Budworshipper's New Organic, DIY, CFL, Grow

Looking,good. I have been wanting to dig into atrains technique and figure out what it is but haven't been able to yet. Looks interesting!

I'm sure that molasses will serve you well! Other than the cal, fe, and mag it provides a huge boost of sugars and energy for the living stuffs in the soil, so I read. Others claim larger yields from using molasses, sweeter buds, so on, as well from using molasses, which I have read is probably due to improving the soil health that in turn benefits the plant rather than a direct benefit to the plant so much. I did study chemical engineering but I'm sure no botanist so I'll have to take it on faith lol
Hmmm haven't seen that done before what exactly is "ponytailing" supposed to do?

If I were to guess, keeping bud sites closer together in order to make one big fat juicy stanky dank cola!
Well BW would end up with one big cola regardless of if he does this training or not, im wondering if it isnt to shed more light to the side branchs, thats my guess as to why he's doing it but im really not sure thus why i asked lol. I know autos are a little different when it comes to training since if you stress them too much it sets back the progress since autos are on a set schedule.
Your right lex... Its all about more light into those lower branches at a young age.... Its what he used on POTM...

He does have light above and up close cfls during his ponytailing....

I have just undone the tie on her ...

The sugars do indeed feed the bacteria n beasties in the soul.... Just like an aquarium filter, its the bacteria thats the real filter.... May mother nature bless nitrifing bacteria

to further show what the ponytailing is trying to do...i ve took a pic of the canopy,after ive done it......

too compare with the pic of yesterday.....

a nice big hole around the stem...for light to flood into.....


now with the ponytail on

i can see the logic behind the theory.....and stuff around the stem is growing nice n quick right now too..

just thought id show it from other angle

Makes sense to me as well. I wouldn't have thought to do that kind of training lol however I find it an interesting method nonetheless.
Good morning Bud,
Great posts and great journal.
I love how I learn something new every day and get the opportunity to see creative out of the box thinking in action.
Am so lucky to have had you welcome me onto the site when I joined, and make me feel at home.
You were the 1st of many but you were the 1st
Plants look so healthy, I am envious.
I will have to try out pony tailing with some of my younger girls now that I have seen it in action.
2 more minutes and I can peek into my tent and see how my day is going to be
Hope you have a great day
Good morning Bud,
Great posts and great journal.
I love how I learn something new every day and get the opportunity to see creative out of the box thinking in action.
Am so lucky to have had you welcome me onto the site when I joined, and make me feel at home.
You were the 1st of many but you were the 1st
Plants look so healthy, I am envious.
I will have to try out pony tailing with some of my younger girls now that I have seen it in action.
2 more minutes and I can peek into my tent and see how my day is going to be
Hope you have a great day

thankyou for your kind words OG......

i must admit ive never heard of it before....but as it seems to work,id give it a try..... i too love learning new stuff.....especially on MJ

if my grow journal helps you on your journey,i'm a happy BW :high-five:

my day wasnt too bad at all,thankyou OG....i hope yours was good too.....here we go ol chap :passitleft:
Just a quick note...

Now that the big girl is producing more pistils.... I have flipped the orientation of the bulb 180 degress..

Now the 2700k red part is pointing down towards the plants..

The big girl is now down on the floor and runt seed still up close for max light...

She hasnt gained anymore height really, but leaves are increasing....

The N / Mag deficency doesnt seem to be getting any worse... Happy days

LOL... "what is in this cupboard?" Hahaha

Lovely 420 stealthy job there BW.

That was defo a magnesium deficiency. Go to any pharmacy store to get epsom salts & if all else fails use cocoa powder! It has a hell of a dosage of magnesium contain within it. All chocolates are high in magnesium because of the cocoa powder!

Best of luck with your auto grow bud!
LOL... "what is in this cupboard?" Hahaha

Lovely 420 stealthy job there BW.

That was defo a magnesium deficiency. Go to any pharmacy store to get epsom salts & if all else fails use cocoa powder! It has a hell of a dosage of magnesium contain within it. All chocolates are high in magnesium because of the cocoa powder!

Best of luck with your auto grow bud!
Nooooooooo not cocoa powder, thats for the poor mans MOCHA.
Actually that is a great idea, I never thought about it, and at my house I may be out of milk or bread, but I am NEVER out of cocoa powder
Thanks for the welcome bud!

I've been growing cannabis for 12 years but I have never come across 420 until now. I have seen some things on here that literally had me rolling with laughter. The way some of the guys train their plants are amazing & hilarious at the same time.

No problem. I have amended my soil with zero manure. My soil amendments consist of crushed sunflower & pumpkin seeds which contains higher phosphoric content that bat guano. I use boiled & then crushed raisins for the potassium. Cocoa powder for the magnesium & powdered milk for the calcium, iron etc. Just whack it all in a tote with whatever soil your prefer using & then add beneficial bacteria & fungi... then you add molasses & voila... A cake, I mean a soil rich in all the minerals that your plant will ever need.

I look forward to seeing your plants thrive under your guidance.
All the best bro!
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