Big Bud & Green Crack Grow Journal with Pics

Hey @Growings I feel your pain friend. Don't be hating on yourself. It's always possible to turn over a new leaf. :passitleft:
Hello darkness my old friend, I've come to talk with you again
Completely pissed off my girlfriend and she has left me (my drink problem)
I'm a waste of space, I should let her go and find a proper life
I feel like a waste of spunk, yeah
But I am proud to announce that after Monday I will never, ever drink alcohol again
And I will win her back eventually, because I love her
I hope you fix everything. Situations like this are never fun. I have been there before and lost a lot. If you ever need anyone to just vent out to or just hit up to get your mind off of it hit me up bud.
I hope you fix everything. Situations like this are never fun. I have been there before and lost a lot. If you ever need anyone to just vent out to or just hit up to get your mind off of it hit me up bud.
Cheers mate, yes, I do need to sometimes
Just the offer is enough my friend, thank you bud :Namaste:
Fekin insomnia again, this is my fave plant
Fekin insomnia again, this is my fave plant
Good morning my friend @Growings So so sorry to here of your difficulties.
Giving yourself shite isn't helpful.
Your a good man with a good heart and we all think the world of you.:green_heart:
The drink is a killer and destroys lives, long back story but I am not a fan.
I'm over 25 years sober and it was the best thing I ever did for me and my family.
It's hard my friend but if you can move forward sober you will have the best life you can.
If you need a shoulder pm me any time please,
When I broke the vertebrae in my back the doctors put me on fentanyl.
Might aswell handed me a pistol.
Destroys and kills , that shit is horrendous gets right into you bone marrow.
But my point is pot helped me get off that shit, before I died permanently. :eek:
That and the love of a good woman, my Angel Stacey. :love:
It'll be hard as shit to do , but you have to change your habits and routines.
And maby some friends if they don't support you.
Getting stoned makes everyone giggle, you get those same people drunk together and guaranteed someone will be looking for a fight.
Get a good supply together and have a smoke when you feel like a whiskey.
I assume that's the issue, I'm Irish give us whiskey and look out.
Just know we are here for you and support you no matter what. :thumb:
Wishing all the best my friend.

Stay safe :cheesygrinsmiley:

Oh yeah, Simon and Garfunkel, amazing song.
Sorry to hear about your girlfriend, Growings. I hope you can kick alcohol for good. Like Bill said, it's just not good for you, mentally or physically. :hug:
Vet - Cheers Dude
I can't bong it out of my mind and I feel somehow guilty that I can't do more to help
It happens, usually preceded by SH
Grow well and stay safe my friend :Namaste: :peace:
I know how you feel mate. The end of Putin can't come quick enough.

Sorry to hear you're going through a rough patch buddy. I saw alcohol kill my uncle. That's the path he chose unfortunately but you obviously don't want to go that way. Reaching out is the hardest part for many of us with addiction and mental health issues. If you need a chat just give me a shout.

Have you tried valerian root extract to help with sleep?

Plants are looking great! :thumb:
I know how you feel mate. The end of Putin can't come quick enough.

Sorry to hear you're going through a rough patch buddy. I saw alcohol kill my uncle. That's the path he chose unfortunately but you obviously don't want to go that way. Reaching out is the hardest part for many of us with addiction and mental health issues. If you need a chat just give me a shout.

Have you tried valerian root extract to help with sleep?

Plants are looking great! :thumb:
Cheers Vet - appreciate it mate
Still getting the twitch and heading for the fridge at times out of habit, so just taking it one day at a time at the mo
Thanks again :Namaste:
Time to pot up some seedlings
Because they are leggy, I will bury them in an intermediate 1L pot to develop the root ball
If I put in a 5L pot straight away the roots would all just drive down so, this prevents that from happening
Hi Growings. Your plants and photographs are quite exquisite. This point about the roots is an important one for me to note. This is my first time growing seedlings in solo cups and I am not sure how I will handle the up-potting yet. My seedling is leggy too.
Hi Growings. Your plants and photographs are quite exquisite. This point about the roots is an important one for me to note. This is my first time growing seedlings in solo cups and I am not sure how I will handle the up-potting yet. My seedling is leggy too.
Hello Carmen - Thank you!
Yes, ideally i want the root ball as close to the cotyledons as I can, and this way new roots will form from the buried section of stem, ie outwards from the stem, since they can't go any further down
The intermediate pot should only measure the from the bottom of the fibre pot to canopy top + 2" or so

Basically, put a hand full of medium in your big pot and stand the baby in it, then look at eye level to see where that would put the top of the leaves, ideally about 1" above intended soil level
Then back-fill, gently firming to make sure she stays upright and centered
Leave a little extra for sinkage when I first water - I can top the soil up another 1/2" if I need to
After a few weeks the rootball will have filled all of that pot and you will have the ideal shape ready for final pot

If you need any further info on this method when you up-pot, fire away :cool:
Thanks for dropping by
Hello Carmen - Thank you!
Yes, ideally i want the root ball as close to the cotyledons as I can, and this way new roots will form from the buried section of stem, ie outwards from the stem, since they can't go any further down
The intermediate pot should only measure the from the bottom of the fibre pot to canopy top + 2" or so

Basically, put a hand full of medium in your big pot and stand the baby in it, then look at eye level to see where that would put the top of the leaves, ideally about 1" above intended soil level
Then back-fill, gently firming to make sure she stays upright and centered
Leave a little extra for sinkage when I first water - I can top the soil up another 1/2" if I need to
After a few weeks the rootball will have filled all of that pot and you will have the ideal shape ready for final pot

If you need any further info on this method when you up-pot, fire away :cool:
Thanks for dropping by
That's very helpful thanks Growings. She is 2.5 inches from the soil in her solo cup but she only went into the solo cup yesterday, so I'm afraid to move her again until she is a little more established. I guess I will have to play it day by day and see where she's at tomorrow. Every time I look at her she appears taller lol.
That's very helpful thanks Growings. She is 2.5 inches from the soil in her solo cup but she only went into the solo cup yesterday, so I'm afraid to move her again until she is a little more established. I guess I will have to play it day by day and see where she's at tomorrow. Every time I look at her she appears taller lol.
Have you filled the solo cup to the brim?
You're going to be burying that anyway so you may as well start the process asap
Have you filled the solo cup to the brim?
You're going to be burying that anyway so you may as well start the process asap
Thanks for your advice Growings. Do you think I should go into a 1 liter first or straight into a 4 L? The solo cup was almost to the brim and I just filled the remaining 1cm or so. I also moved her closer to the light but not sure if that was a good or bad idea. She is now 33 inches from the light. I guess I will know in a few hours if the light is too much.
Thanks for your advice Growings. Do you think I should go into a 1 liter first or straight into a 4 L? The solo cup was almost to the brim and I just filled the remaining 1cm or so. I also moved her closer to the light but not sure if that was a good or bad idea. She is now 33 inches from the light. I guess I will know in a few hours if the light is too much.
If I have time, I go for 1L first so the root mass is high as possible when I put in final pot
If the solo cup is packed with roots you'd probably be fine going straight to 4L; problem is, you'll have to bury the root ball so deep that you'd only be using the bottom half of soil for a few weeks - that's the idea behind the intermediate pot, to position the roots correctly
A lot of folk say don't repot autos - but I do it all the time no problem, esp if I'm trying to correct a lanky plant with the intermediate pot
Suppose it is a bonus of using small plastic pots, really easy to up-pot (just plant an empty pot the same size your babieis are in, then simply drop your plant into the hole), plus I can water by dunking/flood & drain
Anyway, I'm waffling now and I haven't even had bong yet lol :hookah:
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