DaTenshi's Grow Journal 2014 - 2015

Looks good here, daTenshi. One quick note, banana peel is great as an additive for flowering as it helps to boost flower development along the stem, while powdered egg shells are great for enriching starter mix or for flowering again. Together with compost, bat guano, wood ash and some other shit it goes a long way :yummy:

And now the best thing, NPK of banana peel is 0-3-42 :)
Looks good here, daTenshi. One quick note, banana peel is great as an additive for flowering as it helps to boost flower development along the stem, while powdered egg shells are great for enriching starter mix or for flowering again. Together with compost, bat guano, wood ash and some other shit it goes a long way :yummy:

And now the best thing, NPK of banana peel is 0-3-42 :)

How do you make these things into powder ?With a blender or a dehydrator or what? I use the guanos and woodash but bananas and egg shells id like to add. Im all about treating my plants special
Dry them in the sun and blend them. Some of the finest powder can be used with compost tea or molasses as a liquid fertilizer for flowering. Calcium helpa build solid flowers, raises brix level, and buffers soil. An alternative are oyster shells (94% Ca to 93% of egg shells), but not worth spending money in my opinion.
Coffee grinds have lots of nitrogen but id only used shade grown organic vs some maxwell house or something at the store since coffee absorbs radioactive isotopes from the ground and all the pesticides and its almost half mold ground into your coffee.
I know about the calcium. I give my plants baby formula as the secret(one of) ingredients.
Oh datenshi I responded to your post in the gun debate. I just made it a hour ago or so and hope for more people to give their opinions.
What would be the source of N necessary for flowering in the fertilizer recipe?

Compost has all the nitrogen you need, but this can be pushed even further with blood meal or stinging nettle extract.
Dried blood Bone meal is crushed bone feather meal is bird feathers worm casting is worm poop
Yeah, that's true :)
Old school farmers have a lot of practical knowledge, but rarely know what exactly their plants need in terms of nutrients. Last year I managed to grow the best-looking and probably tye best-tasting tomatoes in my valley cause I knew about nitrogen and potassium hunger. We'll see about that this year :)
I was curious if our horticulture skills in cannabis would apply well to other gardening. Ive always wondered how people at the fairs in october get those 850 pound pumpkins
It will, I started with gardening after doing couple of cannabis grows :)
Late Summer "Hardeners" - Herbs to plant right now, late summer.Catnip, Fassen's (Cat Mint)
Many perennials like Lovage,Leaf Celery,Licorice,Wild Dandelion,French Dandelion, Willow Herb, Sheep Sorrel, Garden Sorrel,Chinese Wolfberry, Sweet Marjoram,Common Marjoram, Foxglove (White,Yellow,Purple),Anise Hyssop,Blue Hyssop,Grolau Chives, Chives,Garlic Chives,Greek Oregano,St. John's Wort,Wild Thyme, English Thyme, French Thyme, Yarrow,Valerian,Catnip,Lemon Catnip,Fassen's Catnip, Chinese Milkvetch...etc

These are just a few examples of the herbs that we offer them really need to be started right now in late summer to get established for the fall. If you can get these plants established before fall, they will overwinter and do real great in the spring. Trust me... they would do great!

2. Late Fall "Overwinterers" - Herbs to plant in the fall

Many herbs need to be planted in the fall in order to provide the cold treatment that the herb seeds in the first spring germination. You need to plan ahead and get ready to plant these seeds in late October generally. It all depends on your local planting zone.

Some of the seeds that you plant in the fall include:Quinine, Wild
Angelica,Agrimony,American Elderberry, Dropwort, Cowslip,Compass Plant,Bilberry,Chaste Tree, Orange Jewel Weed,Wild Bergamot,Bayberry,Hound's Tongue,Hoary Mountain Mint, Mulberry, Wild Quinine, Green Perilla, Purple Perilla,Blue Seeded Poppy, California Poppy,Cow Parsnip, Queens Anne's Lace,Wild Strawberry,Sea Buckthorn,Sea Holly,Schisandra,Witch Hazel,Sweet Violet,Clivers,Cornflower, Passionflower.... etc.
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