
24-0 is the easiest to set. toss the timer and plug it into the wall.

for everything else you still have to set up the parameters and sync the clock to your hours. there are light rigs where you can program multiple sets of parameters and switch from one to another. most have a computerized version of dimming control.

if you are good with that sort of stuff you can buy the components and build yourself an arduino or other based control system.

most time i find it easiest just to have a few timers around. i use digital ones now. easy to work with.
I’ve been using the el cheapos with the dial and push pins. But it sucks , sometimes 2 hrs early with the off time. I’ve been looking at digital but was scared the programming would be difficult. Hoping one had the usual time periods pre programmed?

it's super easy to program a digital. you set the time and parameters for one day, and just copy them to the rest. you can set multiple times per day if you gaslight or do weird time frames.
I use the relatively cheap mechanical timers. A few years ago, I tried going to the digital ones. I found the ones I was using not very dependable. The ones I tried on the water pump kept resetting. I do have a digital one on a light in a tent I use for little plants and it works great. It's been keeping time for years. I just leave it plugged in, and unplug the light from it when not in use.
I have had a couple of them crap out over the last ten years but I find them bulletproof. I keep spares of pumps and timers, so if they break, I just go grab another.
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