I need to jump back through the pages and find out when I produced this oil that I found buried in the back of the cupboard. I'm assuming it's from a conglomerate batch I made to use up small bits of inventory, and I've been using it as a topical application to heal the psoriasis patches on the face and hands.


First off, how crazy is it that I had almost 6 grams of oil squirreled away unseen and forgotten, but then how happy I was to find it in there. :battingeyelashes: The scaly patches on the face are almost entirely healed now, at least on the surface (I've been doing this for the past week). With small daily applications to the surface coupled to getting back on the CBD caps after the next harvest I have every expectation of making this dance with psoriasis ancient history. For now I'm pleased as can be that I no longer have that glaring red patch right next to my mouth, and the patch that'd started to form next to the left eye is now completely healed. :slide:

When I get back on the CBD caps I'm hoping it'll halt the scaling going on in the ears as well as the scalp scaling. I've finally halted the dangerous habit of using Q-tips to clean the ears. That one only took me 40 years to get a handle on. :laughtwo: I can still remember the day a coworker told me how sweet it felt to use Q-tips, since they hit a pleasure center inside the ear, making them particularly difficult to stop using, once you've allowed yourself to get addicted to that feeling of bliss.

She didn't share the addictive part. :straightface: Compulsive personalities must be cautious about the compulsions they choose.

That makes two massive compulsions I've beat in the past year alone. I'd call that a significant win for cannabinoid therapy. I've cut way back on picking at the scalp too, so we may be able to count that win before the year is out.

All this change in my life. It's like I'm reinventing Susan.

I'm making capsules today, too. I decarbed for 110 minutes at 230F. My last batch of oil in capsules was too weak for providing good pain relief so I wanted to make them stronger this time. Unfortunately, I'm using two different strains so I don't know whether that's a good idea or not. The first time I made the capsules was with 60 ml sunflower oil, 1 tbsp sunflower lecithin and 6 grams of CBD Medi-Haze, which was roughly 14% THC and 6% CBD and a sativa and I made 50 capsules from it, which gave me roughly .12g per capsule, I think.

This time, I'm using 20g HashPlant instead of the CBD Medi-Haze, which has around 12% THC and 3% CBD and is an Indica and was planning on making my oil using only 80 ml, which would give me a greater ratio of medicine per capsule but now I'm wondering whether my thinking is right since I'm essentially making the oil with different kinds of pot; that's like comparing apples and oranges. And, besides that the 20g of pot in the 80 ml of oil looks more like wet pot than oil and I'm wondering if I should add more oil.

What do people who are experienced at making oil think? The percentages seem similar but with one being a Sativa and therefore better for daytime relief, which is what I want these new capsules for, would doubling the dose per capsule still work with an Indica?


Good morning to you Arctic. :hug: :love: :hug:

You bet I'm having the time of my life. I personally get a little giddy when I wake up, all excited to tell the universe how ready I am to engage in more playtime with them. :laughtwo:

Woke up this morning to one of my favorite pastimes.

Baked 7 grams of Carnival in 1/2 cup od coconut oil at 170 for 36 hours.

This morning I turned all of that into 109 capsules.

Now to take the time to work out the dose. My brownies are made with 8 grams to the pan, so baked in brownies this would have been one brownie short of a full batch, or the equivalent of a week's worth. I suspect I'm going to find I can get away with a much smaller dose and still maintain the stratospheric heights I'm reaching for.

I licked the utensils (of course :cheesygrinsmiley: ) and I'm nicely buzzed right now. I'll start with two capsules and see how she goes.
todays experiment

i dont like to use any thing before 6pm i use my meds for evenings

i started with a quick digesting breakfast ( porridge )

then a quick digesting lunch ( brown rice and salmon )

so i took my oil and added some honey to the mix
had a cap then with a yogurt 16.30 my time

now i have some fish and chips on cooking as i want a little fat this time

Its now 16.45 and im feeling the buzz coming on i have my friend with me doing the same and she feels a buzz too .

its now 16.55 and my tea is ready fish chips and mush peas i will report back after 17.00 :thumb:
I'll document my own experiment alongside yours Professor.

I took my first two capsules at 11:49 AM. I start my day with the buzz and maintain it all day. My goal is to keep from ever feeling like I'm coming back to earth. Writing, and all the attending reading and studying, take an incredible amount of focus and creative thought.

It's been a little over an hour, and the only thing I've had to eat so far, besides the capsules, was a couple pieces of buttered toast and an organic banana. Tasty, but no protein values to speak of. :straightface: I'm amending that oversight with a pot of porridge, on the stove cooking now. The oatmeal, with a small addition of milk, will provide a highly complex mix of carbs and balanced protein.

I'm feeling the buzz, just not quite as accelerated as I'd like, so I'm taking another capsule now.
When I was in Punta Cana last week and couldn't use my cannaoil and canna pain cream the way I do here, pain relief wasn't the thing that I missed the most about it. It turns out that it offers me a calming influence as well even though I'm not actually treating my anxiety with it. I know this because even though I was in a beautiful, hot and sunny place for a week in February, which I absolutely loved, I tore off half of my fingernails, which is something I do when I'm stressed.

I'm working on rectifying that this week. :hookah:[/QUOTE

Hi Hashgirl,

I'm surprised you didn't get "offered" weed at the resort, airport, taxi or waist high water at the beach by guys with floating surfboard pharmacies. Can I ask what benefits your canna pain cream application? Topical? Pain relief from cannaoil?

I'm making capsules today, too. I decarbed for 110 minutes at 230F. My last batch of oil in capsules was too weak for providing good pain relief so I wanted to make them stronger this time. Unfortunately, I'm using two different strains so I don't know whether that's a good idea or not. The first time I made the capsules was with 60 ml sunflower oil, 1 tbsp sunflower lecithin and 6 grams of CBD Medi-Haze, which was roughly 14% THC and 6% CBD and a sativa and I made 50 capsules from it, which gave me roughly .12g per capsule, I think.

This time, I'm using 20g HashPlant instead of the CBD Medi-Haze, which has around 12% THC and 3% CBD and is an Indica and was planning on making my oil using only 80 ml, which would give me a greater ratio of medicine per capsule but now I'm wondering whether my thinking is right since I'm essentially making the oil with different kinds of pot; that's like comparing apples and oranges. And, besides that the 20g of pot in the 80 ml of oil looks more like wet pot than oil and I'm wondering if I should add more oil.

What do people who are experienced at making oil think? The percentages seem similar but with one being a Sativa and therefore better for daytime relief, which is what I want these new capsules for, would doubling the dose per capsule still work with an Indica?



Hash Girl, I get a very potent recreational capsule using 7 grams of bud and 1/2 cup of oil, which is about 118 ml. My feeling is you're not using enough oil. When I'm making my CBD batches I use PsyCro's measurements for fresh, adjusted to dry herb. That makes my medicinal batches 400 grams wet to a liter of oil, or 80 grams dry to the liter of oil. That would calculate out to about 12.5 ml of oil per gram of cannabis, so you'd be looking at 250 ml of oil for that 20 grams of bud.

Anyone else have any thoughts on this?

We keep calculating the cannabinoid load of our capsules, but the reality is that regardless of the count we're potentiating it by using the carrier oil and liquid sunflower lecithin. Those cannabinoid counts aren't telling anything near the real story of what we're getting with increased bioavailability. It'll be nice to find out someday how effective these really are, won't it? :cheesygrinsmiley:
well Sue we can bounce of each other with updates :)
Its now 17.13 and its getting blurry and confused if that is a way of putting it
lol i am defo getting the effects and quicker than last night on a smaller dose

This pleases me, and it's essentially what I'm attempting to find, the same effects with a lower dose. It's good to stretch the harvest, saving ourselves more work (I don't think of them as work though :laughtwo: ), but more importantly, getting doses lowered. There's a real concern that overdosing causes the ECS to take receptors off line, something we don't want to have to be dealing with.
I've realized that the capsules effect my stomach in a different way than the brownies do. I can actually feel when the capsule releases the oil. It's the strangest feeling, but there's a slight acceleration of the heart rate that I don't get with brownies and a slight twinge in the stomach.

This third capsule did the trick. On my way up as I type, :cheesygrinsmiley: and the porridge is smelling unbelievably delicious (I add dried dates and pecans to it). Let's see how long it takes me to notice a tapering off of the buzz.

You should be sleeping well tonight Professor.
i get the same kind of feeling the heart rate and twinge .:thumb:

Then I'm going to assume that it's the capsules. Hmmmm..... I took mine on an empty stomach (I hear you all. :straightface: ), and my recollection is that the last time I took capsules it was in Jamaica, and I believe my stomach was pretty empty then as well.

How 'bout you Professor? Full stomach or empty?
Hello Anchutz,

I wasn't at a resort and I wouldn't have taken any anyways because I was vacationing with my dad and aunt and neither of them know about my "prescription". Although, that said, when I travel within Canada when I visit family, I take my cannaoil and canna cream with me because I can be fairly discreet with it.

I initially made the cream as an experiment because I liked the idea of making something else with cannabis spurred on by Magnus' Study Hall (Magnus8's Canna Cream - Body Butter - & Canna Lotion Study Hall). I've used Voltaren in the past for my aches and pains and it sort of works but I am really embracing making my own medication. Now, I don't know if it's way better but I definitely am getting benefit from it. I use it every day. The first time I used it, my left knee was at an 8 on the pain scale out of 10 and I used some on my knee and within 20 minutes, the pain was down to a 2. BONUS! Easily as good as ingesting oil or ibuprofen or what have you.

I like the idea of treating my health issues with all natural medications and the fact that I'm making them myself is just so way cool!

One more thing: I'm using the cream for pain relief but I also believe using the cream helps with keeping me on an even keel, stress-wise along with the cannaoil capsules I take for pain and insomnia. Together, I believe they make me a much calmer and even keeled person.

Hi Hashgirl,

I'm surprised you didn't get "offered" weed at the resort, airport, taxi or waist high water at the beach by guys with floating surfboard pharmacies. Can I ask what benefits your canna pain cream application? Topical? Pain relief from cannaoil?

Thanks, Sue. So my thinking was since my last batch was a 10:1 ratio of oil to bud and I wanted to half that for these capsules, I figured I'd need 200 ml of oil to the 20g of bud. Since I was using 20g of bud, that would mean I would be using 100 ml of oil for the 5:1 ratio I wanted but Felonious said since I'm only planning on making 50 capsules and each capsule holds 1 ml that I should be using less oil?

But I wanted more oil than 50 capsules* so that I can also have some to take with a dosing syringe so now I just want to know how much oil should I use for 5:1 oil to bud ration with 20g of bud?

*I'm just making 50 capsules now because doing more than that is just too tedious in my experience. When I'm running low on the capsules, I figure I can just make more capsules from the oil in the bottle.

Hash Girl, I get a very potent recreational capsule using 7 grams of bud and 1/2 cup of oil, which is about 118 ml. My feeling is you're not using enough oil. When I'm making my CBD batches I use PsyCro's measurements for fresh, adjusted to dry herb. That makes my medicinal batches 400 grams wet to a liter of oil, or 80 grams dry to the liter of oil. That would calculate out to about 12.5 ml of oil per gram of cannabis, so you'd be looking at 250 ml of oil for that 20 grams of bud.

Anyone else have any thoughts on this?

We keep calculating the cannabinoid load of our capsules, but the reality is that regardless of the count we're potentiating it by using the carrier oil and liquid sunflower lecithin. Those cannabinoid counts aren't telling anything near the real story of what we're getting with increased bioavailability. It'll be nice to find out someday how effective these really are, won't it? :cheesygrinsmiley:
Oh yeah, and Felonious wants to know how much of the cannabinoids can we expect to lose straining the plant material through cheese cloth? And, does anyone use an enclosed metal strainer like the kind for loose tea when infusing their oil? I've pondered doing that but those would be harder to squeeze out. On the other hand, I could open it and press the plant material with my fingers then.:hmmmm:

Thanks, Sue. So my thinking was since my last batch was a 10:1 ratio of oil to bud and I wanted to half that for these capsules, I figured I'd need 100 ml of oil to 10g of bud. Since I was using 20g of bud, that would mean I would be using 100 ml of oil but Felonious said since I'm only planning on making 50 capsules and each capsule holds 1 ml that I should be using less oil?

But I wanted more oil than 50 capsules* so that I can also have some to take with a dosing syringe so now I just want to know how much oil should I use for 5:1 oil to bud ration with 20g of bud?

*I'm just making 50 capsules now because doing more than that is just too tedious in my experience. When I'm running low on the capsules, I figure I can just make more capsules from the oil in the bottle.
Hello Anchutz,

I wasn't at a resort and I wouldn't have taken any anyways because I was vacationing with my dad and aunt and neither of them know about my "prescription". Although, that said, when I travel within Canada when I visit family, I take my cannaoil and canna cream with me because I can be fairly discreet with it.

I initially made the cream as an experiment because I liked the idea of making something else with cannabis spurred on by Magnus' Study Hall (Magnus8's Canna Cream - Body Butter - & Canna Lotion Study Hall). I've used Voltaren in the past for my aches and pains and it sort of works but I am really embracing making my own medication. Now, I don't know if it's way better but I definitely am getting benefit from it. I use it every day. The first time I used it, my left knee was at an 8 on the pain scale out of 10 and I used some on my knee and within 20 minutes, the pain was down to a 2. BONUS! Easily as good as ingesting oil or ibuprofen or what have you.

I like the idea of treating my health issues with all natural medications and the fact that I'm making them myself is just so way cool!

One more thing: I'm using the cream for pain relief but I also believe using the cream helps with keeping me on an even keel, stress-wise along with the cannaoil capsules I take for pain and insomnia. Together, I believe they make me a much calmer and even keeled person.

Amazing is worked on your knee so well. Was it a potent strain? I think there is a whole lot of beneficial information about topically applied mediation we he not explored yet. I use lidocain 5%'patches among other meds. I'm beginning to think I need to start growing and making my own to insure safety.
Hi Anchutz.

It was made with 10g of Hash Plant, which is an indica with about 12% THC and 3% CBD.

Here's the final recipe if you're interested. It's kind of a mish-mash because I was trying to replicate supergroomer's recipe but mine took forever to actually be more cream than oil. Cannafan is supposed to be trying to replicate my recipe so it will be interesting to see how hers comes out. Anyways, here's the recipe (I'm a little high right now so sorry if I've been too wordy.):

HashGirl's First Canna Cream Recipe

And, here's the recipe I was trying to replicate:

SuperGroomer - New cream recipe - Reported great for sore muscles/stiffness/Pain

Making your own medication is definitely pretty cool and I highly encourage it. It's worth it, in my opinion.

Amazing is worked on your knee so well. Was it a potent strain? I think there is a whole lot of beneficial information about topically applied mediation we he not explored yet. I use lidocain 5%'patches among other meds. I'm beginning to think I need to start growing and making my own to insure safety.
I would agree with your assessment Hash Girl. The cream and the capsules are likely working in concert to hit pain and inflammation on many levels. Consider that the cells affected by the cream won't necessarily need the attention of the cannabinoids coming into the system through the gut.

I'm a big fan of getting the cannabinoids from many directions. :cheesygrinsmiley:

And hey....... how proud am I of you taking control of your health concerns with your own two hands? :love: :hug: :love:

Yeah...... Pretty proud. :cheesygrinsmiley:
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