Blue Dream & Chocoloco x Jack's Cleaner 2: Outdoor Zone 9B, Central Coast Cali

I would watch feeding for a bit. Like you said it shouldn't be a problem. Thing is. If it does cause problems there is not much plant to deal with and survive the problem.

I drop my seeds right into soil that has nutrients so I know they can take it. Some don't like it at all though. As with anything the better start they get the better everything else goes from there. It is going to be real interesting watching your plants in full sunlight.
If it does cause problems there is not much plant to deal with and survive the problem.
Gotcha! Makes sense looking at it from this perspective. The soil I prepared for them did not have much nutrients if any at all. I thought I documented the seedling mix I prepared for them and now I can't find it. I wanted to be cautious because a lot of people mention to wait to feed until first true leaves are considerably out and then it is light feeding.

I probably should have diluted it further just for them. They are all at different stages. Makes sense the require much less. One of those common sense things that I didn't consider. Blame it on...:yummy:
Houston...we have a problem! Opened up the greenhouse to find this poor baby like this. Salvageable? I decided to give all the babies a little watering. Any chance it could have been the compost tea? I personally doubt it but just curious because the other one looks perfect.


Houston...we have a problem! Opened up the greenhouse to find this poor baby like this. Salvageable? I decided to give all the babies a little watering. Any chance it could have been the compost tea? I personally doubt it but just curious because the other one looks perfect.


You're just going to have to sit it out on that one. Sometimes you have to be careful with watering seedlings. If you get water over the codolydons and the first set, can cause to rot and not open. Is that a possibility?
You're just going to have to sit it out on that one. Sometimes you have to be careful with watering seedlings. If you get water over the codolydons and the first set, can cause to rot and not open. Is that a possibility?
Know what... when I watered them with the compost tea, I also foliar sprayed all of them. Hmmm...I wonder if a droplet stayed on their longer than it should have. From the sounds of it...I shouldn't foliar spray them this young anyway.
She will make it just gonna have to wait her out, but i wouldnt foliar feed until they get a little further into veg
Thanks. Yeah, lesson learned. I won't be doing that again. Speaking of veg. When do you start counting their veg age (weeks in veg)? When they first sprout, is that the start of week 1 or after the first set of true leaves are out?
Yeah...that baby is done. I'm going to germinate some more Loco Cleaner seeds because I don't want to risk getting a male from my lone seedling. I'm thinking of doing 4 more seeds as I have some grandiose plans for an indoor grow utilizing an existing structure in my garage. It will be a separate grow journal though since it will be different parameters. I'll leave you all in suspense about that until I get it setup. And when I say grandiose, I mean very hillbilly macgyver kind of sh#%! Haaa haaaa

Now for the bad news...

Good news, the #2 baby looks great!
I decided to germinate 4 more Loco Cleaner seeds. I'm going to include them in this journal instead of creating another one. Since they are not too far behind it makes sense to just put them here.

After talking to @Jackalope about these genetics, I decided to not dedicate these 4 for my upcoming indoor grow. I will be growing them outdoors instead. They will all get 15 gallon fabric pots with my own organic super soil mix.

4/4 germinated within 24 hrs in a soaked paper towel.

I changed things up a little with my seed planting method this time around so it will be interesting to see how they handle it. Has anyone else ever tried these mini fabric pots?

They are biodegradable, roots break through this material more effectively than peat pots, and they promote air pruning. From what I have read, they can dry out quickly though so I will need to watch them closely. My plan is to keep them in these pots for the next few weeks and try to observe the root growth as it approaches the sides of the pot. I would like to then move them into their final pots. I know...I is not recommended to jump up suddenly. I just want to give it a try and formulate my own opinion and observe how they perform specifically with these pots and if transplant shock can be minimized using these. Nobody tell @Emilya or I might get yelled at for jumping up. We literally just had a convo about this yesterday or the day before. :laughtwo: what can I say, I'm a rebel! ;)

I also opted to make my own seedling soil mix by using my fine dirt sifter. I sifted compost, coco coir, peat moss, and perlite.

I also decided to amend my seedling soil with some nutrients. I did not add much though. I added worm castings, Bio-Live, alfalfa meal, kelp meal, azomite, mykos, and azos. I also added more mykos and azos in the seed hole. Not sure if the nutrients will harm the seedlings but my logic is that by the time it starts to break down and thrive, the youngsters will be old enough to utilize it. We'll see I guess.
Some updated pics of the new Loco Cleaner babies. All 4 are finally coming out. #3 is definitely looking good! They'll catch up in no time, I hope. The soil dries up fast in these fabric pots. Have to stay on top of spraying the top couple inches. I did have them in a warm room that has low humidity. It was sucking them dry. I alleviated that by putting them in a container and watering the basin so it can slowly draw up water. Today, I put them outside in an indirect but bright spot. Now that all 4 are out, tonight they'll be going into a repurposed lizard cage that is currently empty (4ft L x 2ft W x 15in H). I'll have grow lights in there for 18/6 until they are ready to be hardened off for outdoor living in the greenhouse. I'll be bringing the Blue Dream and Loco Cleaner #2 inside tonight as well.




I did some water weight calculations yesterday for the Blue Dream and Loco Cleaner #2. They are still in 4" CowPots. Their filled dry weight was 6oz.
After a minimal watering of 1/4 cup and topping them off with more seedling soil (dry), this was their weight. They should be good for another few days before needing water again.

LC #2 = 10.7 oz
BD #1 = 9.1 oz
BD #2 = 10.2 oz
BD #3 = 9.5 oz
These are updated pics of the new Loco Cleaner seedlings. I got them setup in a dedicated spot in thre garage. I have them under a couple cheap 24" LED grow lights on a shelf. They are about 7 inches away. I have them running at 18/6.


#6 has some discoloration on a leaf. Not positive why.


Here is what the temps looked like from midnight 4/20 until midnight 4/21.


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Hey bud! Here's what I use. It is not the most sophisticated equipment and quite affordable. It is called Ecowitt. The app kind of sucks but i got that graph off the website instead. That's what I mainly use. You can setup alarm notifications as well which is useful. If you decide to get it and need some help with the setup (it can be a bit clumsy on the instructions), just let me know. I'd be happy to help. This kit is like a starter pack. You can use the built in sensor on the gateway and you get and extra sensor.
Screenshot_20200422-055246_Amazon Shopping.jpg

Here is just the gateway without any extra sensors if you only want to use the built in sensor. If you want more sensors, then you have to buy more individually.
Screenshot_20200422-055039_Amazon Shopping.jpg

This is the sensor that I am using with the seedlings. I am also currently running a WH32 sensor and a soil sensor. I'll eventually get more soil sensors too (up to 8 on one gateway).
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The babies got a top dressing of worm castings this afternoon. I watered them with a light silica and aloe vera water. The cheapo grow lights seem to be doing pretty good so far.
You sure are giving your starts lots of stuff. I am not saying it is wrong as I don't know exactly what your soil has in it. Starts don't need a whole lot for the first week or so. Just be careful and you should be good. Don't try and push them to much early on.

Thanks for the info on that app. I will be looking into it.
You sure are giving your starts lots of stuff. I am not saying it is wrong as I don't know exactly what your soil has in it. Starts don't need a whole lot for the first week or so. Just be careful and you should be good. Don't try and push them to much early on.

Thanks for the info on that app. I will be looking into it.
I didn't have any nutrients in the soil. That was a mistake on my part thinking I shouldn't add anything to the soil yet because they wouldn't need it. That is why I am playing catch up a little and doing the worm casting top dressing in the hope that will feed it a little. The silica I thought would be good to help strengthen the cell walls in all stages. It was a very light dose. About 1/4 of the suggested ratio. Same with the aloe. I figured it would be good to feed the soil a little with it. I appreciate any wisdom. I definitely don't want to love them to death but I also need to make sure they have the necessary nutrients to make it to the next stage right?
I don't think any of that stuff is bad for them. I really don't know I don't add anything to my water at all. I don't even know anything about the silica. The soil I use has nuits in it. It is not like starts can't handle nothing at all. They don't need it though. Worm casting might do them some good and should hurt. Like I mentioned just be careful early on.
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