SweetSue's Hempy Haven: Powered By Timber

wasn't too late to give it a go.

Definitely! Never too late! I did it at 35!

It is also possible Shed that he will have more success retraining his brain with a microdose going on. My friend (with anxiety condition) who is totally THC intolerant we have found is actually only mostly THC intolerant! She is microdosing the CBD CC and feeling nothing noticeable except less anxiety to ‘manage’ and said that her strategies are easier and more smoothly and naturally implemented. “Ease” is the word. She is blitzing her studies like never before. Microdosing doesn’t mean you don’t do the other things... but it can mean that those things are much more easily achieved. And there’s nothing like a quick sense of achievement for the confidence and comfort levels :Namaste:
Definitely! Never too late! I did it at 35!

It is also possible Shed that he will have more success retraining his brain with a microdose going on. My friend (with anxiety condition) who is totally THC intolerant we have found is actually only mostly THC intolerant! She is microdosing the CBD CC and feeling nothing noticeable except less anxiety to ‘manage’ and said that her strategies are easier and more smoothly and naturally implemented. “Ease” is the word. She is blitzing her studies like never before. Microdosing doesn’t mean you don’t do the other things... but it can mean that those things are much more easily achieved. And there’s nothing like a quick sense of achievement for the confidence and comfort levels :Namaste:
Interesting idea Amy. What dose is she using that is considered micro? In tenths of milligrams? Still, at 16 I'd like to see what we can do that's a permanent solution like the brain shift before we get into longer-term blood chemistry mods. And this kid is not at all THC intolerant ;).
Well I don’t think the cannabis is a blood chemistry mod in the same the way that other anti-anxiety meds are. The cannabinoids will support his system to do its own work.

She takes less than 1/4ml of my oil or literally one drop of a tincture I made (I have no way of knowing how strong that is). The oil is 1.58mg/ml THC and 2.3mg/ml CBD (roughly). So 3-4 drops of that.

I take a half ml of it at a time (3-4times a day) and don’t feel the THC at all (plus I take a higher THC oil on top for pain and other things which is about 2mg THC per dose and about double that for sleep, the 2mg doesn’t seem to make me stoned - but it kills pain and eases nervous system overactivity/hyper-vigilance).

Every one is different tho so he’d need to experiment a bit.

I can certainly confirm waht sue said about the daughters experience that the oil micro dose is way longer lasting that a vape hit for anxiety. The oil dose is far superior. :thumb:
If you Google how many drops in a ml it says 20. So one drop is ~1/20th of your oil or 0.079mg THC and 0.115mg CBD. That's a micro dose!

You start out sub therapeutically and micro dose up. The same applies for any regimen. Micro dosing allows us to fine tune the supply to meet the real need for cannabinoids. We’re looking for the lowest effective dose.
The one drop I mentioned was a tincture I made. With the oil she uses 3drops which is about .65ml. So yes very micro - but she is highly sensitive to all kinds of meds. :)
She started the oil with one drop, worked up to 3 and hasn’t felt the need to go further. I remember early on getting message from her that a teaspoon was definitely too much ;). She paid more attention to the micros dosing/titration advice after that. :)
@Amy Gardner, you asked about the tents...

I have three small pot girls in tent #1 that I may harvest on Wednesday. The Red Diesel in Tent # 3 will get another day or two, but she’s turning cloudy and I wanted to pull her with some clear, so she may come down Wednesday as well.

Candy Cane can go all the way up to the day before I plan to leave. She’s turning into FHO.
I've seen a lot of different grows with DDA and they all look the same!

There might be a reason for that, LMAO. One of the breeders had some kind of "Buy None, Get Some Free" sale a while back.
I am soooo ready for a buzz. :bongrip:
ILike you said, you have some legal containers.

Now he just needs to order a dozen of those containers, scan the labels in, break out his favorite image manipulation application application, and print up 12 "Hash Hound's Finest" labels, and he need never enter another dispensary.

The ones in my state don't sell smokable product :( .
Now he just needs to order a dozen of those containers, scan the labels in, break out his favorite image manipulation application application, and print up 12 "Hash Hound's Finest" labels, and he need never enter another dispensary.

The ones in my state don't sell smokable product :( .

The ones in our state started out selling only oil. It was the result of some intense education efforts that our legislators came to understand that for a patient with some damn serious issues, inhaling flower was the fastest way to relief.

They want so badly to ignore the science of biology in their quest to justify hanging onto this erroneous concept that cannabis is now or has ever been a dangerous substance of any kind.

But they can’t charge these outrageous licensing fees if they admit it’s no more dangerous than garlic now, can they? :straightface:

Baby steps. My daughter keeps reminding me I’m supposed to be happy with baby steps.

I plan to give away a shitload of cannabis topicals. :cheesygrinsmiley:

Ahh! I thought there were some we hadn’t seen harvested yet :)

Getting down to it now eh?! :slide:

How totally marvellous that you’ll be making FHO the day before you leave - *REPS!

Thanks. *giggle* :high-five:

I’m thinkin’ tomorrow morning on the small pot babes and Wednesday for Red Diesel. Then I can tear one of the tents down.

I guess it's a good thing that you live in your apartment :rofl:.

Hehehe! Yes it is TS. :hug:
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