The Overkill Microbox: Soil, Semi-Stealth, LED, Smart Pots, LST, Defoliation From Seed

2 weeks, 3 days flower, 7 weeks, 3 days overall.

I was getting tired of my watering system which wasn't the easiest now that the plants are more dense so I built a little water bucket to make it easier.


I got the bucket from Lowe's and it's nice cause I can measure out the water filling directly into the bucket.

The drain is from a hydro store in the next town over. I went there and described what I was doing and guy just gave me the two ball valves and a grommet. I tried to pay him but he wouldn't take it. Nice bright spot in an otherwise sad day for my family.


This is an inside shot of the grommet.


I got the vinyl tubing from Lowe's too and made it so I could control the water flow nearer to where I am watering. It's an inline ball valve.



So yeah, pretty cool, makes life easier, simple to build. The hydro store guy said once I got the grommet installed it would be water tight but it dripped a little so I used some gorilla caulk, the clear flexible stuff. I tested it this morning and no drips.

Simple, clean and hopefully efficient. Lol
Just some early morning pics... They are so healthy..





Going to defoliate at 3.5 to 4 weeks. Right now, the stretch looks to be slowing down but I still have room to go and I want those buds nice and long. The papaya plant won't get much if any defoliation as it's somewhat temperamental. This is my second run with this strain and although the smoke is kick ass, it hasn't yielded as much as other strains I like equally if not better... Think blue cheese and gdp, if you can find it lol.

End of wk 3 of flower, wk 8 overall

Things are moving right along. I pulled the thicker critical girl out this morning to have a look and she's really dense but the papaya and other critical aren't as dense and have stretched up nicely. I'll wait a couple of days and defoliate her. The others won't need much of a trim suprisingly.

I think the stretch is close to done. The two taller plants are around 16" and the other is about 11" but has tons of bud sites. I haven't noticed much vertical growth this week.


End of wk 3 flower 1.jpg

End of wk 3 flower 2.jpg

End of wk 3 flower 3.jpg

End of wk 3 flower 4.jpg

I gave them nutes two days ago and cal/mag last night. They're drinking it up at about 6 cups per watering.

That's about it. Totally healthy and nice looking. Hope the yield is nice. I'd like to get 6 to 8 oz's off of this grow but we'll see. Conditions have been excellent.

Looking really good in there.

I wouldn't like to guess what the plants are trying to tell you, but you've picked up on it quick that's the main thing.

How they doing now?


I gave them some calimagic in the last watering so I'll check tonight as I'm watering again. I emailed GH and they said I can use it as much as I want to aka every watering so I'll give them another dose tonight and see how they fare.

Thanks for asking.
Defoliation...oh how I covet thee...:rofl:

As the title of this journal implies, I'm a big fan of defoliation. In my first serious defoliation grow, I increased my yield immensely. 3 plants, 20" tall, 15 oz of bud under a 400w HID. Crazy...

I don't think this grow is going to produce that number but if I got 8oz out of it, I'd be thrilled. That said, I have a history of underestimating my dry weights so who knows...could be good.

I defoliate for more than yields, however. My humidity tends to run a little on the high side and in the past, I've had issues with PM but never in flower, only in veg. I've got stuff for that so it's not usually a problem just an annoyance.

My first defoliation is in veg just before I flip to flower. I usually give them about a week to recover before I flip. I take all the large fan leaves off in one shot, wait a week then flip to 12/12.

In flower, if my stretch is outpacing my available height, I'll defoliate anywhere before the end of week 4. This usually stops the stretch cold. Could be week 2 but rarely is it that early as I tend to bend, bend and bend some more so they don't get very tall. These plants stretched nicely but not too tall. Two of them are about 16" to 17" and the other is about 12" tall but bushy as all get out with LOTS of colas.

This morning I took the leaves off of one of the critical and the papaya girl. I took more off the papaya than I thought I would but..fuck! :laugh:

Here's a pic from Monday, the end of week 3 of flower.

Wk 4 Flower.jpg

I've only done the back two plants this morning as it only took about 20 minutes to do them both before lights off. The other girl is going to take longer. Here's the after. As I look at it, I can see I missed a few. I'll get those tonight. As usually happens when I do this, the buds are going to just fill in and get fatter in the coming weeks.

I like to do this just after or right around the end of the stretch. For me in this grow, that was 3.5 weeks. Lot's of space was cleared up in the center of the plants and airflow is most certainly increased which will help me manage the humidity better.

Defoliation 3.5 wks flower 1.jpg

And then...the

Defoliation 3.5 wks flower 3.jpg

Here's the before of the really dense critical girl..

Defoliation 3.5 wks flower 2.jpg

The other plants weren't this dense so were really easy and quick to defoliate. This one is going to take some question.

That's my update. ;)

Alright.. the major defoliation is done. From here it will be just plucking a leaf here and there for the next two weeks then let them go to week 8. These are 7 to 8 week strains.

I clipped almost the same amount of leaves off of the one bushy plant as I did the other two. Here's the before and after group shots..

End of wk 3 flower 1.jpg


Defoliation 3.5 wks flower 7.jpg

Let there be air! I can see dirt!

The inside of the bushy girl is a very light color of green indicating there's been very little light get to that area of the plant. Most of the buds there are larfy and light green like we see at the very bottom at harvest. Underdeveloped and not as good as they could be.


Defoliation 3.5 wks flower 2.jpg


Defoliation 3.5 wks flower 4.jpg

You can't really see it very well in the difference in color very well in the photos but believe me it looks like the a person whose skin has never seen the sun! lol

Opening them up and allowing for more light penetration usually does the trick to fatten the buds up. Always has. Looking forward to good numbers at harvest.


Everything is going according to plan! Muuuhhaaawww!

Here are some pics of the end of week 4 of flower, 9 weeks overall.

End of wk 4 flower 1.jpg

End of wk 4 flower 2.jpg

End of wk 4 flower 3.jpg

End of wk 4 flower 4.jpg

End of wk 4 flower 5.jpg

End of wk 4 flower 6.jpg

I defoliated less than a week ago...what a difference in the bud development. I'm really interested in the final weight from these three plants. I can see, I think, that it won't equal the weight of the last grow with my 400w HID system or even get close to that but we'll see. There will still be some great smoke from it.

4 more weeks to go!


End of week 6 of's flushing time!!

Here are some pics from my boring grow where nothing goes wrong...I must be living right lol

1 end of wk 6 12-12.jpg
2 end of wk 6 - 12-12.jpg
4 end of wk 6 - 12-12.jpg
3 end of wk 6 - 12-12.jpg
5 end of wk 6 - 12-12.jpg

Still have a little deficiency of some kind but nothing seems to abate it. I've tried what I have and that's not doing anything. Looks like a calcium or magnesium deficiency but I've added it with ph'd water to no avail. I've only got a couple weeks left on these strains so I'm not going to worry about it.


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