

420 Member
Hi sports fans. I’m going to try and post early May conditions and n Extreme North West Colorado Moffat co. We get hit every May. Then I’ll post how we survived and what we did. That’s my crop under there!! I had plastic down but the spring snow was too heavy. Most of the plants were smushed down and broken. I cut plastic straws( slit)and tapped it on to the damaged part staked them upright and watered. We had 8 more days of below freezing temperatures so I covered them with better supports and the next picture is yesterday. Aug 26 Those are 7’ plants with 4’ diameter. The plants that took the worst hit are still 4’ x 3’. So please don’t give up too early on growing. I used the First Nation method of planting. Many cool nights and hot days. I’ve had the best luck with Afghan, wedding cake and blue dream. Gorilla strains no so good. Have many good growing days!


Hi sports fans. I’m going to try and post early May conditions and n Extreme North West Colorado Moffat co. We get hit every May. Then I’ll post how we survived and what we did. That’s my crop under there!! I had plastic down but the spring snow was too heavy. Most of the plants were smushed down and broken. I cut plastic straws( slit)and tapped it on to the damaged part staked them upright and watered. We had 8 more days of below freezing temperatures so I covered them with better supports and the next picture is yesterday. Aug 26 Those are 7’ plants with 4’ diameter. The plants that took the worst hit are still 4’ x 3’. So please don’t give up too early on growing. I used the First Nation method of planting. Many cool nights and hot days. I’ve had the best luck with Afghan, wedding cake and blue dream. Gorilla strains no so good. Have many good growing days!


The plants in the back are the ones referred to. This plant was ripped out of the ground a couple days ago my wife replanted it babied it and look at her!!!
Welcome to 420 Magazine @vdub

That's some extreme weather for may.
Do you only grow outside, or do you grow inside also?

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Stay safe, and grow well my friend,

Tok.. :bong:
Hi sports fans. I’m going to try and post early May conditions and n Extreme North West Colorado Moffat co. We get hit every May. Then I’ll post how we survived and what we did. That’s my crop under there!! I had plastic down but the spring snow was too heavy. Most of the plants were smushed down and broken. I cut plastic straws( slit)and tapped it on to the damaged part staked them upright and watered. We had 8 more days of below freezing temperatures so I covered them with better supports and the next picture is yesterday. Aug 26 Those are 7’ plants with 4’ diameter. The plants that took the worst hit are still 4’ x 3’. So please don’t give up too early on growing. I used the First Nation method of planting. Many cool nights and hot days. I’ve had the best luck with Afghan, wedding cake and blue dream. Gorilla strains no so good. Have many good growing days!


Welcome to 420Magazine my friend. :welcome:

Stay safe
Bill284 :cool:
Hi sports fans. I’m going to try and post early May conditions and n Extreme North West Colorado Moffat co. We get hit every May. Then I’ll post how we survived and what we did. That’s my crop under there!! I had plastic down but the spring snow was too heavy. Most of the plants were smushed down and broken. I cut plastic straws( slit)and tapped it on to the damaged part staked them upright and watered. We had 8 more days of below freezing temperatures so I covered them with better supports and the next picture is yesterday. Aug 26 Those are 7’ plants with 4’ diameter. The plants that took the worst hit are still 4’ x 3’. So please don’t give up too early on growing. I used the First Nation method of planting. Many cool nights and hot days. I’ve had the best luck with Afghan, wedding cake and blue dream. Gorilla strains no so good. Have many good growing days!




Fantastic garden my friend :yahoo:
Love the owl ,does it work?
What are you feeding?
Hope you have a great day.

Stay safe
Bill284 :cool:
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