There was a Stoner, a Scottish Stoner!

High from northern California and welcome to the 420 community. Stick around, there's great people here. Feel free to jump right in!

Peace and 420 :rollit:
browniemix!! Our new Scotch Friend! :welcome: :thanks: for becoming part of the 420 Family. We will be looking for you in the forums. Please enjoy all 420 has to offer you! Any question just speak up. :roorrip: :peace:
Jeez, The Weed.

Scotch is a drink. Scots are a people.

As in ...

browniemix!! our new Scots friend ...

No harm, no foul. As a Scotsman I felt no deliberate slur against my brothers so we won't have to sic the brotherhood on your ass.


I am Scottish and Scotch is used by almost everyone that isn't Scottish. It's always a Scotsman's duty to set things right when to do so will not cause friction. Ya dunna feel a rub doya?

Just another racial enlightenment public notice brought to you by the folks that hope we don't all kill each other just 'cause we're different.

Being different makes us better humans. If everyone loved fly fishing as much as me, where could I go to to enjoy my love in peace?

My fishing buddy is the proverbial 40 yo virgin. Illiterate in both French and English but being the primary care giver for his 14 yo nephew has many challenges for him. I've only got to know him since last spring but find that I have way more fun hanging out with him than I do with my know-it-all soon to be ex-buddy.

We get going fishing and smoke some pot, wash it down with a couple of beers and spend more time laughing our heads off than fishing. We still get some nice fish tho as long as you think pike and walleye are fun fish. J sure thinks so but then again he's never been away from the little French town he grew up in. He went to the "city" once and it scared the hell out him.

He sure wants to try it again if I take him. I need more cash so I can get him a couple of girls in a hot tub to take his cherry.

He trusts me implicitly and even in the darkest recesses of my soul I could never take advantage of him. He sure likes the free smoke I give him but like me a hit or two a day is 'nuff.

I need a trip to the "city" too. I haven't donated blood for almost two years and need to be drained. It'll be my 45th time and I love the way I feel after.

It's like my metabolism kicks into high gear to replace what I gave away. I've been such a slug since the last time. I'm lucky tho. At 55 I'm still 5'8", 150 lbs with all my hair and most of my teeth. Other than creeping arthritis the old bones are doing better than most of my peers. Big fat old farts the lot. lol

I may get older but I refuse to grow up!

yeah well back to the focus of this thread: Welcome brownimix.
A thanka you! I would say that I am a Scot, but that I am Scottish.. Scotch is indeed a drink, but over here we just call it whisky, only an American or a Japanese business man would call it Scotch over here! I have no idea where im going with this so... does it really matter? Theres far too much weed to be smoked to concern ourselves with trivial matters like this! Smoke up!:grinjoint:

browniemix :allgood:
A thanka you! I would say that I am a Scot, but that I am Scottish.. Scotch is indeed a drink, but over here we just call it whisky, only an American or a Japanese business man would call it Scotch over here! I have no idea where im going with this so... does it really matter? Theres far too much weed to be smoked to concern ourselves with trivial matters like this! Smoke up!:grinjoint:

browniemix :allgood:

Right on browniemix and welcome to the club!

A thanka you! I would say that I am a Scot, but that I am Scottish.. Scotch is indeed a drink, but over here we just call it whisky, only an American or a Japanese business man would call it Scotch over here! I have no idea where im going with this so... does it really matter? Theres far too much weed to be smoked to concern ourselves with trivial matters like this! Smoke up!:grinjoint:

browniemix :allgood:

Welcome Browniemix,

I was waiting for that to be ironed out before posting. I used to have a club in Miami Bch as I am sure you know lots of Scottish people visit South FL or did this was back in the 80's and early 90's. So I knew from my old friend how you guys party and address yourselves and others.
Again Welcome and good luck.
:grinjoint::passitleft:take a hit
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