Big Bud & Green Crack Grow Journal with Pics

Hey man thanks again. I was able to get a few things I'd been dragging my feet on, including some Sohum for my son to start his autos.
@CoffeeShopSeeds @Mars Hydro this is what happens if you marry the two :cool:


NB Watering by dunking so only every other day instead of 3 times a day lol
Seems to be working
Garden is looking great mate. I was tempted by Big Bud when I was looking at seeds last week but went with the Skunk and Pungent Skunk instead. After just harvesting and trying white widow I'm wanting to do more of the old classics.
Garden is looking great mate. I was tempted by Big Bud when I was looking at seeds last week but went with the Skunk and Pungent Skunk instead. After just harvesting and trying white widow I'm wanting to do more of the old classics.
Big Bud was selected by @CoffeeShopSeeds together with Green Crack as a sponsored grow
I also have some Chunky Skunk & Blue Stilton which I'm thinking of doing a clone sog through summer when I can have the windows open lol
Also I can keep mummy out of the tent summertime and just pick off clones, then flower her at the end
BB grows like a Sativa, if the top cola fattens up like it looks like it will we are in for some big fun
Smells pretty funky too :cool:
Pretty quiet round here today so I have been playing with my camera again - BB is a beautiful plant, love it
The sprogs are Cosmic Bomb, Cherry Bomb which I will probably max out in 10L pots as the BB/GC will finish at about the same time so I will suddenly have lots of space :O)

I don't care if the mods ban me - Putin should do the decent thing and shoot himself in the head
He is deluded and mentally stuck in the Middle Ages
I'm sorry, but it makes me weep
After 20 years of diplomacy, putin has turned it back to Russia v THE WORLD
Back to the bong... lol
Hello darkness my old friend, I've come to talk with you again
Completely pissed off my girlfriend and she has left me (my drink problem)
I'm a waste of space, I should let her go and find a proper life
I feel like a waste of spunk, yeah
But I am proud to announce that after Monday I will never, ever drink alcohol again
And I will win her back eventually, because I love her
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