We missed growing! Hello again 420 Community


420 Member
Hi there !

We re a very nooby and excited couple about this theme.

I planted indoors a couple times before but to be honest the final result always kinda sucked.
I was always very patient at first but with time things started to fall apart specially in the flowering stage.

Last time I had a bug and the one before I had mold, all two in the final weeks, it was very demotivating so I kept the growing stuff in a corner.

This time Im in this with my gf and she's a lot more patient than me and I finally bought some pest control! :p
I'm guessing this time is gonna end well! At least I hope so

A couple a questions for whoever reads this.

I had 2 seeds well stored but they're at least 2/3 years old, I put them to germinate a week ago and nothing happen so far, they might be dead right?

I also ordered 4 seeds and put one of them to germinate about two days ago and she's already out!
Can I plant all 4 of them?

My space is a 1m*1m *1,60m
I also have a 250 W HPS and the final pots will be 6 L

Last time I planted two but there's so much room left in there, what's your opinion on planting all 4 of them? They're all indicas.

ps: sorry about my English, is not my native
Hi and welcome to the community. There is no success without failure. Learn from each grow and the next will always be better than the last.
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