With pics: 18 days old LST, defoliage? Help!


420 Member
Hey happy growers,
It’s my first time growing indoors with a complete tent setup and I am unsure on what to do with my two females. I am growing Super Silver Haze x Northern Lights strain and they are 18 days old literally growing like a weed with coco medium.

Any ideas and tips on how to train her will be much appreciated as her big fan leaves get in the way of her new growth sites. Please help your little fellow asian lady out! Thanks!



Hey J,

Welcome to 420! Training is fine but why in the world would you want to defol an 18 day old plant? It’s like cutting your feet off before a marathon to shed extra weight...

That looks like a peat moss based media not coco. It’s important to know which one you have so we can advise you properly. The great news is you have done really well to not overwater them, your plants look great!!

More folks will jump in soon
Hey J,

Welcome to 420! Training is fine but why in the world would you want to defol an 18 day old plant? It’s like cutting your feet off before a marathon to shed extra weight...

That looks like a peat moss based media not coco. It’s important to know which one you have so we can advise you properly. The great news is you have done really well to not overwater them, your plants look great!!

More folks will jump in soon
Yup you’re right about that.. I was really iffy about that one. But would you recommend LST or just tucking the leaves. Thank you again I appreciate your help and time to comment ☺️
Also this is the medium I used! I really
Hope it’s coco because that’s what I want!!!!!! Arghhh! I don’t want to have to transplant them haha jk
I attached the medium I used.

Hey happy growers,
It’s my first time growing indoors with a complete tent setup and I am unsure on what to do with my two females. I am growing Super Silver Haze x Northern Lights strain and they are 18 days old literally growing like a weed with coco medium.

Any ideas and tips on how to train her will be much appreciated as her big fan leaves get in the way of her new growth sites. Please help your little fellow asian lady out! Thanks!



I would definitely start training her. I use pipe cleaners And gently tie those large fan leaves to the side so bud sites can get light. They look great!
I would definitely start training her. I use pipe cleaners And gently tie those large fan leaves to the side so bud sites can get light. They look great!
Pipe cleaners! Omg that’s such a good idea!!! Thanks I will definitely take your advice on tying them off instead of cutting them! Thank you again!!!

also, I am a current RN. Haha good to see 420 friendly nurses on here!
Pipe cleaners! Omg that’s such a good idea!!! Thanks I will definitely take your advise on tying them off instead of cutting them! Thank you again!!!

also, I am a current RN. Haha good to see 420 friendly nurses on here!
Oh I had to retire first before I could start smoking weed. My employment pee tested regular. I wouldn’t cut any leaves just yet. Maybe some others can advise on when to cut leaves as I’m not at that stage yet myself.
Oh I had to retire first before I could start smoking weed. My employment pee tested regular. I wouldn’t cut any leaves just yet. Maybe some others can advise on when to cut leaves as I’m not at that stage yet myself.
Well thank you for your service!
I do love smoking it as well but did have to quit when I received my license a year ago. Growing it you can say fixes my “cravings” haha. I do love growing all kinds of plants and my house is an indoor jungle but growing Mary Jane is definitely different. I enjoy the challenge and the countless interventions needed to make one healthy strong patient, haha!
Looks like autoflower plants with that kind of thickness on the branches already. If you know they are photos then bend twist tie down..except dont let your leaves touch the soil, they will wilt off and die. If they are autoflower plants then you have limited time and an advanced chance of stunting them each time you mess around with them. InTheShed has great tutorials on LST and one of the best threads on it you will find here. It's a very big thread so be prepared for hours of reading.
Thank you for your response :) I’m pretty sure they’re not autoflower because I remember not wanting to buy that, haha! Could it possibly be the light? I’m using an 1800 COB LED. Which is why it’s not stretching and all my leaves are touching the soil argh! But the light is 34 inches above canopy as well. And I never knew that about the leaves. Thank you for this tip! Gonna figure out how to tie her off. And thanks for the thread! Love reading and good threads!!!! You’re great! “HIGHLY” appreciated aha

also tied her off last night! Can’t wait to get some kind of even canopy on them, now gotta fix those leaves touching





Very interesting! Thank you! I’m curious about the haystraw... is this because you don’t want the leaves touching the soil? Can’t wait to see how she turns out!
Not really no, its a nice perk about using straw that it keeps leaves off the soil, but the real reason I use straw is I grow in Living Organic Soil and a thick mulch and or cover crop is mandatory to keep my soil moist and my bugs and worms and microbes happy.
Not really no, its a nice perk about using straw that it keeps leaves off the soil, but the real reason I use straw is I grow in Living Organic Soil and a thick mulch and or cover crop is mandatory to keep my soil moist and my bugs and worms and microbes happy.

WOAAAAAH! THATS THE WAY TO GO! So you have bugs and worms in the soil that you grow in? That is dopeee! I’d love to grow organically like that. I have a compost bin with worms and scraps in it that I use for my vegetable garden but I never even knew that putting worms and bugs in the medium is a thing! I really just might learn how to do this method and grow my next strains like yours! Very inspirational!
WOAAAAAH! THATS THE WAY TO GO! So you have bugs and worms in the soil that you grow in? That is dopeee! I’d love to grow organically like that. I have a compost bin with worms and scraps in it that I use for my vegetable garden but I never even knew that putting worms and bugs in the medium is a thing! I really just might learn how to do this method and grow my next strains like yours! Very inspirational!
More than happy to help when you're ready.
But for LOS the way I prefer to do it which is the easy way you need large fabric pots at least 15+ gallon minimum.
So keep that in mind if your grow space is tiny.

You can do a bit more difficult organic soil way with smaller pots in hotter soil and more inputs like several compost teas, kelp tea, top dressings etc.
I can help with that. Stoneotter is also good to follow for the smaller pot method.
I like to start my seedlings off in an enclosed storage container tote..temps above 80 lights on, no lower than 70 lights off. When they sprout, keep your lighting (not that COB jfc you'd fry them) as close as possible and on for at least 18/6. I have a cheap "full spectrum 2000watt" LED blurple that has worked fine, but I have seen other grows using a compact CFLs that you put in your regular light sockets or special long tube florescent bulbs meant for growing (these can produce small flowers but I've never seen monster or even baby colas from them) just a few inches above them to keep them from stretching to much, cant do that with a COB. Important to remember that you need those low red warm light and the cool hot blue light from those COBs for full spectrum. I'm no expert on them and the COB wizards are here with phenomenal grows so please explore those further ok?
More than happy to help when you're ready.
But for LOS the way I prefer to do it which is the easy way you need large fabric pots at least 15+ gallon minimum.
So keep that in mind if your grow space is tiny.

You can do a bit more difficult organic soil way with smaller pots in hotter soil and more inputs like several compost teas, kelp tea, top dressings etc.
I can help with that. Stoneotter is also good to follow for the smaller pot method.
That sounds so cool! I definitely don’t have the room for a 15 gallon pot though. Might need to sacrifice my boyfriends man cave but I’m not sure if he’d like that I will definitely keep in touch with you once I do get it started. I appreciate the love!
I like to start my seedlings off in an enclosed storage container tote..temps above 80 lights on, no lower than 70 lights off. When they sprout, keep your lighting (not that COB jfc you'd fry them) as close as possible and on for at least 18/6. I have a cheap "full spectrum 2000watt" LED blurple that has worked fine, but I have seen other grows using a compact CFLs that you put in your regular light sockets or special long tube florescent bulbs meant for growing (these can produce small flowers but I've never seen monster or even baby colas from them) just a few inches above them to keep them from stretching to much, cant do that with a COB. Important to remember that you need those low red warm light and the cool hot blue light from those COBs for full spectrum. I'm no expert on them and the COB wizards are here with phenomenal grows so please explore those further ok?
Sounds good! Yes we ordered a full spectrum cob led. With the blues reds whites. Although when I keep both on, it heats the room to 90 so I’ve been rotating the blue and red lights because I can’t seem to keep the temps down with 2 medium fans and I live in Cali where there weather is 60 right now. I can’t really unzip the growbox all the way down because my cats are curious and keep trying to jump inside them haha!!! But I will definitely take your advice and research as much as I can. I’m finally getting the canopy leveled and it such a relief! Here’s an update of them. They seem to be really bushy for 3 weeks. But I hope they turn out to flower me some huge nuggies. I will be mothering one of them to get clones then possibly flower her off once the clones have rooted. Again thank you for your advice !!! It helps so much


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