Trimming leaves question


Active Member
Hello all, I've been trimming some leaves back to allow more light penetration. I've seen no consequences to doing this. I've also gone back days later and gone ahead and just removed the stems holding the leaves I have trimmed back. This, also seems to not hurt my plant, visually, at least.
Is it OK to continue doing what I'm doing as needed? I've only been doing this to older growth. Also, could I just remove the stem w/ the leaves I wish to remove, altogether? Or should I leave the stem and clip the back, only?

Thanks for reading
Sure, if you're cutting off the leaf trim off the stem at the same time.

Defoliating can feel kind of funny at first since it seems like you're damaging the plant, which in a way you are, but you're also improving air flow, removing shade from places you don't want it, and generally helping the plant to grow best. It's a bit of an art. I have found that watching YouTube videos helps, and of course reading about it. Then experience.

A healthy, growing plant can take low-level defoliation in stride and often even looks better for it in a day or two.
Sure, if you're cutting off the leaf trim off the stem at the same time.

Defoliating can feel kind of funny at first since it seems like you're damaging the plant, which in a way you are, but you're also improving air flow, removing shade from places you don't want it, and generally helping the plant to grow best. It's a bit of an art. I have found that watching YouTube videos helps, and of course reading about it. Then experience.

A healthy, growing plant can take low-level defoliation in stride and often even looks better for it in a day or two.

Hi, scientific, that 1st sentence is ambiguous to me. Please elaborate.
Wonder what the science of leaving maybe 1 petal compared to choppin it all off? Isnt it better to cut production to 10% then to 0%?

Wondering about that.
it was pertaining to stress mostly. If we see the leafs as a powerstation, per say, cutting the leaf off totally closes that station down, totally. But if we leave 1 pedal of that leaf, its not totally shut down.

Its was just a curiosity assumption is all,

carry on, lol..
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