: :drool:


Had to share with you :circle-of-love: :love:

That's a great shot of the types of syringes I've been getting as a source supply - use as is or I dilute them. For me the start point for all solution mixes those or little bottles usually 25 to 30 mls. Can you get the little bottles?

Essential tools for the medical cannabis chemistry lab.
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