Vlad's Colombian Gold Grow - Aeroponic - LED - DIY Reloaded

Day 27 of 12/12


Oh google, forever spewing forth information that we don't need, like an overflowing toilet that floods forever.
Contradictory information abound.

I just got done crunching information that a plant can benefit during flower to have a little defol. Especially for indoor plants.

So I've concluded there is one more thing to do. Snippy, snippy!

The Vlad's scissor finger is getting itchy. Stay tuned for new pics tomorrow. I will be going concentration camp death style on those leaves that had deficiencies.

Vlad :bongrip:
Oh google, forever spewing forth information that we don't need, like an overflowing toilet that floods forever.
Contradictory information abound.

I just got done crunching information that a plant can benefit during flower to have a little defol. Especially for indoor plants.

So I've concluded there is one more thing to do. Snippy, snippy!

The Vlad's scissor finger is getting itchy. Stay tuned for new pics tomorrow. I will be going concentration camp death style on those leaves that had deficiencies.

Vlad :bongrip:

LOL...well comrade, it is only one plant :) One extremely sexy and healthy looking plant that I would be proud to have in my garden! :)
thank you Bama. great explanation about the clever method seed companies use to ship their precious cargo ! :rofl:

I've got some new beans coming in from a fellow comrade in a few weeks. I would like to breed a male with my clones ;)

I woke up this morning and made the defol. Wow she looks so much sexier. I only took less than %50 as that is what has been tested by others with good results. Even I see the trichomes finally beginning to make their frosty appearance

The roots are no longer shedding. They stayed mostly white after the burn, but were still impacted and were molting so about 3 times a day whenever I checked the pH I would dip my strainer in there to lift out any debris. They smell very good.

Stellar news!!! Day 10 on The clone and she is finally beginning to push roots! I am excited that I could preserve this pheno so I could give it another go in a few months.

Pics coming later in the day.

I still recommend against defol myself. Used to do it religiously back in the day then realized it was slowing growth so did a side by side of two clones and the defol one had slightly less yield. I was happy to stop because it used to take hours to cut all those leaves on huge plants...
But to each there own. Looking great so far!
Thank you OG. I read on 420mag that it is strain dependent but oh well too late now!!!

I think I did it right and don't feel bad about it. IN a nut shell, none of our indoor lamps are as strong as the sun's 10,000 lumen per square foot. I feel good about it!

Check this beautiful article done ages ago.

420 Magazine Defoliation tutorial

Yeah I know how to do it, did it for years, many grows.
Don't worry it makes very little difference either way. My side by side had only a little less yield from defol. But all the hours I have save since then are nice. I remember dragging poor plants out of cabinet to a card table and sitting around defoliating for like an hour per plant and doing it more than once per grow is very time consuming.

Only stuff I remove now is dead leaves and the very bottom vegetation that is near the hydroton and water feeding tubes to prevent mold
And Vlad's bud machine has returned.

Yes, the plant was defoliated, style "aggressive". Please let's just sit back and watch what happens without drawing conclusions so rapidly, okay comrades? :green_heart:

I am aware this will extend the flowering period an extra week...
Besides, some good news is the clone is rooting now so I will have another go. Next journal will be a side by side, Colombian Gold VS. Thunderpaws ;)

This removal of leaves was done for a personal reason, not because I am blindly following advice from random google search results.
When I burned the plant, her huge root ball was impacted. So the leafy structures had already taken a noticeable hit too by the time I started snipping. Before I made the removals, I determined through visual inspection that the root ball had recovered and was growing again. Note that each bud site has 4 big leaves at the top. Those are left alone.

If she continues thriving, I have a surprise! LST is continuing into flower, thanks to adding silicate products to her diet.

DAY 29



Pistols and all, she decided to grow roots anyway. They are about to break through!


Vlad :bongrip:
Thanks for the golden encouragement OG

So just got done bending her with copper solid core.

I have only one good lamp at my disposal to support big bud growth. That's why all this special steps were done.
To make the best use of the lamp I have.

I wish powerful lamps grew on trees where I live and just take out the black mastercard and buy to my heart's content. But alas it is not like that. I need to win it in POTM !! :laugh:

If I could nurture her as long as it takes to make it to the ideal harvest date, she could be a monster bud weapon.


I am going to give her a proper res change on Sunday. No point in skimping on the nutrients and play double jeopardy with my prize

The light I use is just a little more powerful than the Mars 400. My lamp draws 250 watts at the socket and is 100 lumens per watt 5000K white. It's fine for this plant I believe. I like to give plants as much light as possible, and so I am a one light per plant kind of farmer. I am shooting for 250 grams premium dried bud. I hope I can make the lofty goal a reality.

So how you going to grow a bunch of plants?

I recommend a light mover too for making best use of LEDs. I use American agramover. Reasonable price, heavy duty, and cheap rebuild kits for someday.

I have a few tricks up my sleeve. I have another LED DIY coming up because I sold the last one that I shared on my grow journal 2 months back. I will be launching the new grow journal with ThunderPaws at the completion of this one. I plan on buying new hardware for ensuring a really good go next time. I found all black 5 gallon buckets for $5


EDIT : I will only veg the ThunderPaw for 2 weeks, on account of having 12 of them. Then we will pick the best Phenos, and from those phenos I take the clones and keep a male in perpetual veg. I am thinking to do something crazy like 6 inch PVC pipe NFT...

I promise the next grow will be even more mind blowing
I am watching in awe how that plant turned from an almost dead cutting into a 40+ tops monster.
I applaud your resourcefulness and technical capacity!
Regards my friend.
Also reps+
I am watching in awe how that plant turned from an almost dead cutting into a 40+ tops monster.
I applaud your resourcefulness and technical capacity!
Regards my friend.
Also reps+

Thank you TR! :high-five:

She's finally emitting an odor that is lovely. can't describe it yet. We'll see in a few weeks.

Doing ice hash tomorrow with some finished product.

I will do some kind of picture tutorial tomorrow for Shatterday on my journal so check it out tomorrow.

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