Critical 47


Channel+ and Wild Thia


Jiggi, your plants look healthy and happy…is that a baby raccoon? Cute. Cheers
This is my brother's plant, it was just a random seed in a zip. I am thinking he didn't ever turn the light off?
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My brother finally harvested this midget marvel. He said it's just a dark crystal.
Wild Thia
82 days = 11 wks 4 days
2 ft tall and wide, she's definitely doing her own thing in this grow. Not anything like I had expected when this grow started. 💚

A hog knot of a knuckle

Channel +
70 days = 10 weeks
This girl has surpassed her box mate by a few inches. She smells great, they all do. Check out these nuggets she's forming.

These ladies are getting thirsty with all this sun bathing.

Also, this is an auto grow journal.
Wild Thia
82 days = 11 wks 4 days
2 ft tall and wide, she's definitely doing her own thing in this grow. Not anything like I had expected when this grow started. 💚

A hog knot of a knuckle

Channel +
70 days = 10 weeks
This girl has surpassed her box mate by a few inches. She smells great, they all do. Check out these nuggets she's forming.

These ladies are getting thirsty with all this sun bathing.

Also, this is an auto grow journal.
Good looking ladies..........Lady :green_heart:
Wooowee! My butt just puckered! Washing dishes and watched a patrol car ride past my place. Tell you what, I watered them girls this morning and them pots never felt lighter!! I waited til he was at the 2nd stop sign. Bust a move. They're all inside. Even though it's legal with a license; ive put too much into them.
I do think we're in the clear. Cuz I'm sure if he'd of seen them and had an issue I'd be in a conversation with them at the moment and not y'all.
Still, see, lesson learned, don't get too comfortable cuz that's when you let your guard down. An sitting ducks get plucked.
Wooowee! My butt just puckered! Washing dishes and watched a patrol car ride past my place. Tell you what, I watered them girls this morning and them pots never felt lighter!! I waited til he was at the 2nd stop sign. Bust a move. They're all inside. Even though it's legal with a license; ive put too much into them.
I do think we're in the clear. Cuz I'm sure if he'd of seen them and had an issue I'd be in a conversation with them at the moment and not y'all.
Still, see, lesson learned, don't get too comfortable cuz that's when you let your guard down. An sitting ducks get plucked.
Your CBD plants look great in the yard! *😜*🤪*
Until I get some privacy over my fence these ladies are just gonna stay in the house. I rigged the Frankenstein box so I can hang another light along the train I got going already. My husband laughed at me for my paranoia. And then got a chuckle outta what the legal limit is vs how many I've got currently growing. 😆 💚 🤫
He is a bit straight edge, he doesn't drink or smoke or nothing. So this is really cool for me that he's ok with what I'm doing, usually this would be something he's completely against. 🙏🏻
You could always get a Shade Cloth for your ladies /fence :)
yes mam it is ..almsot like camouflage for outdoor plants.
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