Dennise - No Longer The Newest Of Newbies - Not Growing In MG - Perpetual

Jammin, Dennise has been having some health issues so may take her time to respond. That being said, my 144x5 should be here tomorrow. It should be perfect for a 2'x4' tent. I did ask Dennise about this light and will send you a PM with her comments back to me so you can see her opinion first hand, and exactly what she told me. :Namaste:

Good to meet you Mr. Krip, I just wanted to remind you I don't think Jammin can get PM's yet since he's only got 6 posts and I think you need 50. I'm not sure, just what I was told so you may be right. Just didn't want to see you helping by sending PM's that he can't get, That's just extra work on you. But again, you guys know much more about the rules than I do. So I may be way off base. If I'm wrong, I apologize.
Jammin, Just for my two cents (not worth much), I have the Mars 144 x 5 in a 2' x 4' tent and it works great. But it does build up a bit of heat, With my air filtration fan hooked up and even drawing air from the tent top ventilated outside , My tent is usually around 78 - 80 degrees when the light is on but I don't have an air conditioner in there. But my plants are all thriving at that temp. I wish you good luck with your grow!

From what I have read (and if you look far enough back in D's thread you will probably find this) and from what Kingjohn used to say, 84 degrees is the optimal temp for cannabis. That is where I try to keep my tents at all times. :circle-of-love::peace:
Good to meet you Mr. Krip, I just wanted to remind you I don't think Jammin can get PM's yet since he's only got 6 posts and I think you need 50. I'm not sure, just what I was told so you may be right. Just didn't want to see you helping by sending PM's that he can't get, That's just extra work on you. But again, you guys know much more about the rules than I do. So I may be way off base. If I'm wrong, I apologize.

Thanks! I thought he could receive but just not send. However, Jammin, in case you can't receive either, I don't think Dennise would mind me posting here:

High... I run a. 144x5w reflector in my bloom tent... I think it is by far a better light than the Mars II's.... The Mars has a piece of glass over it and after a very short time it gets duller and duller... The reflectors are over 700w and reflect each led and don't run near as hot... I don't even run the fan and filter with the reflector.... I have a lot of lights and have tested quite a few more but I always end up hanging my 144x5w back up... IMO for the money you can't get a better light and for real... The customer service is amazing... That means a lot to me too.... Good luck and I look forward to watching your grow....

Hey Dennise... :circle-of-love: :rollingeyes: :joint: :circle-of-love:
:passitleft: Hi guys... I stole my phone for a bit... Now you all have me bawling like a baby... Thank you so much for all the sweet words... They've figured out the new med they gave for my B/P is what threw me out of wack.. My K ended up over 7 and it's amazing how that can make you hurt... Hence the reason I haven't stolen my phone before now... They knocked me out.... I'd wake up... They knock me out... Feed me... Or I should say try to feed me... Then knock me out again...:thedoubletake: Hopefully since they have figured out the problem the fix won't take long.... Going cross eyed so gotta go.... :love:....:volcano-smiley::thanks::circle-of-love:
:passitleft: Hi guys... I stole my phone for a bit... Now you all have me bawling like a baby... Thank you so much for all the sweet words... They've figured out the new med they gave for my B/P is what threw me out of wack.. My K ended up over 7 and it's amazing how that can make you hurt... Hence the reason I haven't stolen my phone before now... They knocked me out.... I'd wake up... They knock me out... Feed me... Or I should say try to feed me... Then knock me out again...:thedoubletake: Hopefully since they have figured out the problem the fix won't take long.... Going cross eyed so gotta go.... :love:....:volcano-smiley::thanks::circle-of-love:

Well, make that two baby bawlers. I cried when I read your message. Thank you SO much for checking in. I am going to make some special caramels today in your honor. ;-)

Hi Denise i am new to the forum and growing in general. I have been speaking to supergroomer and Sara from mars and they suggested 144x5 for my tent. Supergroomer told me i could ask some questions and im sorry if k am bothering you. But is there a lot of heat build up with these lights? I live in a very hot area and with the ac pumping the closet gets to 77. Also what kind of yield can i expect with 2-3 plants? I am just starting your journal loiks like i need an hour or so. Thank you for your time

:welcome: Jammin and I am so sorry it has taken me so long to reply... I've sorta been tied up...:biglaugh::biglaugh: anywho... I absolutely love my 144x5w reflector... It is literally a plug and play light.... I have several of the Mars II 400's and a Mars II 1200... several Twilight Leds and have tested several other manufacturers... IMO the reflector has grown my best buds and is by far the easiest for me to deal with... I have more medical issues than any one person should have.... but the biggies are type 1 diabetes and MS...:blushsmile: Good times...:high-five: so it is kinda important for me to be able to handle the lights without having to ask for tooo much hep all the time and the reflectors fil the bill for me and IMO for the money they simply can't be beat... I grew a Pineapple Express under a 48x3w reflector and pulled almost a qp off her... I have grow sever rounds now with the reflectors... and they still work like new and another thing that is very important to me is the customer service you will receive from Sara and the team... They are above reproach in my ever be it so humble opinion.... They truly will hump it for you if there is a problem and I'll let ya in on a little secret a birdie told me.... The Mars II's have some type of issue.... the manufacturer of the leds in the unit sent a lower shelf led than they were supposed to and they are having issue after issue with them burning out... Of course they will take care of fixing it but who wants to go to all that trouble...:thedoubletake: I can honestly say I have purchased or received as prizes and gifts from Sara of over 20+ lights and not once :)wood: knock on wood) have I had a single issue.... Also make sure you ask for the discount code from whoever you are working with.... I know it used to be "cofinest" and it probably still is but it will save you a few $$$$ and every penny helps... IMO you are most certainly looking at the best light I have ever used... Now mind you I have never had the opportunity to try their newest light and hope to be able to in the near future but my bill fold and my fella kinda tell me no...LOL Hope this helps a bit and please feel free to ask anything that I might be able to help you with.... Have a blessed Saturday my friend....:circle-of-love:
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