Wappa replenishment countdown

Mock, Heineken and cannabis fueled 'Viking assault' on Dutch Man Of War on Norwegian Constitution Day
dutch man of war.JPG
Oh what a day. My local Amsterdamer vriend Robert shows up with a boat full of Heineken for a private canal tour. We feel like real insiders as we cruise up the Oudezijds Voorburgwal canal. This feeling is augmented by the consumption of some fine cannabis on the way and the true local nautical feel of our first stop, MK CENTENNIAL MARITIME B.V.

I can't recall what it was Captain Robert needed for the vessel, but I was thrilled to find a pair of black wool caps with skull and crossbones logos for my crewmates. They also carried high quality nautical flags to fly off the rear of your boat. Being a proud half Norwegian with a full blood Viking crew mate - AND being Norwegian Constitution Day - A flag or Norge was definitely in order. Yes thank you please add that beautiful Amsterdam flag. Off we go.

We had many hearty laughs this day. The heartiest I recall involved a discussion about tongue twisters. We started with Peter Piper. Then we moved through a few in Norwegian. After a few in Dutch, we had to stop or risk wetting ourselves. Dutch wins funniest tongue twister contest.

Aside from the ever present fantastic views as depicted above, other highlights included inducing wakes in clearly marked 'no wake' zones, observing other humans enjoying Amsterdam, and a Viking raid the windmill brewery at Brouwerij 't IJ.

Oh what a day.
Finally got to the ceilings in Cape May, they had past their vintage charm period and drifted well into ugly. Not visible in this photo are actual holes, e.g., missing plaster/exposed lattice :oops: :cheesygrinsmiley: :sorry: .

Used a light weight printed foam material about 19 inches square applied with glue.
Delsea Ceiling before.jpg

Not perfect, but better. More cozy, less haunted. :cheesygrinsmiley: :high-five:
Delsea Ceiling after.jpg
12 weeks ... 5 days

Missed Saturdays post battling Quebec City's frigid temperatures and navigating their Covid related closures.

Hope to return in warmer weather

Met some real nice folks, one a demolition expert I hope to never have to call upon for expertise.

Fill your bowl to the brim
and it will spill.
Keep sharpening your knife
and it will blunt.

Chase after money and security
and your heart will never unclench.
Care about people's approval
and you will be their prisoner.

Do your work, then step back.
The only path to serenity

:yummy: Lao Tzu Stoner - Dao De JIng #9

Knowing others is intelligence;
knowing yourself is true wisdom.
Mastering others is strength;
mastering yourself is true power.
If you realize that you have enough,
you are truly rich.
If you stay in the center
and embrace death with your whole heart,
you will endure forever.
:Rasta:Lao Tzu Stoner :yummy:

Thus the Master is available to all people
and doesn't reject anyone.
He is ready to use all situations
and doesn't waste anything.
This is called embodying the light.
What is a good man but a bad man's teacher?
What is a bad man but a good man's job?
If you don't understand this, you will get lost,
however intelligent you are.
It is the great secret.
:Rasta:- Lao Tzu Stoner :yummy:
The ancient Masters were profound and subtle.
Their wisdom was unfathomable.
There is no way to describe it;
all we can describe is their appearance.
They were careful
as someone crossing an iced-over stream.
Alert as a warrior in enemy territory.
Courteous as a guest.
Fluid as melting ice.
Shapable as a block of wood.
Receptive as a valley.
Clear as a glass of water.
Do you have the patience to wait
till your mud settles and the water is clear?
Can you remain unmoving
till the right action arises by itself?
The Master doesn't seek fulfillment.
Not seeking, not expecting,
he/she is present, and can welcome all things. -
:Rasta:Lao Tzu Stoner :yummy:
:cheesygrinsmiley: 10 Weeks! :cheesygrinsmiley:

In October 2020, I planned on giving myself 2 years to figure out how to grow my own consistently top shelf cannabis. The latest late diagnosed pest issue illustrates clearly I am still learning. In hindsight, it seems growing will probably continue to teach me as long as I live.

I'm feeling confident with the addition of pest prevention methods by virtue of @Sierra Natural Science 209 Pest Control System.

All surviving girls have had SNS-209 foliar applied liberally to them, with 6 more sprays planned 4 days apart, one full month of foliar treatment. Ratio is 1 tsp per quart.

Additionally, and perennially, each watering now employs SNS-209 'Soil Drench' formula, 1 tsp per gallon.

Starting this routine 48 hours ago, all of the total of 9 ladies have required waterings or nutrient supplemented waterings with the new SNS Soil Drench with no ill effect.

This is all well and good, but in the interim my production line is interrupted. A combination of factors had me switch my 'Auto' tent to 12/12 so that I have room to flower the 6.

And that's why I am so excited about 10 weeks till Amsterdam :cheesygrinsmiley: . When I return with fresh, premium Autos and Photo Period Fems, this tent will be ripe for harvest and we can start the 30 day rotation afresh.

:cheesygrinsmiley: 10 Weeks! :cheesygrinsmiley:

In October 2020, I planned on giving myself 2 years to figure out how to grow my own consistently top shelf cannabis. The latest late diagnosed pest issue illustrates clearly I am still learning. In hindsight, it seems growing will probably continue to teach me as long as I live.

I'm feeling confident with the addition of pest prevention methods by virtue of @Sierra Natural Science 209 Pest Control System.

All surviving girls have had SNS-209 foliar applied liberally to them, with 6 more sprays planned 4 days apart, one full month of foliar treatment. Ratio is 1 tsp per quart.

Additionally, and perennially, each watering now employs SNS-209 'Soil Drench' formula, 1 tsp per gallon.

Starting this routine 48 hours ago, all of the total of 9 ladies have required waterings or nutrient supplemented waterings with the new SNS Soil Drench with no ill effect.

This is all well and good, but in the interim my production line is interrupted. A combination of factors had me switch my 'Auto' tent to 12/12 so that I have room to flower the 6.

And that's why I am so excited about 10 weeks till Amsterdam :cheesygrinsmiley: . When I return with fresh, premium Autos and Photo Period Fems, this tent will be ripe for harvest and we can start the 30 day rotation afresh.

It will be time to go before you know it. :thumb:

Stay safe
:hmmmm: that chicken may not have been pretty :cheesygrinsmiley: but she sure was delicious :oops:

Meat birds are not show birds :cheesygrinsmiley: but being the fatties that they are :cheesygrinsmiley: they're easier to catch for a photo

That bird was a Cornish-Rock hybrid. Their claim to fame is table ready maturation in 8 weeks :oops: :oops: :high-five:

If pretty chickens is what you seek :reading420magazine: :nomo: Google images of the following egg layers I had

Blue/Green egg laying Americaunas
Brown egg laying Gold Orpington
Brown egg laying Barred Rock
Brown egg laying Rhode Island Reds
White egg laying Leghorns
Duck eggs and meat Peking Duck

Pasture raised chicken, duck & turkey
Free range 'Easter' eggs
Duck Eggs

:hmmmm: those were the days! :cheesygrinsmiley:
1 day shy of 8 weeks ...:reading420magazine: ...:nomo:... :hmmmm:... :cheesygrinsmiley:... :yahoo:

The supreme good is like water,
which nourishes all things without trying to.
It is content with the low places that people disdain.
Thus it is like the Dao.

In dwelling, live close to the ground.
In thinking, keep to the simple.
In conflict, be fair and generous.
In governing, don't try to control.
In work, do what you enjoy.
In family life, be completely present.

When you are content to be simply yourself
and don't compare or compete,
everybody will respect you.

Lao Tsu (Stoner?)
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