Found this from a dentist

Why We Take Medicines Under Our Tongue
By Thomas P. Connelly, D.D.S.
As a NYC Cosmetic Dentist, I get all manner of questions from patients. Most of them are garden variety tooth and mouth questions, but every now and again, I get a good one that I file away to post here.

The other day, I got such a question that became the topic for this week’s post: just why do we take certain medicines sublingually (under the tongue)?

It made me pause for a second, because it’s not something we think about all that often. But yes, we DO take certain medicines under our tongue. And I know the one obvious answer off the top of my head — “because then the medicine gets absorbed by the body faster” — but then that brought up more questions like “why?” (they hit the bloodstream faster?) And is the medicine then more effective? So I figured this would make an interesting topic to discuss here.

Indeed, almost everyone knows the surface answer — “the medicine is absorbed by the body faster.” But why is that? Well, I’ll tell you ... essentially, when a medicine is placed under your tongue, it diffuses through the mucous membranes beneath your tongue. And because of the plethora of capillaries there, the medicine has a fairly direct route into your bloodstream. This results in the medicine working faster, and oftentimes, better (which you’ll see why in a minute.)

Ok, you say, but WHY does it work faster?

Good question — here’s the answer: When you swallow a pill, it must go through your entire gastrointestinal tract. This means the stomach (with acid and bile), the intestines (where most absorption takes place) and then off to the liver, for some more filtering. And THEN it’s delivered to where it’s needed.

Truthfully, it’s the long way, when you think about it. Going under the tongue bypasses this entire route, and delivers the medication right to the bloodstream. No waiting, no roadblocks — just right into the blood and off to do its job.

In addition to the speed, the medicine delivered sublingually is usually more potent, and (in general terms) needs less medication to do the job it’s intended to do (you may have heard stories about people cutting pills in half, then taking them under the tongue, to produce the same effect as swallowing one pill). The reason for this increased effect is the digestive tract is incredible harsh. And it’s meant to be — it’s how food is broken down, and the nutrients get stripped out, while the waste goes ... well, you know.

This process, without question, will weaken most medication. So that’s why some people will “cut” pills or otherwise take them under the tongue (however, I do not recommend you do this on your own without professional guidance — in other words, ask your doctor before you start cutting your pills in half, no matter what anyone else has told you).

That said, sublingual delivery is actually preferred for certain medications (like cardiovascular drugs, steroids, etc), and recently, vitamins and minerals (in fact, I even came across some spray vitamins while reading about this topic, which I found somewhat humorous at first, but then thought “hey, why NOT?” — I mean, some vitamins are literal horse pills in size, so I guess it just makes sense).

Expanding on that last statement, there are also plenty of people who have a hard time swallowing pills (or perhaps they have a throat condition that makes swallowing anything extremely difficult). For these people, taking medication sublingually (if possible) is definitely an advantage.

So far, it seems sublingual is very advantageous — it’s faster, the medicine is usually more potent, so it brings up another question: Why don’t more (or all) medicines go this route? Well, the first answer is a pill is WAY easier to take then putting something under your tongue and holding it there for 10 minutes or so.

But the “medical” answer is that absorption by your body is far more controlled in solid pill form. With sublingual delivery, you may accidentally swallow some, leading to a somewhat erratic absorption rate (see merckmanuals link below), which could produce unwanted effects. In medication, “dosage” is typically very important (that goes without saying, really). And with a solid pill, there’s little to no question in terms of how much is in the pill, and how much is meant to be absorbed.

This is why (and it’s very important that I stress this) that you ask your doctor before taking anything sublingually that wasn’t “meant” to be. Your doctor may give his or her blessing and say it’s fine, and they may not. And if it’s not good that you cut your pills, perhaps he or she can prescribe a sublingual form, if one exists.

Until next time, keep smiling!
Well Professor, that got you a tap from the Hammer 'O Rep. :laughtwo:

Thanks for the excellent lesson. :hug:
I have a friend with chronic pain that has started with an infuse olive oil. She is taking 1/4t 3-4 times per day, and has dramatically cut back on her oxy and it hasn't even been a week. She says she has been this pain free in years.:circle-of-love: :peace:

PLeased to hear of such good results. Do you know what is in the 1/4t ?
need help

i like these caps BUT im having a problem that stinks , one day i take a cap i works n an hour, other times up to 3 /4 hours ,
when i dippd my finger into the WARM mix it hit quicker , im thinking I should let the cap dissolve in my mouth for a more consistent hit time ???
Any help would b great guys

If you can, try it under your tongue. Hold it there after it releases the contents without swallowing for at least ten minutes. It may take a few tries to get it right, but you could train yourself to keep from swallowing. Don't be concerned if you do swallow, it'll be just like before. You could empty the capsules onto a small piece of bread and sit that under the tongue.

It may be that the liquid sunflower lecithin makes that much difference in bioavailibility. My capsules hit within ten minutes, the same way my brownies do.

Anyone have any thoughts about this?
I use dried mango and tend to binge feed on them when I have them, so I only get them once a week.:) No harm in having it daily. Juice is good also as long as it's actually from mangos and not just mango flavored made from other fruits. Hopefully Sue will chime in with list of other foods that will work.

So how much do you need to consume to get some benefit from it! Does anyone know what's in mango to make it "special"?
When I was in Punta Cana last week and couldn't use my cannaoil and canna pain cream the way I do here, pain relief wasn't the thing that I missed the most about it. It turns out that it offers me a calming influence as well even though I'm not actually treating my anxiety with it. I know this because even though I was in a beautiful, hot and sunny place for a week in February, which I absolutely loved, I tore off half of my fingernails, which is something I do when I'm stressed.

I'm working on rectifying that this week. :hookah:

I love what Cannabis can do... I am reading a book now about a patient interview who uses cannabis oil. Even people with cancer turn from a really depressive painful life to a life with a lot of joy and without pain.

My little first plants!
Here's an article I posted awhile ago about mangoes and cannabis.

So how much do you need to consume to get some benefit from it! Does anyone know what's in mango to make it "special"?

I do think it's a good and relevant article, I'm hoping that posting it here is okay since it's related to what we were talking about:

Mangoes Increase, Strengthen, And Even Lengthen The Euphoric Feelings Felt After Smoking Marijuana

[FONT=&amp]By Big Buddha[/FONT]
[FONT=&amp]Summary: The chemical compounds that have been found within mangoes have been discovered by science to be able to increase, strengthen, and even lengthen the euphoric feelings felt after smoking marijuana. This is great news for the marijuana community for both recreational smokers and medicinal smokers as they both now have a healthy alternative snack to turn towards during their munchies.[/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]Lately it seems that both the science community and the marijuana community have been falling into the same category. This is great news for both medical marijuana patients and recreational marijuana smokers alike! Of course it's common knowledge that medical marijuana does exist and that it is a great natural remedy for aches, pains, and various ailments. And of course recreational marijuana smokers do enjoy the euphoric feelings of the herbal supplement as opposed to the feelings of intoxication caused by alcohol or liquor. So naturally marijuana is a safe alternative to most sinful pleasures as well it is a perfect organic solution to the stresses and pains of life. So here is a little secret that the science community has recently discovered for the marijuana community: Eating fresh mangoes or even drinking a fresh mango smoothie one hour prior to smoking will dramatically increase the euphoric feelings felt by marijuana and help medical marijuana patients to ease their pain even more so.

[FONT=&amp]This is because a chemical compound known as myrcene terpenes, which is most often used for fragrances, can be found within cannabis and marijuana as well as many other various plants such as lemon grass, hops, and of course mangoes. This is why these types of plants of such rare and unique types of odors and aromas. Once ingested the chemical compound, or myrcene terpenes, assists the psychoactive substance THC by allowing it to pass through the Blood Brain Barrier (BBB) at much faster speeds with much more efficiency. The time it takes for the THC to have an effect on the brain after inhalation is roughly seven seconds however, by eating a mango up to one hour prior to smoking the time it takes for THC to reach the brain and have an effect could be cut in half. As well as the length of the high and its time duration could be up to twice as long.

[FONT=&amp]Individuals who have eaten a mango, digested it, and then smoked have also noted that the euphoric feelings felt by marijuana are alarmingly much more intense. This is perfect for medical marijuana patients who would like an increased amount of pain relief or for recreational marijuana smokers who just want to get even higher than before. It is important to also note the different speeds in metabolism for those who are attempting to try this experiment. This is because individuals who have faster metabolisms may need to ingest a bit more than those who do not have as fast of a metabolism as well as individuals with slower metabolisms may need to ingest a mango or mango smoothie up to an hour and a half prior to smoking. This will help ensure that the myrcene terpenes found within mangoes have been properly digested and will have an effect.

[FONT=&amp]What else is great about this interesting scientific fact is eating mangoes is another great way for the human body to receive additional amounts of vitamins and nutrition and it helps individuals avoid eating foods that are high in cholesterol or trans fats. Eating too many fatty foods when the 'munchies' occur can be harmful and even detrimental to an individual's health. So be sure to stay healthy and to eat healthy whether smoking marijuana recreationally or medicinally.[/FONT]
So, I'm sufferinf from headaches and decreased vision pretty often. That's because becaus I have a little lack of nutritions and that is bexause of an infection in the roots of my teeth. It's complicated to explain but thingd I hace to chew on I simply just can't eat and that's why I bought hemp oil ans Cannabis oil. The hemp oil will provide me with vitamine B which are also in fish and other meat. But I can't eat meat because it hurts so much. But don't worry nect friday is my first appointment with the dentist!

My little first plants!
PLeased to hear of such good results. Do you know what is in the 1/4t ?

The infusion was made with 1/2oz of Ozone (Sativa Dom) decarbed for 110 minutes @230f. That was crushed into 16oz extra virgin olive oil and 2T sunflower lecithin and put back in the oven @ 200 for 4 hours. Strain oil and you are ready to go.

As far as THC content I don't have the facilities to get things tested right now, so it is all trial and error. The Ozone that I used, was very potent when I smoked some. :circle-of-love::peace:
If you can, try it under your tongue. Hold it there after it releases the contents without swallowing for at least ten minutes. It may take a few tries to get it right, but you could train yourself to keep from swallowing. Don't be concerned if you do swallow, it'll be just like before. You could empty the capsules onto a small piece of bread and sit that under the tongue.

It may be that the liquid sunflower lecithin makes that much difference in bioavailibility. My capsules hit within ten minutes, the same way my brownies do.

Anyone have any thoughts about this?

It absolutely is the lecithin. That is what makes it water soluble (which means more potency in the body):circle-of-love::peace:
The infusion was made with 1/2oz of Ozone (Sativa Dom) decarbed for 110 minutes @230f. That was crushed into 16oz extra virgin olive oil and 2T sunflower lecithin and put back in the oven @ 200 for 4 hours. Strain oil and you are ready to go.

As far as THC content I don't have the facilities to get things tested right now, so it is all trial and error. The Ozone that I used, was very potent when I smoked some. :circle-of-love::peace:

OK lets see.... some research on ozone strain shows 15% at the low end. Using that as a net concentration (after all processing) 2100 mg thc in 473 ml oil gets you 4.5 mg / ml. A 20% net concentration works out to roughly 6 mg/ml.

Does this make sense?
OK lets see.... some research on ozone strain shows 15% at the low end. Using that as a net concentration (after all processing) 2100 mg thc in 473 ml oil gets you 4.5 mg / ml. A 20% net concentration works out to roughly 6 mg/ml.

Does this make sense?

The math is correct. It looks like you are assuming 50% extraction from the herb, which sounds about right.
So how much do you need to consume to get some benefit from it! Does anyone know what's in mango to make it "special"?

Here's an article I posted awhile ago about mangoes and cannabis.

The myrcene in mango does help THC cross the blood-brain barrier, but that's not the only reason we use it.

It also contains demethylating agents that clean the receptors of methyl groups that accumulate and block activation by THC. This keeps receptors active and THC more effective at treating ailments, cancer in particular because of the large doses that cause lots of methylation.

So if you want a soaring euphoric high eat mango 1/2 hour before using cannabis. If you just want to keep receptors active eat one serving a few times a week.
Today i put some oil into a little spray bottle , i left it sitting on my heater to heat up and soften , i misted under my tongue while laying on the sofa , i lay flat for half hour while watching tv and i felt the oil working after 25 mins and lasted a good few hours . so ill try this for a while to see if it works every time
Today i put some oil into a little spray bottle , i left it sitting on my heater to heat up and soften , i misted under my tongue while laying on the sofa , i lay flat for half hour while watching tv and i felt the oil working after 25 mins and lasted a good few hours . so ill try this for a while to see if it works every time

Dammit, I'm impressed Professor. :high-five: I admire the ingenuity, and the persistence in finding a method that works for you. Well done.

Mostly, I'm pleased as punch that you're getting pain relief. :hug::hug::hug:
So, I'm sufferinf from headaches and decreased vision pretty often. That's because becaus I have a little lack of nutritions and that is bexause of an infection in the roots of my teeth. It's complicated to explain but thingd I hace to chew on I simply just can't eat and that's why I bought hemp oil ans Cannabis oil. The hemp oil will provide me with vitamine B which are also in fish and other meat. But I can't eat meat because it hurts so much. But don't worry nect friday is my first appointment with the dentist!

My little first plants!

Be certain to stay hydrated and make the attempt to get some bone broth into you, if you have the access. Infections in the teeth can be problematic and easily become complicated. The bone broth will load you up with micronutrients. Some chicken soup (homemade) will bolster the immune system in ways nothing else will,particularly if the cook breaks the bones to harvest the marrow.

I'll be watching to see the improved report as healing commences. :hug: :love:

Are you taking any omega-3 fish oil capsules? If not, consider adding them to your daily regimine.
Just dropping by to spread some love to you Sue :) :Namaste: :love: :circle-of-love:

Hoping all is well with you and yours and your having a weekend of a lifetime

Blessed Buds our friend an be well :passitleft:

Good morning to you Arctic. :hug: :love: :hug:

You bet I'm having the time of my life. I personally get a little giddy when I wake up, all excited to tell the universe how ready I am to engage in more playtime with them. :laughtwo:

Woke up this morning to one of my favorite pastimes.

Baked 7 grams of Carnival in 1/2 cup od coconut oil at 170 for 36 hours.



This morning I turned all of that into 109 capsules.


Now to take the time to work out the dose. My brownies are made with 8 grams to the pan, so baked in brownies this would have been one brownie short of a full batch, or the equivalent of a week's worth. I suspect I'm going to find I can get away with a much smaller dose and still maintain the stratospheric heights I'm reaching for.

I licked the utensils (of course :cheesygrinsmiley: ) and I'm nicely buzzed right now. I'll start with two capsules and see how she goes.
When I was in Punta Cana last week and couldn't use my cannaoil and canna pain cream the way I do here, pain relief wasn't the thing that I missed the most about it. It turns out that it offers me a calming influence as well even though I'm not actually treating my anxiety with it. I know this because even though I was in a beautiful, hot and sunny place for a week in February, which I absolutely loved, I tore off half of my fingernails, which is something I do when I'm stressed.

I'm working on rectifying that this week. :hookah:

You don't realize how much good the cannabinoids were doing until you stop taking them. Caught you by surprise, didn't it?

I wanted to reassure you that as you progress along your helping path you should anticipate there will come a point when the ECS is so well supported that you can begin to pull back on the reserve cannabinoids and expect your body to pick up the slack. In other words, the expectation should be that you won't be locked into a cannabinoid therapy for the rest of your life either. The role of the ECS is to create homeostasis. You're designed to be a healing machine. We're just supplementing troops until your system is stronger.
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