White Widow: Is my bud ready for harvest yet? 90%+ pistils amber


420 Member
Greetings Everyone!
This is my first grow and I've been growing some white widows. The plant is week 7 into flowering and almost all of the bottom buds have 100% amber pistils. The buds on the top of the canopy still have about 10% of white pistils. The size of the bud is still pretty small. I was able to get some close-up pictures of the trichomes from a bud that I picked 2 days ago which are attached to the post (not very clear but the trichomes are visible). I'm not sure if I should harvest or give it more time. Any suggestions would be highly appreciated

I'd like to add that one day the timer was unplugged so the plant received about 15 hours of darkness that day. I fixed the problem when I noticed that the lights weren't on in my grow room. Does this possibly have anything to do with that?

Thanks in advance!

Edit: Added more information


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You can harvest anytime now. You can also leave it for another week or two to develop more amber in the trichomes. More amber trichomes will give you more of a couch lock effect.

The dark time being extended three hours shouldn't affect your plants too much. What you don't want is the lights coming on during the dark hours, and turning off again. That will stress the plant and can cause it to turn hermaphrodite.
They won't noticeably swell.

There are many reasons a plant doesn't grow to its full potential. They include container size, substrate (soil), nutrients, water, temperature, humidity, light, and training. It could be any, or a combination of these. I can't even guess since I haven't been able to follow your grow from the start.
Hey @threeperson - i'd go with what @Old Salt is saying (he knows what he's talking about). :thumb:
By the look of it - I'd chop it immediately. If you say your pistils are 90% amber already, if you go another 2 weeks your bud will no longer be in its harvest window, over-ripen & your THC will start to degrade.
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