Hello fellow study hall members. I have made a first attempt at a dosing plan that works for me and is repeatable.

Here is is oldbear dosing plan version 1.0:

Daily dosing for last week including today:

Start the day: 1.5 mg thc plus 1.5 mg cbd mixed with coconut and lecithin. After breakfast take 2.5 mg cbd drop.
At the 11:am take a break run the body scan and optionally take 1/2 drop of sativa thc (0.75 mg)
At 12: pm take a break run the scan and optionally take 1/2 drop thc (.75 mg ) and/or 1/2 drop cbd (1.4 mg)
At 3:00 pm take a break run the scan and optionally take as at noon.
At 6:00 daily shut down: one drop cbd oil (2.5 mg)

Daily average intake: cbd 1.5 + 2.5 + 1.25 + 2.5 = 7.75 mg / day
Daily average intake: thc 1.5 + .75 + .75 = 3 mg day.

So my recommended by me treatment program has been:

Take one unit of startup mix once daily when you get up.
Take 1 unit cbd oil 15 minutes after breakfast.
Take 1/2 unit thc sativa up to 3 x daily if needed
Take 1/2 unit cbd oil at noon if needed.
Take 1 unit cbd oil Before bed.

It's taken awhile to figure out this dosing plan, to be able to write it down and to make it repeatable and consistent.
I'm so appreciative that you take the time to think through all of this. It has taken up to now, reading your posts and then actually taking the cannabis to realize that what I feel may not be too different from what you feel, but we experience it sooooooo uniquely.

Yes, I think you're totally right. I HATE that feeling of being out of control. I think having anxiety alone means that I'm out of control of my body's response to life and circumstances, and I feel like I'm just going along for an unpleasant, unholy, terrifying ride most days as it is. All I want to is to calmly be in control of my body for once.

I've said the same thing as your daughter so many times - in relation to alcohol, cannabis, any of it. I WISH, desperately, that i could just sit and enjoy what seems to bring everyone else joy and calm, and which, instead, makes me sick and miserable. I think my partner desperately wishes I could, too. I mean, how exhausting is it to deal with somebody who constantly feels like they're dying from... something? It's not fun. I know that it saps energy from others. And I try hard to hide it when I'm experiencing it, but then people around me just think I'm angry and stand-offish, when really I'm just trying to not melt down in front of them :phew:

One insight I have is that I am happiest and calmest, and most normal, when I'm moving around a lot. Either doing heavy work outside, hiking, or exercising. That is my happy place. My body calms down and resets. I simply don't do it enough, but I have no valid reasons, just excuses. A few weeks ago, I started bringing small weights and kettle bells outside and simply walking around with them, playing, stopping and jumping over branches, stepping on stumps, etc., etc. I'm lucky enough right now to have the property to do that, even if I'm surrounded by gunfire all the time. It helps. It seems like I was meant to live in a world where i had to work physically to get by, but my entire existence is so sedentary. Which makes me fortunate, but I have to figure out how to make that work for me.

I have a lot of sympathy for your daughter. It seems we have struggled similarly, though perhaps she has had more to deal with. She's lucky to have you, that's for sure.

Hi Sara I've been reading and rereading your posts with much interest. There is much substance and food for thought in them. Would you mind if I commented on just a portion of them from to time? I hope so :)

I have just shared my current dosing plan or recipe or prescription. Whatever it's called it works for me with enough precision to make it repeatable. Also easily adjusted as my needs change. I think the quantities will surprise many.

I hope it helps you.
Hi Sara I've been reading and rereading your posts with much interest. There is much substance and food for thought in them. Would you mind if I commented on just a portion of them from to time? I hope so :)

I have just shared my current dosing plan or recipe or prescription. Whatever it's called it works for me with enough precision to make it repeatable. Also easily adjusted as my needs change. I think the quantities will surprise many.

I hope it helps you.

Yes, absolutely! I'd love your input.
Hey Sue & study hall attendees.
I don't alot of time to get on here, & my favorite folks drop in here....

I'm just saying high.
Balanced good health & a peaceful joyful heart to all of y'all & the loved ones close to ya. It's a good time of year, but my Celtic side has weird feelings about this time of year.

Man, I'm freaking pretty busy with this clinic stuff. I actually puked twice. I was assured it was lunch, but I was nervous.
Anyway, this threads going great Ms. Susan. I know your happy with it.
I'm pretty proud this entire subject arose from where it first began. This is pretty serious knowledge being tossed around & handled seriously.
Good on ya...

Hello there. We haven't bumped into each other before. I'm going to check your signature links I think there's a storey being told in there.

MY I ask do have any feedback / opinions on the transdermal patch from Mary's. I'm trying to figure out a way to acquire some in Cannada

All the best
My daughter was over yesterday commenting on her partner's observation of how much different her emotional state is now from when they met two years ago. He knows her tells. An observant young man that one, and one who honestly cares about her emotional state. When he sees her starting to zone out in public he'll purposely stroke her arm or make her laugh. Something to bring her back to "now."

I like this man. :love:

She's still adjusting to the reality that she can control the anxiety with cannabis. At home she feels none at all anymore. Leaving the house no longer makes her shake for the half hour before she has to leave. Life changed drastically for her since she found the sweet spot in her own therapy.

I'm so thrilled that you can create an impromptu fitness course. I've been dreaming of learning to jump onto different heights and from one surface to another. Not much opportunity for that around here. All that movement strengthens the ECS, which is why it feels so good to do it. You're getting high. Just naturally. :laughtwo:
So much glorious information on one thread its amazing! Thank you to everyone who contributed for I have learned quite a few new things today from my readings. Continue to research and bring awareness to the world of what a magical plant marijuana is, medicinal and recreational.
So much glorious information on one thread its amazing! Thank you to everyone who contributed for I have learned quite a few new things today from my readings. Continue to research and bring awareness to the world of what a magical plant marijuana is, medicinal and recreational.

Why thank you Trippy, and welcome to the :420: community. If there's ever any way we can help you, please let us know. Enjoy getting to know the neighborhood.
There is something rediculously therapeutic about making capsules, and this always seems to happen after 1 in the morning. :laughtwo:


We had an interesting experience with the daughter. This oil was made with immature leaves from my Carnival, taken at day 113, I believe it was. Yep, day 113, about two weeks into flowering. The oil was made for my walking friend, in hopes that a small shot of THC might be helpful for her daytime experience. Just a little pep.

When she stopped taking any capsules, my daughter decided to add them into her daily protocol. We'd been considering adding a tiny bit of THC to hers as well. There are many health concerns she deals with that would benefit from more THC.

Her experience with the new capsules was positive. As low as the levels were, she could feel the warmth of euphoria, but as warm pleasantness, nothing more.

Then she ran out, and thinking I'd used all the oil we were waiting for me to get the next batch made. That was scheduled for tomorrow. It's been three days without, but we didn't think anything about it. We didn't think she was getting all that much benefit.

Tonight, in the middle of a conversation she had a panic attack hit out of nowhere. I thought she was having a heart attack. I tried to get her to sit right down. Instead she went to sit on the bed. Still thinking we were dealing with a heart attack, and realizing there wasn't going to be much I could do about that, I fell into panic-reduction mode. Very calmly talking her down we worked a white light visualization and focused on slow, deliberate breathing while I pulled as much of the panic out as I could, letting it dissipate. She's trained to let it go.

When I suggested an ambulance she assured me it was a panic attack. I hadn't realized the severity of the blow when it first strikes. Usually she sees it coming and braces. She tells me it always feels like someone is ripping your heart out. Then she confided that the panic had been slowly building since she ran out of the supplemental capsules.

This surprises me, and I'm not certain what to make of it. I'm open to suggestion. I discovered I had a small quantity of the oil and got her capsules for the next week.

That small addition of THC - surely it can't be much with immature leaves? - filled a need we didn't know she had. Might it be time to start slowly increasing THC? The Carnival is major sativa, something Cajun cautioned us about. Does that suggest we should look for an indica?

I was thinking of this more like a vitamin supplement, and it appears her body decided it was serious meds.

Any thoughts?
in the context of 'Listen to your body" what is your daughter's saying I wonder.

I felt better with the cannabis supplements.
I built up a reserve in here that continued to work when you stopped intake. it slowly gets used up. When you take an intake break (recommended) you now know how long the reserve supply last. So no more than two weeks maybe one next time.
You need to restart intake because the reserve is gone.
I've shown you that you are comfortable taking x qty of vitamin thc and qty y of vitamin cbd every z hours.
So let's do that some more. Please continue at last dose for a week then try small reductions a few days per change to assess how I'm feeling. I'll let you know.

Serious meds..? The meds I'm familiar with mask some of the pain and help me ignore it. They don't heal anything. Cannabis helps me heal myself in ways I can't describe yet. The first big big plus is being much more body aware.

I vote yes it's medicine and yes it is serious.

Musical flashback moment: isn't there a song somewhere "listen to your Body Talk". I'll have to websearch that.
Sweetsue I'm admiring your beans there. Some day I'm gonna make some too. Since thc cbd are in fact vitamins, I think I'll call them vitabeans? I'm picturing the infomercial now and it's quite good. You're in the kitchen of course baking away and explaining things to the audience.

Toasting herb and making concentrated oil is indeed baking :)
in the context of 'Listen to your body" what is your daughter's saying I wonder.

I felt better with the cannabis supplements.
I built up a reserve in here that continued to work when you stopped intake. it slowly gets used up. When you take an intake break (recommended) you now know how long the reserve supply last. So no more than two weeks maybe one next time.
You need to restart intake because the reserve is gone.
I've shown you that you are comfortable taking x qty of vitamin thc and qty y of vitamin cbd every z hours.
So let's do that some more. Please continue at last dose for a week then try small reductions a few days per change to assess how I'm feeling. I'll let you know.

Serious meds..? The meds I'm familiar with mask some of the pain and help me ignore it. They don't heal anything. Cannabis helps me heal myself in ways I can't describe yet. The first big big plus is being much more body aware.

I vote yes it's medicine and yes it is serious.

Musical flashback moment: isn't there a song somewhere "listen to your Body Talk". I'll have to websearch that.

This was just what I needed to hear. :hug::hug::hug:

This conversational approach you take with the body...... I'm using this from now on. What an excellent way to listen.

Sweetsue I'm admiring your beans there. Some day I'm gonna make some too. Since thc cbd are in fact vitamins, I think I'll call them vitabeans? I'm picturing the infomercial now and it's quite good. You're in the kitchen of course baking away and explaining things to the audience.

Toasting herb and making concentrated oil is indeed baking :)

I can see it. Better than that, I can feel it, smell it, taste it. :laughtwo: The smell of roasting oil is one of my favorites. When I'm filling my "vitabeans" I have to resist the urge to have some oil myself. It's sometimes torturous. Lol! Last night I had to break down and take a pipette full, just to keep the stomach from growling. :laughtwo:
Love u sue ur awsome

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What a sweet greeting to find riaboca. Welcome to the study hall. :hug: :love:

Look around, make yourself comfortable. If there's anything you need help with you need only ask.

It's good to meet you.

As you can see, we're not quiet here. :cheesygrinsmiley:

This was just what I needed to hear. :hug::hug::hug:

This conversational approach you take with the body...... I'm using this from now on. What an excellent way to listen.

I can see it. Better than that, I can feel it, smell it, taste it. :laughtwo: The smell of roasting oil is one of my favorites. When I'm filling my "vitabeans" I have to resist the urge to have some oil myself. It's sometimes torturous. Lol! Last night I had to break down and take a pipette full, just to keep the stomach from growling. :laughtwo:

All good chefs sample their wares it's in the rules
Thursday I made a quick trip to Albuquerque to pick up a clone, a few grams of store-bought flowers and visit a friend for a few hours. The clone was free, the friend bought lunch and I found another clone that was about a foot tall of 'The Sauce' for $20.I spent less than a hundred dollars including gas. It was a fun day even if it included six hundred miles of driving.

The Sauce is 60/40 sativa dominant strain that has about the same genetics as Great White Shark which I have grown before. I bought a gram that listed at 23.15% THC and 0.39 CBD. It smoked smooth and is a nice balanced buzz.

The free one was Zak Haze from Organtica dispensary. It is a small healthy rooted clone of about three inches.

This is from there site. The full read is here. Organtica - Zak Haze If it gets pulled, a search for Zak Haze will get you there.

"The funny thing about Karma is, it works both ways. In this case we developed a great strain that came in with a respectable THC count of 20.75%, and after sifting through test results we discovered a little secret. Not only was Zak Haze high in THC it also had an unusually high CBG-A content of 1.2%.

So What? Who cares about CBG-A?

If you are a patient, you do. The bottom line on CBG-A is this; it's the magic ingredient that makes the cannabinoids work together as medicine. To put it in other words; Cannabigerolic acid (CBGa) is formed when geranyl pyrophosphate combines with olivetolic acid within the cannabis plant. It is thanks to CBGa that all other medicinal effects of cannabis are possible. Cannabigerolic acid (CBGa) can be thought of as the stem cell cannabinoid, which becomes THCa/THC, CBDa/CBD, CBCa/CBC, and CBG. It does this through different types of biosynthesis, where chemicals combine to form new compounds, examples being the THC biosynthase and the CBD biosynthase.

CBG-A is:

Analgesic — Relieves pain.

Antibacterial — Slows bacterial growth.

Anti-inflammatory — Reduces inflammation systemically.

Anti-Proliferative — Inhibits cancer cell growth through apoptosis.

To put it simply; This is a really tasty flower that is also great medicine that just happens to honor our dear friend."

This has me asking a few things.

What is the temperature that CBGa boils off?

Would decarboxilating convert it to CBG?

Would raw be a better way to use this strain?

Has anyone here looked into CBG and CBGa's benefits?

CBG has been showing up on some of the medical cannabis labeling for a while.

While I was looking around Organitica's site I found a link to lab that does cannabis testing in Albuquerque.The short version is you can drop off samples 4 hours a day. They have an "Express Test" that is 36 dollars and gives you THC, THCa, CBD, CBDa and moisture. At this price I could have some samples tested without seriously draining my fun money account.

I have some more information on the CCO caps they are selling that I will hold for another post. They have some twist and we have some twist. Hopefully I will get it up tonight.

Best every one.
I never know
Thursday I made a quick trip to Albuquerque to pick up a clone, a few grams of store-bought flowers and visit a friend for a few hours. The clone was free, the friend bought lunch and I found another clone that was about a foot tall of ‘The Sauce’ for $20.I spent less than a hundred dollars including gas. It was a fun day even if it included six hundred miles of driving.

The Sauce is 60/40 sativa dominant strain that has about the same genetics as Great White Shark which I have grown before. I bought a gram that listed at 23.15% THC and 0.39 CBD. It smoked smooth and is a nice balanced buzz.

The free one was Zak Haze from Organtica dispensary. It is a small healthy rooted clone of about three inches.

This is from there site. The full read is here. Organtica - Zak Haze If it gets pulled, a search for Zak Haze will get you there.

“The funny thing about Karma is, it works both ways. In this case we developed a great strain that came in with a respectable THC count of 20.75%, and after sifting through test results we discovered a little secret. Not only was Zak Haze high in THC it also had an unusually high CBG-A content of 1.2%.

So What? Who cares about CBG-A?

If you are a patient, you do. The bottom line on CBG-A is this; it’s the magic ingredient that makes the cannabinoids work together as medicine. To put it in other words; Cannabigerolic acid (CBGa) is formed when geranyl pyrophosphate combines with olivetolic acid within the cannabis plant. It is thanks to CBGa that all other medicinal effects of cannabis are possible. Cannabigerolic acid (CBGa) can be thought of as the stem cell cannabinoid, which becomes THCa/THC, CBDa/CBD, CBCa/CBC, and CBG. It does this through different types of biosynthesis, where chemicals combine to form new compounds, examples being the THC biosynthase and the CBD biosynthase.

CBG-A is:

Analgesic – Relieves pain.

Antibacterial – Slows bacterial growth.

Anti-inflammatory – Reduces inflammation systemically.

Anti-Proliferative – Inhibits cancer cell growth through apoptosis.

To put it simply; This is a really tasty flower that is also great medicine that just happens to honor our dear friend.

This has me asking a few things.

What is the temperature that CBGa boils off?

Would decarboxilating convert it to CBG?

Would raw be a better way to use this strain?

Has anyone here looked into CBG and CBGa’s benefits?

CBG has been showing up on some of the medical cannabis labeling for a while.

While I was looking around Organitica’s site I found a link to lab that does cannabis testing in Albuquerque.The short version is you can drop off samples 4 hours a day. They have an “Express Test” that is 36 dollars and gives you THC, THCa, CBD, CBDa and moisture. At this price I could have some samples tested without seriously draining my fun money account.

I have some more information on the CCO caps they are selling that I will hold for another post. They have some twist and we have some twist. Hopefully I will get it up tonight.

Best every one.
I never know

I'm sorry my friend, you'll need to consider changing that sig line. You apparently know quite a bit. :laughtwo:

Thank you Canyon.:hug: :love: I'm in the middle of gardening and mite control. I need to stop and eat. I'll watch for you. We'll put all our heads together and take a closer look.
Couldnt walk away without a cursory glance. I found this little thought from Medical Jane:

"Medicinal strains that are also high in cannabigerol (CBG) are likely to have a much more balanced effect. The CBG seems to help your brain find a happy medium between the rest of the cannabinoids, causing a feeling of synergy"

Back to work Susan. Daylight's fading and you have more pictures to take. :laughtwo:

Later guys. :ciao:
Hello there. We haven't bumped into each other before. I'm going to check your signature links I think there's a storey being told in there.

MY I ask do have any feedback / opinions on the transdermal patch from Mary's. I'm trying to figure out a way to acquire some in Cannada

All the best

Hey Oldbear.
Our dispensary sells alot of Hail Mary products as well as these patches.
I've only tried them once. I tried the THC Indica patches on my shoulder.
They are fairly cheap and work great for localized pain (joints, swelling, etc) & if ya don't wanna get high.

What are planning on using them for if I may ask?

Good to meet you. It's below zero here so I'll be on more if you want a lil help.
Did I mention it's below zero?
The Oil Cap Story
The caps offered at Organtica come in 5 capsule packs that look a lot like the little containers that automotive fuses came in. Four strengths are offered ranging from 4mg to72mg from the test results.

They offer a sativa and an indicia that are intended to be taken one morning and the other at night.

The day/sativa is referred to as Thieves Oil formula. It contains in order, Organic Coconut Oil, THC, CBD, Essence of Thieves Oil (Clove, Lemon, Cinnamon, Eucalyptus and Rosemary Essential food grade oils) in Vegan food grade gel-caps.

The night/indicia is called Copaiba formula and contains Copaiba 'Copaifera Martine' rather than the Thieves oil.

The caps are green in the picture I saw. And, from something one of the ladies said I think it is made from an alcohol extraction.

There is no lecithin listed for either variety. This item is in medical chocolate.

There strongest caps are about 1 to 15 THC to oil and additives. It cost $82 for the indicia and $69 for the sativa which is about twice the price per mg of THC or CBD in a chocolate bar form.

I know very little about the herbs they are adding. Opening a discussion on them could prove worthwhile.

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