Why did I lose so much weight when dried?


New Member
I grew a new type of strain. It was a mix of Moby and Blue Cheese. A friend of mine named the strain "Moby 1 Cannobi". The buds were some of the most beautiful buds I have seen. My problem was when I harvested, some of the buds weighed 1.5 ozs, but when fully cured they weighed around a 1/4oz each. They also lost the smell and taste. I have pictures posted in the marijuana strain libary under the name "Moby 1 Cannobi" if you would like to see pics of it.
If anybody knows why I lost the weight, smell and taste, it would be very helpful. I have started my next crop and don't want it to happen again.
u lost weight because u lost moisture...u lost smell and taste because of your curing technics

I know I lost moisture upon drying, but most of them weighed 1.5 ozs before curing and then after only 6.5gms. I didn't cure these any different than any of my other harvests and they all came out excellent. nice thick dense and stinky buds.
some buds have a lot more moisture to release than others. I found you typically lose 60-75% weight when it's dry. Unfortunately it's the nature of the beast.

As for smell, after a long cure time it starts to come back, but it will lose a lot of its smell when it dries initially.
The cheesy smell did not come back at all. It turned out tasting and smelling like the good ol regs. I just sprouted my last seed of this strain, so hopefully I'll do better with this one.
Were you using some kind of bulking agent that might have plumped the buds up... with water-weight?
I was using the "receipe for success" starter kit. I used this stuff with my first and second harvest and those came out really nice. I might have backed off on the nutrients a little early, so I could flush it and take the chem taste out.

It's a live and learn process.
Hey buddy, my girl stank like a pine forrest b4 harvest and buds were fairly large, well decent anyway.. I quik dried some over a couple of days and that smoked well, smelt strong still as soon as you touched it it let off very pungeant odor.. Sum of my tops weighed 15g when dried, i didnt weigh em wet, but they definately were smaller than when harvested. As far as smell, i cured mine in jars and some in vacc. sealed bags.. Bags kept their smell better but once i cut into my jar buds, that smell came out again, and they fluffed up like crazy when chopped up. Jars prob are smoother and body stone and my bags have nice head high as well, my main cola is still curing.. Im giving her another 3 weeks and thats 3 months cured.. Goodluk and Happy Harvesting;) Heres a bud of a girl i made earlier..
I usually lose about 75% of the weight from wet to dry... It seems to be about normal that this much is lost. Also I usually will lose the smell during the 1st and 2nd week of curing but then it comes back really strong afterwords... Pretty much normal from what I have found.
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