Tiny tiny black bugs on my buds! Help!


Well-Known Member

So I just came home after a nice dinner out with the family and thought I should check up on my plants, all of my plants have these black bugs or whatever on them, and I'm spazzing, what are they, and what can I spray on this one with buds? I got neem for the other babies!
I ordered safer insecticidal soap, however, it won't be here till Monday, for now, I'm just gonna pull out some hair, and spray the babies with neem while I'm waiting to spray the lady in flower.
I have no idea they weren’t there one day they were there the day before but not as many yesterday and none on the buds, I haven’t even tried to cure them yet. I think it could of been from the soil?? It was a new bag, but they’re selling it wayyy cheaper (1.5 cu ft ocean frog for 11$, and a idk how big of a bag of perlite) than everywhere else and I bet this could be why!! The soil was so fresh though, so maybe not and I’m just not the good at noticing bugs.


makes sense. still would like to know what bug though.

maybe @InTheShed would be able to give us an answer.
To me a a bug is a bug is a bug, it’s gonna be a dead bug if it causes me problems. Ofc there are beneficial bugs and that’s why I’ve been leaving this. I don’t really see bugs anymore I put sticky traps there’s nothing under the leaves no idea what those could’ve been or even why they decided my tent wasn’t for them.
makes sense. still would like to know what bug though.
maybe @InTheShed would be able to give us an answer.
I'm definitely not an entomologist (even an amateur one), but I'm not even sure those are bugs in that pic! Hard to tell from a zoomed in pic. I'd get a look with a loupe or scope before I started spraying anything. That said:
all of my plants have these black bugs or whatever on them, and I'm spazzing, what are they, and what can I spray on this one with buds? I got neem for the other babies!
If suddenly they're all over the place (and you didn't just kick up a lot of dirt) then this is the best choice:
I ordered safer insecticidal soap, however, it won't be here till Monday
Be sure to rinse it off after it dries to prevent buildup on the leaves and pistils. It only works when it's wet anyway.
Soil. xD yeah prolly from me, transplanting the other plants. I haven't taken any action yet, and have seen no actual bugs in the tent, only some really microscopic ones, but I kill those when I see em. If you look close enough the floor of the tent will move, and you'll just barely catch something moving, and then my eyes just lock on from there. Only found 2 and on different occasions, now I have sticky traps and have had nothing on them yet. My plant was just browning in some weird areas, like only one finger in a small portion would go brown, and then it slowly turns yellow.
Might want to start using mosquito dunks when you water per Carcass' instructions here:

"I just throw 1/4 of a dunk in the 5 gallon bucket every 3 weeks or so to keep the gnats away...
If I have an active gnat infestation, I'll use half a dunk in the bucket for a little more killing power, then
I go back to 1/4 of a dunk to keep the growspace gnat-free...
A quarter of a dunk is equal to 1 tbsp. of the bits, if you decide to do it this way.

The reason I do it this way is that it takes 24 hours for the bacteria from the dunks to populate the water, and I don't want to have to fill a gallon jug 24 hours in advance of when I water the plant, so I just treat 5 gallons at a time, and the water is always ready to use."

Work on most larvae living in the soil.
I live in a region where you won't see mosquitos, as much as you'll see their predator, the mosquito hawk(crane fly, and their larvae is like a worm)! There's nothing flying, or crawling in there, as we speak. I do full inspections now. And wouldn't you need still sitting water for mosquitos to appear? I'm gonna go in there, and vacuum all the soil in the spill tray, to also further avoid those bugs.
I don’t really see bugs anymore I put sticky traps there’s nothing under the leaves no idea what those could’ve been or even why they decided my tent wasn’t for them.
sound like you got it under control. good luck!
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