Vlad's Colombian Gold Grow - Aeroponic - LED - DIY Reloaded

yeah vlad that's a great thread I read that one too before I got my meter. Did you find out what the lingering deficiency was?

Yes Matticuss, it has been said by others that my magnesium is locked out or not present. That's why I'm going to get a pH pen today before I start mixing a new nute brew this afternoon with one added element: mag sulfate.
I was reading about general hydroponics 3 part nutrition and it has been said around the web that a supplement of magnesium sulfate is recommended @ 1/8th - 1/4 teaspoon vs 1 gallon of water, if that's imperial 4 liters then I will go with the 1/4 because I'm using standard notion that a gallon has 5 liters.
I cancelled the pH pen with the vendor that didn't want to let me pick it up today "for personal reasons" because I think that is a heavy steaming load of BS and I'm not having it when my plant is sick. So contacted another person this morning and am waiting for the address so I go pick it up, it was just a dollar more expensive and pretty close to my neighborhood. I will also pick up a little bottle of pH up for just in case, and I will start mixing a new bucket of nutes this afternoon with new pH pen in hand, target is 5.7-5.8.
Other random hints from other resources recommend to add the micro nutrients to the water first. The water is treated with antichloramine for aquariums which is supposed to neutralize ammonia and chlorine. If it's good for fishies, it's good for my plant! I wish I had an EC meter but I will be patient for now. The plant was being fed full strength and leaf growth was very good and no burns, aside from the mag deficiency. The plant deficiency seems to spread daily, so I shut down the light today and kept her near a window until this evening when the new reservoir mix is ready.

okay, confirmed that the pen is ready to pick up today at 3pm. Good enough I guess. Time to roll one up and relax. Stay tuned!

well just got an email back from the vendor of the 3 part hydro nutrients and she said that it has mag and cal present, however warned me that the bottle "C" part will change the pH of the mix so I was just missing the pH pen to fine tune it. SO I will not add magnesium sulfate or "epsom" salts for the time being as I don't want to push my "EC" over the acceptable range if it is not necessary to add extra mag.

About the home made ultra-hooch, yes comrades, I WILL do it in a few days. This crap pH problem with the plant messed up my easy going attitude for the start of this week and I plan on fixing that first before I write my brew journal for you all to share in the boozey glory of delicious home brew. I have concluded that with 3 days in primary fermentation and 5 days in secondary fermentation will deliver a powerful 12-16% alcohol fruity beverage with carbonation in just 8 total days of fermenting. Stay tuned and thx for your patience!!!

Well I am out the door now going to pick up my "stuff". Just wanted to share the last photos of when before treatment begins tonight.

So was the pH high or low?

It was high! 6.8...

I knocked it down to 5.8 with pH down. I think 1 point was not too traumatic of a change. I feel happy to have a pen now, I will test it again tomorrow and see how she goes. I can feel better already about the grow having an insider's look of what's really happening at the root zone. I've decided to cut 2 leaves but leave the petiole til it falls.

So... It was not just 2 leaves I chopped, it was a lot more! But don't worry, there are plenty left and some showed only 20% damage and I left them be. I hope that is the last time to cut off important bud growing batteries!

You found your problem! I hope with the couple of improvements everything is working out better for you! I could not find the original source but here is a very useful infograph. I am looking forward to the hooch as well! I like to brew, but I am terrible and make some of the worst beer. Soon it will be good.
Thanks J for the valuable feed back. Cool chart! I can definitely see what my plant was suffering from.

Because of its no name brand cheapness, I find that the pen needs to be calibrated every time before a res check as the scale seems to drift by .2 points each time. Oh well! I have 500ml of pH buffer to calibrate it, that should last 2 months at least or hopefully longer.

This pen is even going to improve brewing! I was reading that fermentation happens nicely at 5.5, where as at other levels it is much less intense.
Id like to see pics of how she looks after her trim, is it all bare now?

ROFL buddy! yea I was scared it was going to turn out like that but I was able to hold back this time. Only 80% of the oldest fans were bothered, and 10% of new growth was starting to take its shade of sickness. But I've cut practically all of it out, saved 2 old big fans that only had a little deficiency. There's a piece of tape wrapped around one little grow tip, because I sliced it slightly with the blade unintentionally.

Here's the update!

The brew log is launching Thursday. A fair warning for everyone, if your ferment jar explodes, it's not my fault! Don't underestimate the power of pressurized co2. If the vent gets clogged by fruity debris, the pressure will build up until your vessel ruptures and you could get hurt AND/OR have a huge mess. So for that reason I will only be showing you fellahs how the brew works with concentrated fruit packs that come ready to mix with water, bought at the store. Those packages don't have any large bits of fruit that could block your vent. This way there is no possibility of a massive blow out. Safety first! LOL! had my first accident yesterday, I could hear the high pressure leaking around the cap because berries jammed up my escape valve. Once I moved the tube, berry mess shot out onto my ceiling, but at least the whole brew didn't explode!

I once was using some yest, baking soda and sugar to make a CO2 generator. I would go and replace it every other day with another vessel that was ready to use. One morning I wake up with a friend of mine and I remember I have to change the CO2 generator because it is spent. Last night I had prepared the vessel with everything, but being hammered I forgot that I should not close the caps...
So Im naked and with a bad hangover, holding the soda bottle wondering why the bottom part looks rounded instead of flat and realize how hard the bottle feels. Then I make the mistake of trying to unscrew the cap.
The blast was so powerful, that the cap shot like a bullet and damaged my waffle maker. The yest and sugar brew exploded and covered the walls and roof of my apartment, as well as myself.
Then my friend comes covering herself with a blanket. Im sitting in the floor discombobulated, naked and covered in sticky sugar yeast mix. The kitchen is a mess.
I remember how big her eyes looked, with that combination of fear and surprise. Then she says:

¨would you like if we take a shower and then smoke a joint? I will not ask what happened. I promise!¨
¨would you like if we take a shower and then smoke a joint? I will not ask what happened. I promise!¨

LMAO! those plastic soda bottles hold A LOT of pressure. It is recommended to leave at least 4 inches of empty space for "the head space" at the top. o2 generator with yeast and sugar is a great way to help the plants. I might try that too!
Calibrated the pen and checked pH for the morning. It is now at 5.8 stable. Will check again this afternoon. I have not redone the nutrient mix, I figured why waste it. the mix will be 14 days old on next Monday and that is when I will make a new one and maybe change it every week after that? we will see.

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