1080w LED Inferno

This little unit cost $150 for those not so into the DIY thing..
It's called an Ice Box.. Same setup as slimm was talking about..

the ony bad thing is you have to run a chiller out side the room because of heat.
I have a chiller for my main box when running hydro but when cloning I have a one quart system going that'll clone one plant at a time. Works great in winter.Guess I'll have to go the H2O2 route... will the 3% work? Not sure where I can find 35% around here. What is this slime anyway? Is it the first stages of pythium?? .V.
Those are hot temps Irish but from the looks of your last pics, they seem to be doing OK. .v.
With a RH of 22%, a swamp cooler could really help you. They start at less than $100. Just a suggestion.
With a RH of 22%, a swamp cooler could really help you. They start at less than $100. Just a suggestion.

i tried an evap cooler last year and it got my room so moist it was horrable. maybe it was a cheap on i bought? it had a tank you filled up and a big ass fan that blew the cooler air from the water. maybe a higher price one will work better?
Too lazy to quote:

With an oil-cooler, radiator, etc., I would be concerned that the nutrient solution flowing through it might leach some undesirable elements from what the thing is made of since it doesn't have to be "food grade" or otherwise safe in any way for human consumption. Maybe rig up a "non-contact" type of cooler where something other than the nutrient is circulated and then used to indirectly cool the solution in some manner?

Swamp coolers by definition work by adding humidity. You could hang a wet towel in front of a strong fan and crudely do the same thing. As the moisture evaporates it becomes humidity. If you've got 22% RH and a non-sealed grow room with constant air-refreshing then I wouldn't expect it to ruin you humidity-wise. But then again, I wouldn't expect it to really cool things off, either. You'd have to play around with lessening the air-refreshing so as to keep the cooler air produced by the heat that is consumed in evaporating the moisture without keeping so much that the humidity builds continuously. The higher the humidity the less efficient a SC is. And... Bud rot is a much bigger buzz-killer than lower yields and less dense buds are and that would be a pretty big concern of mine if I were in your situation and was considering a SC. Although 22% RH is a far cry from bud rot conditions, the plants are going to be using their inbuilt method of evaporative cooling at the same time and you can bet that the internal humidity of them will peak way higher than 22% RH. Honestly, I'd be thinking twice and putting the money towards either a chiller, a traditional a/c, or ways to force even more O2 into the nutrient solution (and to constantly immerse the roots in it). But that's just me.

Vipers: Yes, you can use regular consumer-grade 3% H2O2. You'd just end up using 10x the amount to equate to 30% strength of course. You'll have to figure out which way ends up being cheaper. 30% is more expensive but I don't remember if it was 10 times more expensive. Places to look for it are shops where beauticians get their stuff (just ask one) and Google (lol). Type 30% hydrogen peroxide into the search box and when the results page comes up, click on the Shopping link on top of the page. I just did and got 1,657 results. Pay attention to the "grade" of the product as they will be intended for different uses (and thus have different ideas of what is acceptable for the other 70%).
Too lazy to quote:

With an oil-cooler, radiator, etc., I would be concerned that the nutrient solution flowing through it might leach some undesirable elements from what the thing is made of since it doesn't have to be "food grade" or otherwise safe in any way for human consumption. Maybe rig up a "non-contact" type of cooler where something other than the nutrient is circulated and then used to indirectly cool the solution in some manner?

Swamp coolers by definition work by adding humidity. You could hang a wet towel in front of a strong fan and crudely do the same thing. As the moisture evaporates it becomes humidity. If you've got 22% RH and a non-sealed grow room with constant air-refreshing then I wouldn't expect it to ruin you humidity-wise. But then again, I wouldn't expect it to really cool things off, either. You'd have to play around with lessening the air-refreshing so as to keep the cooler air produced by the heat that is consumed in evaporating the moisture without keeping so much that the humidity builds continuously. The higher the humidity the less efficient a SC is. And... Bud rot is a much bigger buzz-killer than lower yields and less dense buds are and that would be a pretty big concern of mine if I were in your situation and was considering a SC. Although 22% RH is a far cry from bud rot conditions, the plants are going to be using their inbuilt method of evaporative cooling at the same time and you can bet that the internal humidity of them will peak way higher than 22% RH. Honestly, I'd be thinking twice and putting the money towards either a chiller, a traditional a/c, or ways to force even more O2 into the nutrient solution (and to constantly immerse the roots in it). But that's just me.

Vipers: Yes, you can use regular consumer-grade 3% H2O2. You'd just end up using 10x the amount to equate to 30% strength of course. You'll have to figure out which way ends up being cheaper. 30% is more expensive but I don't remember if it was 10 times more expensive. Places to look for it are shops where beauticians get their stuff (just ask one) and Google (lol). Type 30% hydrogen peroxide into the search box and when the results page comes up, click on the Shopping link on top of the page. I just did and got 1,657 results. Pay attention to the "grade" of the product as they will be intended for different uses (and thus have different ideas of what is acceptable for the other 70%).

yes bud rot is a big worry for me when thinking of using a swamp cooler.

i think sometimes you guys forget i am running a hempy setup so a chiller isn't going to help me since its drain to waist. a traditional A/C can not be mounted in my grow room. and i can add air stones because my plant roots are sitting under sunshine #4 and tons of perlite in a 2" res. Its one of those deal where witch ever way you try you get Fu*ked. it really sucks. its just a shitty room to grow in, but i have no choice but to get a tent and throw it in my room and keep things cool with A/C. as to me looks like the tent is my only option beside a swamp cooler
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