Vlad's Colombian Gold Grow - Aeroponic - LED - DIY Reloaded

Comrade Vlad,

I just got ~90% of my equipment for my first ever Hydro grow (it will also be my first ever attempt at indoor growing). I plan on starting a grow next week. I hope that you will stop by and offer your opinions when it is up and going. It has been a pleasure following your grow as well as the off topic diy projects. Really have enjoyed it. In my grow there will not be a lot of diy stuff. I went with a lot of commercial equipment. With this being my first attempt at a recirculating dwc and LED grow I wanted to get a stable system design and only concentrate on controlling the environmental factors and good gardening practices. I have to say that I am very excited about starting the grow and look forward to learning how to HYDRO. BTW, I would not even attempt a hydro grow without meters, hydrometers, and thermometers. You sir are a brave soul. LOL.
Awesome Bama, I will be there to follow your grow and give advice when you need it!

My only friend in hydro for now is the pH meter. If you can get a PPM measuring device, it would be worth it's weight in gold for a first time hydro op.

What line of nutrients are you going with? Any special formula? I use Lucas, it's one that works but remember to check your PPM and don't go to high or you will burn and slow down the growth like I did.

Are you starting from seed or clone?

Now my plant is in the new food water and I'm going to let her chill there for a few hours and then snap the pics. Now I am off to the Russian orthodox temple for sunday's holy mass! The holy scriptures state that Weed was created good, the only thing that makes weed bad is when we have to break the law to enjoy it. That's why I'm in south america and not St. Petersburg because I respect the law, most of the time, but no mortal is perfect

That being said, man's laws only benefit corporations, not individuals. Sad...

Hey V. Haven't popped in last few. But I'm still checking ya out here. Just been busy. Looks like you got things under control. Good job bud.
Have fun at Mass.
I will be starting from seed from Crop King seed bank. I will start with their feminized white widow. I also ordered their Purple Kush, but will wait for this winter to grow it so the cooler weather will help with bringing out the colors better. I have a pH, TDS/ppm, hydrometer, high/low temp gauge, and water temp thermometer. I am a data geek, the more inputs I can get the more interested I am in the exercise. I was going to go with Advanced Nutes but instead I picked up the Canna Nutes line yesterday. Canna Aqua is the base and I picked up their line of supplements as well. I will have a 4 x 8 tent (That is one of the few things that I am still waiting for) and inside of it I will have 2 x 4 pot system with a reservoir that will be a recirculating dwc. The pots and res are 5 gallons. I will start the germination in a tray and move to the pots when appropriate. I will then take a clone from each of the plants from seed and after rooting them transfer them to the second 4 pot system. Hopefully all the seeds will be females because I do not have the space or equipment to flower the clones to sex the plants. I will be on the look out for males but would really like to not have any. I will be using a identical feed/grow routine for both sets of pots, with one notable exception. On one set (probably the clones) I will use the yield booster and the other I will not. That supplement is VERY expensive. I bought the small bottle and it was $35. The 4 liter bottle is $112. Now the guys at the Hydro shop that I went to for this said that it is well worth the money. As an illustration, I told them what strain I bought and that the seed bank says that it is able to produce ~500gr/Meter squared. That is of course in a perfect setup under optimum conditions and cultivated by a master. I said that I am pretty sure I can reach the ~150gr/Meter squared mark and would be ecstatic if I could get close to the 300gr/Meter squared mark. They exchanged a look and said I would need to get the supplement if I wanted to even get close to those numbers as it will be almost impossible to get there with out the supplements. Now I am well aware that growing skill and experience are the biggest factors when it comes to yield and quality. And that I am very lacking in both of those. I will be following a lot of the practices that I have researched here on this site and others to help mitigate the learning curve. I will also exercise great control over the grow room environmental factors. I will be calibrating my meters twice a week and taking three readings per day during all phases of the grow. This is why the start up cost has been so high for me. Also to help me prioritize I have set up my goals as what is the most important things that I want to accomplish with this grow:

1) To successfully harvest an indoor hydro grow.
2) To measure my success first by quality of the smoke and its affects (desired affects are intense long lasting high and the more couch lock the better).
3) To use the SCROG and cropping training methods to use up every square meter of available grow space.
4) To establish a base line to judge performance and yield by changing only one variable (in this case the expensive supplement).
5) To have fun.

So that is the why and how of my grow and I am excited about starting it. I know that I have already over thought it a hundred times but that is just my nature and very similar to what I do in my work life (hence my nickname). The funny thing is I do not really smoke that much, mainly because I have not had the option of top shelf smoke. I really think that by using best practices during cultivation and harvesting I can achieve something special that will make me want to enjoy it more. If not then I will have a very expensive set up for winter vegetables and spices. Anyway, looking forward to your pics and have a great day.
Damn that was a big rambling post. Sorry for that. Because of my paranoia, nobody knows of my intention to grow and the only place I can discuss it is here. Sorry to be so long winded.

I'm looking forward to following your journal Bamalabrat.
I'm looking forward to following your journal Bamalabrat.

Ditto, this guy Bama bought everything he needs to make an awesome setup! Good luck my friend

Day 24


clone is still kiicking and looking good.

Nice buds Vlad, I really like how your plant looks.

Thank you TR. Check out the clone, it has 7 days and I think in 3 days it will have roots! I will be glad to see this pheno live on so I can perfect growing her a 2nd and a 3rd time after this harvest.


Vlad, I just posted some pictures of my equipment and testing of the hydro set up. I put a note in there for you about the only DIY i have so far used for this project. I hope that little bit of DIY gets my comrade's seal of approval.
Vlad, I just posted some pictures of my equipment and testing of the hydro set up. I put a note in there for you about the only DIY i have so far used for this project. I hope that little bit of DIY gets my comrade's seal of approval.

I am going to check it out right now comrade !

Day 25 12/12

All systems green


Day 8 clone


Woke up this morning and found everything is well with the plant. Thanks for your support everyone, without the kind community at 420magazine I may not have come this far. Updates coming in a few hours, have to go to the farmer's market and get the food where it's fresh and cheap!

She has around 40 bud sites ... should be more once the lower nodes pick up the speed

Going to do some ice hash tomorrow with a charitable donation I got from a friend

It's fun to smoke buds but I'd rather turn it to hash while it's fresh and amazing. It seems those properties are captured and preserved in the hash better. I don't have a hygrometer yet to show RH so I'd rather not take my chances with bud until it's harvest time and I have the right equipment

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