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Back with some more on that side experiment regarding PM;
One photo how it was before applying at all

Today I tried a different mix, non diluted willow liquid with a tea spoon of eggshell vinegar I’ve had for months.
The leaf started to fizz at certain points, I found that interesting.
I think the PM is losing the battle but still need to be clear evidence.
Today’s spray;


Just found the PM on a bunch of my younger girls. Weather isnt suppposed to get out of danger zone from here on out basically. So Im going in for a chop soon Im guessing.

This thread is so educational and I will be using so much of this for next years outdoor grow. But holy crap Id freak out to be seeing so much of it lol! Even if its some tree at the edge of the property, boy howdy Id be a mess lol
Hey Shoe - it would be easier if you had before and after of the same leaf - side by side sort of thing. It's hard to make a comparison this way.
All that aside - I gave a couple of my gals a partial spray this morning - now I wait to see. I used the fern elixer that is 15 days old - three teaspoon per gal.
How often should I spray do you think??
Hey Shoe - it would be easier if you had before and after of the same leaf - side by side sort of thing. It's hard to make a comparison this way.
All that aside - I gave a couple of my gals a partial spray this morning - now I wait to see. I used the fern elixer that is 15 days old - three teaspoon per gal.
How often should I spray do you think??
From top to bottom is the same leaf first photo nothing sprayed last photo today.

I would suggest once or twice a week, or after the rain. Depends on the severity of the PM.
I can see an improvement!!! How have your girls been accepting it???
I had no issues yet with the clones, no signs of PM, no signs of burns on the leaf. I’m going to see the mothers today I’m freaking out. I hope they are good.

Keep in mind the PM on this tree is insane like it’s a lot, like our cannabis would never get this far with PM before we even do anything. So if this spraying kills that then we are golden for our plants… I believe.
How often do you spray?? Asking for a friend!!!! :hmmmm: :ciao:
So I spray them every time I go see them (once a week now).
Before when I had them on the ground I could see them 2-3 times a week so I would spray them 2-3 times a week (that was veg time, flower time I don’t spray that often).
I had no issues yet with the clones, no signs of PM, no signs of burns on the leaf. I’m going to see the mothers today I’m freaking out. I hope they are good.

Keep in mind the PM on this tree is insane like it’s a lot, like our cannabis would never get this far with PM before we even do anything. So if this spraying kills that then we are golden for our plants… I believe.
Good question, man.
How did the cannabis do, Dani?
Here it is the big moms at it.

Personal Sativa
It’s so hard to pull the plug on a living thing, I see her going at it, trying hard to flower, still getting taller, still taking her time but getting more and more interesting. I totally forgot this took so long and needed so much light and heat. It has been a good exercise to start playing with my seed bank again. It’s been since 2018 since I was able to grow outdoors with this amount of dedication. I will get you next year my dear.
She grew another couple inches in a week as you can see the nodes at the tips are stacking, and she is showing pistils, no PM, no bugs, no problems, no buds.



Duterte’s Nightmare
She is taking her time but she wants it too, the stretch on this one seems likely over but not much on the bud side happening. This pheno is in the best shape, no signs of any stress or nutrients deficiency, no pest, no PM. Absolutely nothing wrong except where are the buds my darling?

Chunky Skunk
How about this one? She is making buds and I am super happy about it, a real possibility of harvest. But she is having a hard time. At a faster pace she is losing the lower fans, all yellow and falling, the tops are green and thriving. My grower friend said “she needs iron, I could give her some of my bud enhancer”, I love him but that is not organic. So calling out what could be the problem here? Organic solutions?
She doesn’t have new marks or stains and the ones that where previously there have not spread. Do I call it busted on PM? Or keep waiting?
The only thing bothering me here is the amount of yellow leaf falling at the bottom.
She is doing it, just spectacular. On autopilot just giving it all for those buds. Slight yellow at bottom and noticeable good health, no signs of bud rot but I shaken the plants and so many droplets came flying so buds are wet and that’s a terrible sign. The rain has had mercy on us but time is ticking.
Don’t see PM, some other of the older stains and marks are still there but have not spread, and don’t see mayor problems here I just see big buds and the colas getting heavy, time to see if all that extra training pays off she should be more than capable of handling the weight of the buds. She smells amazing and her buds are dark, can’t wait to see if she changes color I think she will it’s getting colder at night hitting the lower 10 and the day is having temperatures just above 20 Celsius. In the next weeks nutrient intake will start to suffer when it starts to get really cold during the day.
and last but not least some photos of the gang.

And for reference I took 3 pictures (not the best) of my friends plants in the green house. He doesn’t like pictures taken so I didn’t tell him. His plants are great all green and healthy, they are budding but would say the are ahead of mine they just started budding the past 2 weeks. Also he is not organic and has a feeding schedule and what I don’t like is his bud enhancer has copper in it NPK is at 10-50-40 crazy but it works for him.
@danishoes21 Im so sorry to hear you’ve had such a challenging season. Tough to swallow while it’s still ongoing.

I sure don’t know the answer to the yellow lowers but will ask for my own curiosity.

Is it possible she has decided that she doesn’t need them anymore below at this time of year and is pulling what she can from those leaves?

It started solid but the last 2 months have been a steep slope.
Thanks for stopping by and yeah I like your question because it acknowledges that plant knows better than me, I want to believe she is dumping nitrogen reserves, I only feed them seaweed tea and mostly natural fertilizer I’ve made along the season, and at the moment my mixes are low in Nitrogen. It is getting colder during the day and that messes around with proper nutrient intake.
That said I’m worried she has something going on I’m not catching.
I only feed them seaweed tea and mostly natural fertilizer
I've tried to stay organic this year - mine are getting the odd feed of a variety of homemade elixers but mostly Gaia Green Bloom nutes which is designated as organic. So far I can say I think they are way ahead of last year (let's hope that didn't jinx it all)
I can't say that I have noticed any change when they are fed the elixers, but then I also don't notice any change from the Gaia Green either - I guess if they seem healthy it's working. They also get worm compost top dressing from time to time.
This time of year we are all doing "The Anxiety Shuffle" :goof: :nervous-guy::rofl::nervous-guy:
Very healthy but much smaller due to planting them late.
I purposely waited until June to sprout just so I could keep them small - every other year I had monsters that were unwieldy and just looked tired at the end. These I can wheel into the greenhouse every night, so we will see.... :nervous-guy:
I've tried to stay organic this year - mine are getting the odd feed of a variety of homemade elixers but mostly Gaia Green Bloom nutes which is designated as organic. So far I can say I think they are way ahead of last year (let's hope that didn't jinx it all)
I can't say that I have noticed any change when they are fed the elixers, but then I also don't notice any change from the Gaia Green either - I guess if they seem healthy it's working. They also get worm compost top dressing from time to time.
This time of year we are all doing "The Anxiety Shuffle" :goof: :nervous-guy::rofl::nervous-guy:

I like Gaia green most of what I have is from their line glacial rock dust, rock phosphate, bone meal and they got a great line of products. I bought 20lbs bags of it because I used them for my garden veggies.
Staying orthodox with organic is hard, specially in bloom. I have no issues during Veg but flowering seems to be hard. I guess a solid soil mix also helps a lot, I will be working on that soil mix next year.

I’m doing the anxiety shuffle lol
Man, I've been there, but thankfully my girls were all tucked away up a mountainside that was more work to climb than was frankly worth it 3 times a year, let alone weekly or, gasp, daily. It didn't always seem a benefit at the time but in retrospect, I'm sure it was because I would have likely lost my mind or hurt the plants constantly trying to address issues real and perceived. D, I wonder if the plants respond to temps as an overarching trigger for different metabolic states they have at their disposal, regardless of the development level they may be at. It may simply be too complex an operation, and not worth it often enough, for a plant to weigh out the pros and cons of possible response scenarios. With everything being on sort of a 'one week as the fastest fundamental change rate' possible, perhaps simply following the weather, climate, ie temps and barometer is the more successful response tactic. I certainly don't know, but my reading of late seems to be in part suggestive of this, so it's on my mind. If I recall correctly, all those years ago we anticipated essentially a 50% loss rate. That's why we literally took six weeks of our lives and devoted them to absolutely riddling the deep wilderness with mature clones every May/June in locations accessible only by private watercraft and a steep hike. Returning each fall, (although in some cases never returning and constantly imagining these huge trees covered in glistening bud, alone in the wilderness never to be set eyes on again and be harvested was a trip of its own) it was always very exciting to finally reach each site and discover what fate had befallen a plant. If memory serves we did better than 50% 8/8 seasons, but for a couple, it was pretty close. My job, my responsibility, was transportation and trans-related scheduling, so I have to tell you, I was pretty excited to reach plant sites regardless of the outcome, because it meant that my contribution, a dang big one if I do say so, at least was successful. It's been a wonderful journal my friend, a real solid contribution you should be proud of and you've shared some important info with a lot of growers, and more. We're grateful.
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