The Church is in Session(400W*FFOF)


New Member
Hello everyone!
This is my second grow, but i have yet to get a real harvest. I shut my last grow down due to a complication with the only friend that knew what i was up to.I learned my lesson that is for sure. I harvested at about 4 1/2 weeks and we did smoke and make hash and butter out of everything we got, and it was obviously uber weak.
ANYWAY since then i have moved to a new location and set up shop. I ordered 1 feminised "The Church" from I was uneasy for about 4 days waiting for it to pop out of the soil because I only had one shot for success. Well sure enough my little girl came up 8/15, and here we grow.
My plan was to do this in a big room with a great connection to the Central Air, unfortunately the room now has another use and i have located to the bathroom, that's right Church is in session, in my bathroom better believe it.
I just took a huge bong rip and im bound to mess this up in one way or another but please feel free to ask questions or comment. I am still a noob and while i have spent 100s of hours of research im always striving to know more about growing, anything not just mary :). I really want to encourage all types of discussion in this thread, off topic is completely welcome as far as im concerned.

My plan is to grow this one from seed, to clone it around wk4, take 2 clones, flower one clone and plant from seed, make the other clone a bonsai mother.

Im using a 400w mh/hps digital, FFOF soil. I will also be topping as needed to keep a short stature. My temps are high at 85-90. It's 112 average outside and im an unwilling to run my air below 79. Even at night our temps aren't dropping below 85 outside. I think the church is going to have to get use to the heat, i have seen mary jane grow outside at 115 so i think everyone gets a little too strung up on temp. Anyway I do want to lower it but i don't see it going below 82ish in the grow room until about mid oct.

Some pix.








Not sure why the bathroom is green on camera. These pix will improve as i get use to dealing with hid and camera..


Quick question, the seed i got was rather small, i certainly would not have picked it out, it looked like it would have failed my crush test, but i did not try! Do you think the size of the seed is an implication of a good set of genetics, or does it merely indicate the amount of stored energy for the seedling?
Yeah i do have another bathroom. But i think i am going to have to work something out with a cooltube (bake-a-round) because i couldnt take the heat anymore. So she is back under cfls for now, frankly im not in any hurry and slow growth is fine by me. Also the cat ate about 90% of the leaves but she recovered quick and is taking off again, ill post pix later :)
Is this grow still alive?

If so, please update us with some pictures and info.

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I am moving this to abandoned journals until we get updates.

Thanks and hope all is well in your world!

Love and respect from all of us here at 420 Magazine!
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