A Calamitous Cascade Of Catastrophes

Sue - You once asked me which CBD strain I'm using for my chronic pains. Truth is I've had a hard time finding a strain that works for me and my pains. I tried one last year that was pretty good, but it was grown by a friend and he did not take any clones.... I believe the strain was named something like..... no.... I can't seem to remember. BUT!

A couple of days ago I cut a bud of bubbleicious and I decarbed it in the oven for about an hour before I smoked it. That one sure is nice. It really medicate my body in a nice way. It doesn't take the pain - nothing does, not even morphine. Not at all - But it does take the edge away from it, and that's all I need really. It makes the pains tolerable. The strain is supposed to be high CBD and medium THC. I have seen data claiming the medium thc is actually as high as 20-24%. Have not seen any charts stating CBD levels. So that sucks a little.

Anyway - I think my answer for now is Bubbleicious, but will keep on searching!

Good to hear DeVille. I'd like to see you come up with something akin to a balanced ratio and try that. The evidence world-wide is overwhelmingly in favor of 1:1 for chronic pain, and after all my study I can see why. It won't work for everyone, and it won't work every time even for someone that ratio works for, but the majority of the time it should give the relief you need.

Sometimes, the best we can get is relief from the relentless pounding of pain, where you know it's there but you simply don't care about it. This, in my opinion, is one of the best advantages of cannabis.

And no nasty side effects. :battingeyelashes: :love:
Hey SweetSue thanks for the advice although after a quick Google I'm still unsure as to what apigenin is, I'll have a more thorough read shortly.

One thing I've been considering is using some cannabis that hasn't been decarbed for my next run (I already have a plant chopped, trimmed and drying ready). This way I'm thinking that I will still get the CBD without the THC which I'm guessing is what freaks me out, it seems a waste not using the full spectrum of the THC but have any studies been done on THC-a that suggest it could be harmful? I haven't seen any and it may well be good for me, what do you think?

THCa is actually turning out to be very beneficial in treating inflammation. It's a staple component in the best topicals on the market, which typically have 60% THC, 40% THCa and a smidgen of CBD to potentiate the THC. It may well be a good alternative for you, but it's THC that counters the pain in the most profound way, stopping the signal in two places as it races to the brain and slowing the neurotransmitters that scream "PAIN!" If you take THC out of the mix you reduce the pain effect for immediate relief.

I'd rather you find a way to keep the THC high, add in some THCa for extra punch and balance it all with CBD, possibly in a 2:1 ratio CBD:THC or higher, to counter the psychoactive agitation you're experiencing. You're obviously sensitive to something in the terpene mix. It's not the THC that's giving you problems, IMO, it's the terpene profile.
Thanks for the advice Sue, I have my Incredible Bulk x White Strawberry Skunk (named it Incredible Skunk after some collusion with Mr A) finishing shortly so I'll wait on making the oil then add some non decarbed bud to that, this way I'll have some of the THCa added in there. I'll let you know how it goes :hug:
Sorry Kraize, I forgot to answer your question. :oops:

Apigenin is a flavinoid, a compound that we use to increase bioavailability for cannabis because it keeps the liver enzymes busy, making it possible to sneak more cannabinoids through without being metabolized. Once they're metabolized they don't have the medicinal values we were hoping for when we ingested them.

This is a post from Cajun's thread that explains bioavailibility from this perspective.

The bioavailability of cannabinoids is lower when taken on an empty stomach or more accurately an empty liver. Oils are metabolised mostly in the liver and by eating fat 30 minutes before administering cannabis oil the liver will be otherwise occupied when the medicine starts to circulate. A tablespoon of coconut oil is widely considered to be a healthy and effective option. Other supplements can be taken with or mixed into this coconut oil..

The eating of the coconut oil is to otherwise occupy the liver. Coconut oil is easily absorbed by the small intestine and transported to the liver. This makes coconut and cannabis infusions/mixes particularly inefficient. For a liver problem it would be a very efficient delivery method however it's perhaps still not always the best as vasodilation might be an issue. Your blood vessels (especially in the digestive system) become larger, allowing for increased blood flow, which is normally ok. However for people with gallbladder/liver problems, this means immediate inflammation and potentiall pain, despite any anti-inflammatory effects.

Cajun has since refined his protocol to replace coconut oil with extra-virgin olive oil. There's turning out to be some concerns about the use of coconut oil, and it's a significant enough concern in the clinical world that they're beginning to request we avoid it as a medicine. This is all new to us.

Just because a cannabinoid has found it's way to the liver does not however mean that it will remain there to successfully treat any disease there.
As mentioned before the enzymes that metabolise cannabinoids are mainly found in the liver. A cannabinoid entering the liver is more likely to connect with an enzyme and be metabolised than to connect with a cancerous cell. This makes liver cancer a trickier one to treat without additional supplements.

Beneficially certain plant molecules are metabolised by the same enzymes that metabolise most THC molecules. The enzyme is called CYP2C9 and the molecules are apigenin and amentoflavone. Apigenin can be found in tablets and certain foods and amentoflavone is available in supplements for weightlifters such as Amentomax. These molecules, as well as having additional benefits, will give the enzymes "busy work" allowing the cannabinoids greater opportunity to circulate, connect with and destroy mutated cells both in the liver and throughout the body
Wow that was quite the eye opener Sue and I actually used Coconut Oil to dilute my oil with. I do have to think about my liver as I've been a heavy drinker most of my life and am currently going through the withdrawal process again due to inflammation and the pain of it, now I'm wondering whether this could actually be exacerbating the situation. Needless to say my next batch will be using extra virgin cold pressed olive oil and I'll try to look for some of this Apigenin. In the meantime I think I might just try breaking the capsules and taking the oil sublingual as I made 100 and must have around 70-80 left. Thank you, thank you a lot Sue :hug:
So to try it as it should be I've tried one of the undiluted capsules. To say I have a sense of trepidation is an understatement and I'm not sure that's the best way to start but let's try it properly. If I come back on talking shit with my brain melting later apologies in advance, for now I'll try one of these I've been keeping. I went for the big one :cco: :hug:
Well the less said about my undiluted oil experiment, I guess I'm just not cut out for max strength dosing and it's been an interesting week to say the least. All the energy and enthusiasm that I needed but way too high to do anything :)

Anyway back on to the current grow. Due to my son wanting a party at the house in a couple of weeks I won't be putting any of the vegging plants into flower and the big tent (flowering) will be closed down for a short while once my two plants in there are finished.

The Killer Skunk is looking a straggly mess and was pretty camera shy so no pictures of her until she has had a clean up and put a little more weight on.

But as for my Incredible Bulk crossed with White Strawberry Skunk which has been named Incredible Skunk I'm impressed!

Her buds are heavy, dense, sticky and swelling nicely now that she's nearing the end. She wasn't camera shy at all, in fact she was strutting her stuff:


Going a little closer in we can get some of those colours that are coming out:




Finally let's have a look at those buds and some sugar shots:





The veg tent is still plodding along nicely and I'll update on that when the plants are getting ready to be put in flower. Until then may your buds be forever bountiful, and beautiful too :thumb:

What lovely colors Kraise, not to mention structure, bud development, the abundant sprinkling of trichomes loaded with more oil..... :slide:

Quite a nice cross she turned out to be. Pat yourself on the back for me. :high-five:

Had a chuckle at the potency of your oil. It's a trial and error process. :battingeyelashes:
Hope all is well in your world.

How did this grow turn out?

We would love to be updated with some pictures and info.

How about posting a 420 Strain Review?

If you need any help with posting photos, please read our Photo Gallery Tutorial.

I am moving this to Abandoned Journals until we get updates.

Sending you lots of love and positive energy.

Hope all is well in your world.

How did this grow turn out?

We would love to be updated with some pictures and info.

How about posting a 420 Strain Review?

If you need any help with posting photos, please read our Photo Gallery Tutorial.

I am moving this to Abandoned Journals until we get updates.

Sending you lots of love and positive energy.


Mate it went well, I've been mainly turning everything into oil nowadays as my dried crop always looks terrible, but the potency is definitely there and I'm loving the relaxing effect it gives me when I balance it properly. Hope you're well over there, I'm just about to get another grow on the go too ;)
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